Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kembayau (Dacryodes rostrata f. cuspidata)

Kembayau under the smoke in frying pan

Written by Mrs. Money

Few days ago, Caleb of NLC General Pest Control Sdn. Bhd.passed me a bag of Kembayau which was from his colleaque. What happened was few months ago they came to my house for fumigation, I gave them both some Mr. Money's dabai, Caleb likes dabai very much but his colleague was not that keen because he prefers kembayau, I didn't know what is kembayau, until Caleb passed the dabai-look kembayau to me.

So what's the different? I think dabai is less oblong, thicker meat and got unique tastier meat. I think foreigner and those young folks who hate dabai taste would prefer kembayau flowery fragrant taste than dabai.

Seeds? If you crack dabai seeds, inside there got nice nut good enough to turn into commercial dabai nut chocolate. When I curiously gave a bite on kembayau seed, my tongue got such terrible acerb taste. Kembayau seed is bigger than dabai seed.

So I fried the kembayau and stored in the freezor, if any oversea returning friends or relative pop in my house, I will fry kembayau rice for them.

Kembayau looks almost like dabai but slightly longer, found in Borneo jungle, Kembayau is more popular for natives staying in northern Sarawak state and Dabai is popular for older folks staying along Rejang river. A Kuching hawker told me that not many Kuching local folks appreciate dabai and I found out not many Sarawakien youngsters like to eat dabai, especially oxidized dabai.

After frying, differences immediately emerged, Kembayau seed is bigger than dabai seed. Kembayau seed got terrible acerb taste when I curiously gave a bite.

Yellowish white Kembayau seed is softer than hard and light brownish dabai seed.

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