Monday, January 25, 2010

A Bait for A Golden Gate's Hostess

Written by C. Rawen

This is "partially" a true story happened so long ago.

This is a short but a very complicated condensed story, there were so many people got involved in and everyone was not simple minded, there were all sorts of plots and calculations like a short soap opera.

The whole incident happened just within a few short months, but the complications were enough to teach people many lessons of humans' complicated calculative minds, plots and thoughts.

Those who once hurt my sister also once inflicted pains on me. Only forgiveness fades our bad memories!

Once there were two childhood friends who grew up in a town called Rejang. When they finished high school one of the girls moved away, they didn't see each other again until forty years later. It was a time that men met, boasting their past romances; women met, comparing their children's successes. On such occasion, Julia learned from her cousin Judy of Tina's whereabouts.

Pretty Julia married young to a rich merchant. Tina's demureness showed a mediocre outlook, she eventually married late to a poor school teacher. By the time Julia had traveled all over the world, pampered by a caring husband, Tina had to juggle a few jobs to feed her eight growing girls.

It was out of curiosity that Julia arranged Tina's visit. Youthful Tina reflected in Julia's mind when she saw her daughters, she silently predicted Tina's daughters' prettiness must be out of unusual genetic mutation. Julia flattered her, "You look a lot younger than your age!"

Tina humbly replied, "Oh no! You should look at my white hair. I 'm already a grandma! This is my youngest ---- Ginnie is 24 now!"

Julie calculative glance stared once more at Ginnie, she then informed Ginnie, "Oh! My son is also 24, you should meet Baldwin later."

Soon Julia heard the gossip of her son and Ginnie as a pair as she had anticipated. She then called a rich man's daughter, "Coco, why don't you go out with Baldwin anymore? Hurry before someone snaps him!"

As the most eligible girl in Beaumile city, Coco's pride was challenged. Her brothers helped her to thumb down Ginnie at a local club and they probed her relationships with Baldwin until she was all confused and dumbfounded.

In the meantime, Julia's cousin Judy called Tina warned, "You must stop Ginnie going out with Baldwin at once! Julia heartlessly said she just used Ginnie as bait for Baldwin to fish a very rich girl. I tried to convince her that Ginnie was a better housekeeper, but she retaliated me that Coco's wealth could employ as many maids as she wanted to do anything for her."

Coco's brothers then insulted Ginnie of going after Baldwin's money. Without hesitation, Ginnie left Beaumile for good to avoid these hounds.

Julia then contacted one of her nephews to ask him to inform Ginnie's sister of the situation, " --- Hey! Now Baldwin dates rich Coco, my aunty is very happy."

Fully aware of his intention, Ginnie's sister replied, "Oh! Congratulations! Both of their houses have golden gates; what a perfect golden match!"

After sometimes, someone intentionally approached Ginnie's sister again, " --- My friend's aunt said that you are very jealous of her wealth and her son dating Coco!"

Ginnie's sister finally got angry, "My sister has gone for good, she is not in Beaumile anymore, please stop hassling me!"

A year later, Ginnie married into a prominent British family. Being unchallenged to date Baldwin, soon Coco lost her interest of Baldwin’s pursue and she dumped Baldwin to marry a rich partner of her brothers' law firm.

Julia eventually discovered her husband's infidelity and more to her disappointment, Baldwin married a Singaporean *SPG!

A decade later, a brand new golden Mercedes slowed down in front of a faded golden gate.

Ginnie's sister asked me to keep a closer peep and she told me this story.

* SPG Means Sarong Party Girl - Girl who is interested in only rich expatriates, rich men's son or rich men

Summer, Feb. 2003, Auckland, New Zealand


  1. Pffff..who would name their fucking son after a piano anyway?

  2. Oh my dear, hahaha.... that's a made up fake nick name to represent his mediterranean head! If our kindred was used, look up for me, I am good in giving longest finger and nick name at those asses! Sure that popular name will last!
