Monday, January 25, 2010

The Country Ride

Written by: C. Rawen

To uncle Dunhill and god brother Wira

In frustration of facing work, life and foxy "PiTy" who played office politics, took a good trip to country side, revive and refresh yourself from the beautiful nature before diverting another undertaking.

Only I dared to "borrow" a good old funny wise uncle from his wife for an afternoon, we treassured his wisdoms and who has through all those ups and downs of life!

A Sunday afternoon for us to treasure while others might waste it for a siesta nap!

Up on the breezy hill with uncle Dunhill and Babira’s smoky exchange

Was that Sunday afternoon encountered merely by chance?

Ever you would recall such a sunny day cruising on the country lanes

Our topic conversed and discussed all in similar frequency range

What a PiTy! Life on another backstreet alley

Happiness wasted on beer by caressed poke belly

What a PiTy! Life on another backstreet daily

Relax by up, up down, down sweating with a China dolly

Not a single worry amazed as it magical touch by a wand

Smart ones would engross happy moment never as it waned

Life is too short to lament in frustrated trance

Look up high, soaring your creativity like Eiffel Tower of France

What a PiTy! Life over darkness in contrary

With three kisses left on a cheek of Dolly, Millie’s or Lily's why so silly

What a PiTy! Life with a mask on that changed unpredictably

Friendships thus faked as similar fates as cats of the backstreet alley

Date: 14.08.2007 Beautiful Oil City late at dusk, post greyish rainy sky after a week of uncomfortably dried and hot weather

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