Lean your ears this way, we are just gossiping about herbs!

Written by Mrs. Money
My first experience of planting herbs began 13 years ago, I bought all the seeds sowed them into respective marked pots and placed them on window sills to receive morning sun with 24 hours air-conditioner switched on. But when the seedlings all emerged I couldn’t find a single piece of those markings, all seedlings looked the same for me, all the scents also confused me and I didn’t know their applications. Eventually they withered as just another decoration pieces for my office instead!
After such a lecture, I began to buy all sorts of herbal encyclopedia, and I read through them to experience my second herbal plants cultivation during my maternity leave in overseas.
With the newly gained knowledge, I finally learned different kind of herbs and including their applications. I even made my own calendula officinalis oilmen for my newly born baby. Basil seed sowed was the only unsuccessful trial-out, I couldn’t find its marking and I probably treated its seedlings as just another weed.
Six years later when I first moved to Kuching, my first trial-out herb was basil, eventually I learned the best flavor amongst all basils is Genovese basil.
Once my herbal gardening was successful, I began to encourage my friends to try planting different kinds of herbs like me. You are ready to prepare pizza, pasta sauce or pesto sauce anytime you wanted with fresh herbs, you didn’t need to pay a small package of herb flown in from Australia or Cameron highland that cost RM7.90, worst still often when you drove all the way to a special outlet 5 kilometers away, but the exclusive herb that you wanted was unavailable!
I always encouraged ladies to tend their own little herbal garden; you will gain a lot of satisfaction and benefits from those herbs. All ladies who involved herbal gardening with us, during breakfast meet; we love to share exclusive seeds, unusual medical herbs, share plants and planting experiences rather than talking nonsense. Often there were “barter-trade” happened during breakfast, e.g. someone would bring along three bags of “fat Ki Lin Jiau” bananas to her friends, later she happily carried home a bottle of enzyme, tomatoes and Foo Chow red rice wine. Our ladies’ life is definitely more fulfilling than those women without proper hobby but merely enjoyed gossiping to defame other ladies during their breakfast.
I found out ladies who love to plant herbs and do gardening also love to share their gardening tips and secrets, and they all received lots of blessing due to able to share with
Note: My garden looks rather barren for grown up herbs and green vegetables on this year end season of 2010, even basils are mostly withered, however more fruit, herbal and Chinese herbal seedlings were added instead.
I just begin to encorouge my friends planting fenugreek on this year end season, just throw a handful of fenugreek seeds bought from Kuching downtown Indian store to the compost, these seeds got germinated easily with enough water and sunshine. You harvest fenugreek leaves for salad, herbal stew beef or give a quick fry of leaves with eggs, chopped olives and olive oil.
I hope that this fenugreek leaves will become a hit in Kuching city! Happy planting ladies! I remember once somebody interesting told my friend, "If Mrs. Money's flowers become so pretty, but herself might become not so pretty anymore! (She meant that I would become dark and ugly!)"
Lastly thanks so much to all my parents, friends, aunties, uncles, cousins and sisters who gave me all these fruit trees, herbal plants and seeds! I am truly blessed with your attentions on my interests and hobbies。



Lower: Our local wild Cape gooseberry plant





Yellow Ubi kayu seedlings given by aunty Alice. The first batch was harvest on August 2010. My friend Lilian taught me inserting the cut branches in slender to the soil for a good harvest.

Taiwanese species of Eugenia aquea (Jambu air) found by friend Lilian Lee.
Fake cilandro given by aunty Alice
Red herb for blood cleansing given by friend Ah Ing
Chinese herb given by friend Ah Ing
Polygonum chinense given by Mr. Ling
Chinese herb from Mr. Ling
Chinese herb from Mr. Ling
Chinese herb from Mr. Ling
Clerodendranthus Spicatus, white flower cat whisket plant
Andrographis paniculata 穿心莲
Cilandro seedlings
Aloe vera seedling given by friend Ah Choo

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