Friday, January 15, 2010

A Bully with Two Versions of Triads’ Gangsters
He bullied ones with no background and finally he earned his turn!

Written by Mrs. Money

His last name is Tiong, I should say, if he is a dog dwelling in a city, I would be a kind of cat species crouching in a jungle, we were not associates and neither were friends but he was from my hometown and worst still he was my younger sister’s primary school classmate.

Two years ago I saw him proudly drove a Brunei plate Mercedes convertible near a beach restaurant in an oil town and I chose to suppress my anger and ignore of seeing him. If rabbits got pursued by nasty wolves but eventually wolves would get pursued by fierce tigers; I always believe one of these days those calculating evil bullies would get their turns of punishments from their malicious deeds, nasty plots or wrongful bad mouthing to innocent victims.

He started the whole bad mouthing incident to my eldest quiet sister and he condemned that I was an unethical business lady according to what he had heard from a triad gangster (Such gangster and his relatives had bullied and accused me wrongly of something I never did and said, in a business conflict indirectly plotted by them, I was demanded either to close my business and get out of the city within 24 hours or to give a feast of 10 tables cum advertised on front page, for half a page and broad red letters of apologising for "wrong doings that I did to them." When I could produced evident that I never did or said something to jeopardise such gangster’s bleached new business operation, but they insisted by kept twisting further more stories, I finally knew what they wanted, so I let them insulted, humiliated and wrongfully accused for two straight hours and after two hours they left my ex-landlady white hair tai tai’s office happily as winners, I thought I still can see their sticking tongues and wiggling tails now!) and my sister’s old classmate would rather trust a triad gangster’s words due to he had made a successful business deal with them, as I didn’t buy from him a certain electrical appliances when I first opened my business three years back before the incident, so may be this prompted him to revenge by attacking me unreasonably.

He chose not to trust a girl from his hometown with a pure nice background that I wouldn’t practice something immoral, corrupted and unethical in my business deals and by the way I got my education, exposure, cultivation, capital, abilities and talents in hands to run my business efficiently, the main reason they both bullied me with plots obviously they also thought I was just a single girl unable like the rest of the girls in their world, they thought they were somebody behind me to help me, e.g. may be my eldest sister’s husband or a “Mister” to act as my patron, for them a female simply wouldn’t be able to operate a business without a man behind. God knew that I already ran my business for 4 years successfully before they emerged as trouble makers.

Then I eventually left oil town for good, as too many bad memories lingered as black as sticky black crude oil in my subconscious realm, since I left the town I never feel like returning there anymore without a good reason. Recently, Mr. Money got his oil town relative visiting and staying in my house due to her mother was hospitalized in cat city. She told me her story which was happened less 365 days from now:

One day her Indonesian-maids’ agent came to visit and talk to one of her maids, soon she heard few slapping sounds, so she quickly emerged to figure out what was happening. She saw her maid was crying loudly and obvious slapping marks on her maid’s face. She got so mad and she asked the agent, “Why you slap my maid?”
He replied because the Indo maid did something not right. She told him off, “She behaves in my place, now she is working under my wings, and she is not working for you, why you have the right to slap her without my permission?”

After her questioning, he was not happy that she challenged him, soon the agent began to target on her by saying something very nasty to bully her. Luckily, her brother-in-law emerged on time. Immediately he could sense that something nasty was on, so he asked his sister-in-law, “What’s the matter?”
His sister-in-law immediately pointed to the Indo-maid agent and replied, “He slapped my Indo maid just now.”

He turned sternly to talk to the Indo agent, “You dared to slap her? … You have to check who the dog’s master is before you want to bully a dog! Don’t you know this simple rule?” However, after the lecture the Indo-maid agent still gave him a challenge glance, so he went to his car trunk took out a big parang, he grabbed one of the arms of this Indo-maid agent, pretending wanted to chop off his arm.

Then only the Indo maid agent begged, “Very sorry I slapped the wrong person, I won’t do that next time…….” The rest of the story you can imagine how it ended with, so of course the Indo maid agent scared his shit out and left the scene immediately.

There are two kinds of triads’ gangsters: What I came across previous one was everyday he would chase after innocent or set up victims with his planned traps and plots, or gave wrongful accusation to victims before threatening them for something he wanted, (an example of set up gambling to lure gamblers borrowed more money from him, later he would collect his loaned money by violent and threats to those lost victims). Once after doing his dirty money laundering in casinos in Philippines or else where, his money thus became cleaned and even got people from the Church and political circle respected and admired him and his immediate family members.

The other kind of triad gangster is obeying Chinese’s style Robin Hood ethical standard by protecting the weak but giving lessons to bullies, so Mr. Money’s relative brother-in-law is the kind. She immediately clarified to me, “My brother-in-law though is a triad member but he is not rich at all! But people and his subordinates really respected him and when I asked him why he was not hiding when our government was looking for triads’ gangsters, he said he didn’t steal, didn’t rob and didn’t cheat, and he said by way he is a skilled mechanic, why he has to hide?”

Eventually I asked her, “I am surprise who is that nasty Indo maid agent who slapped your Indo maid?”
She gave me his sir name and what was his business, she finally revealed, “He is from your hometown!”
“Who’s that?” She gave me his Christian name and further description of her Indo-maids’ agent.
“I got it! I know who he is now! He was my sister’s ex classmate!”

“Errr…. May I ask your brother-in-law to act another act to that bully? This time we will use a hot iron instead? …. How about we pretend wanted to burn his foul mouth!?” So I told her my past bad experience bullied by bullies and a bad triad gangster.

Really gilaka! I don’t know a little tiny hometown like mine can produce such a silly bully over the north and he behaved worst than a good kind hearted Robin Hood’s triad gangster! When this bully ran an electrical appliance shop he could only drive a pick-up, but now he could afford a Mercedes convertible by working as an Indo-maid agent, and my friends always asked me, “You know when a Foo Chow man gets richer he also has many … many what? You guess LAH!”

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