Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Diary of Planting Golden Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana)

Flower begins to bloom on May 21st, 2010

Written by Mrs. Money

I only dare to drop down a diary for these cape gooseberry plants this morning after I saw some buds emerged. I got excited so I called some of my closed friends whom I shared seedlings with, so I told them optimistically they will get the fruits soon!


These are the cape gooseberry seedlings on a seedling bed

Bigger cape gooseberry plant

Cape gooseberry seedling's leaf

Cape gooseberry's mature leaf

Cape Gooseberry seedlings

Get the seeds from a cape gooseberry, soak in salt water for a day or two before sowing on compost

Cape gooseberry seeds are like little tomato seeds

Full of seeds inside the golden berry, the fruit is full of aroma good for jam and chutney but many people don't like to eat its seeds

Golden Cape gooseberry that I bought from Singapore but stored in my sister's refrigerator for over a month before I received the berries during Chinese new year

Cape gooseberry that I bought from Singapore

I got a dozen of these mature plants that will bear fruits anytime
Cape gooseberry under passion fruit trees shade

Nearer picture of this little bud began to appear on May 18th, 2010
More buds on this plant

July 9th, 2010, harvested goosebery in Kuching

Proof that gooseberry can be planted and harvested in Kuching. Just make sure you use good soil and must be under the shade. Good tibit for children running and playing in the garden. I gave seedlings to a dozen over of friends and I still have a remaining dozen over gooseberry plants in the garden.

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