Monday, January 25, 2010


Written by C. Rawen

The moral of this joke:
There were too many China men treated all their friends and relatives so nicely except their own wives, putting everything and everyone first in their daily lifes except their wives, with the limited allowance given to their wives ..... just enough to cover children and family expenses, juggling everything in and out the house without any maid, the wives merely got enough foods to fill their tummies but not having extra money to buy dresses, buy accessaries or visit beauticians. Worst still these China men never would give their wives a hand in household chores.

An overworked sweaty smelly wife got mad all at once when she saw her husband petting and stroking a cat while relaxing and watching TV.

He asked, “Why all a sudden you got so angry? Every month I give you enough household expenses more than my company accountant’s salary.”

His tired wife jealously roared, “WHY? I thought you just need a CAT for catching rats, "hatching kitchens" but not spoiling and “sayang” her like a PET!”



  1. The wife should have married a 怕老婆的男人 like your cousin or that 木tur in Sarikei.

  2. I would advice ALL wives should have married to wifephobia's hubbies!!! But I think only very smart and thoughtful men usually afraid of ladies, because they have too many considerations! (of course there is another type we call them giccolo!)
