To Verify Basil Seedlings and Its Plants
Written by Mrs. Money
When you sowed the basil seeds, some other weeds would germinate along with your basil seeds. When I first grew basils I was always confused weeds that would look almost the same like basil seedlings.

In between there were physalis minima seedlings and basil seedings, can you tell the different?

After weeding, this corner of the patch here left only two basil seedlings
This is not a basil plant, this is a weed which looks very similar to basil and worst still these weeds love to thrive amongst basils too! If you are not good in identifying between weeds and basils, what you do is to smell their leaves, basils got nice smell but weeds got only green smell!
The weed looks very similar to a basil plant but got no smell
This is a weed not a basil plant, can you believe "evolution happened" or "mutation happened" for theseweeds that thrived next to basils?!
This is the basil plant that got nice smell when you walk near it
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