Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Written by Mrs. Money

They are like a group of pet lovers, who would acquire a Persian cat to propagate kitties or Husky bitch to propagate puppies but these pets are locked in a cage above 80 degree F with bad ventilation!

There is a group of “very helpful role model” not that wealthy married men living in our community, who usually leave their families in another city to enable their children to attend particular branded schools that they wished to attend. Or in certain cases, there is a good excuse to leave them twenty four out of thirty days in a month alone again living a carefree bachelor life, as in their shared dictionary with their old grandpa saying that the role for a wife is to take care of a family and children, thus a wife and kids are acting like a barge towed behind a tug boat!

These guys would be so helpful to their relatives, friends, churches, political parties, associations and clans. Only after they finished “all” their helps to others, then they began to remember that they got some kids at home with a wife. So he began to feel very guilty, he would rush home the most once or twice a month to pamper and fulfill their kids and wives for two or three days. Everyone of their friends and friends would think that they are the good men as they work hard, didn’t gamble, didn’t look for a mistress and some of them even came to an extend to study religious courses as they are so free without any direct parenting duty involved.

Actually this is the pattern of traditional good married men but when they live in this modern era, they are actually disappointing men for modern thinking highly educated overseas graduated wives and loser-dads for their grown up new age daughters. This kind of traditional men actually are silent selfish controllers, usually they leave their poor wives juggling alone like a single mother without any assisting maid and with the limited monthly household allowance given to manage a family (They would never give their entire salary to their wives to manage, indirectly created unconfident wives as they doubt their hubbies don’t earn much money as given family expenses are so limited) they wouldn’t care if their wives are working or not, whether if their wives still have their respective career ambitions, sometimes they would be very discouraging to their tired overstressed working wives until their wives quit working, “Even you work so hard, but your yearly salary won’t be earning more than my monthly salary!” Their wives hence never know what is called pocket money, a practice of Hong Kong married men, who would give their wives monthly household expenses and in additional specific pocket money either their wives work or not. Pocket money hence became a forever history which their wives’ parents would give them during their studying years and sojourns. Their educated modern wives suddenly got such awakening that their old folks are the greatest beings in this world rather than their hubbies who make them felt they were being cheated and buried in a marriage graveyard.

I heard some older ladies whose old husbands ended staying with their mistresses and children, making such hissing angry remark, “I hated my husband is because he controlled me tactically, he would go out with me paid everything I wanted to buy, though I never worried about what to dress, what to eat or where to travel, but he never gave me any single dime as pocket money, when I wanted to invite my friend for a cup of tea, I also didn’t have money, some friends might think that I was proud as I never wanted to go out with them, but nobody knew that I was penniless!”

These stuck-up dads don’t know a modern term called modern day parenting, their thoughts are very traditional though they can be very open-minded too (they would leave alone their children and wives freedom to do what they want when he is not with them) ….. In short they love to take all advantages of what they wanted to but leaving their silent unhappy wives to carry the sole modern day parenting duty. They think that they go out to work to earn money, with a limited amount they gave their wives in exchanged for their wives’ parenting duty, they would usually made a telephone call to their wives and they love to do that right in front of all their friends to show people that they are a good husband and a good daddy.

These men would have extra money to travel all over the world, donating to their associations or schools, driving a posh car and even flashing themselves in uptown social activities yet nobody has seem their wives or children appearing beside them, they would always made such excuses, “She is in Kuching with young children still schooling, thus I can’t bring her.” Their wives usually would drive a very old troubled car, usually a used unwanted car of their brothers or friends, even if their wives drive a brand new car, their other as traditional brothers would question their sister-in-law, “Why you drive a brand new car? I am richer than your husband, but my wife is still driving a used car!”

Other lady friends of these men also seldom met their wives as they can’t present their simple wives who didn’t have enough money to dress up themselves and to make friends with other lady friends ….. They simply didn’t know that their wives also need money to make friends too.

These men never learned that neglecting their own highly disciplined church-going-daughters at home in this modern era only one day might risk their hard earned reputation, they didn’t know their carefree behaviors with all responsible dump to their wives, their schools and their churches might be earning them shames. It will be too late when they get informed that their daughters are detained in China or Korean airport due to drugs trafficking, and they still caressing their lushly hair quite definite that they never applied any passport for their grown up daughters, “No. She never has a passport, how could she end up in China!”

They don’t know that their grown up daughters need a daddy to talk and confide to when they can’t talk to their respective moms (Odysseys behavior) and to guide them to look for a boyfriend perhaps. They didn’t aware that their unhappy neglected attention deprived daughters by a daddy might end up meeting stranger men in internet, potential involvement in different kind of scandals and risk social security.

In other serious cases, their tired, lonely angry wives even involved in scandals with internet lovers unknown to them. These men didn’t know that there are a larger numbers of con-men, felonies and criminals with all kinds of identities throwing out fishing hooks or waiting beside their computers to use their lonely, angry, neglected daughters and wives for their different criminal purposes.

Gawai got many wedding going on, so such silly men would loan their luxury cars to their relative’s friends for wedding or some senseless men would travel to JB for golfing! During Gawai holiday yet they were not returning home to see their wives and daughters, but who got time being helpful to take a whole car full of ladies from their church activities to go for dinners and visiting tourist attraction centers but got no time to return home to bring their kids for a movie, dinner or sit-down chat. Or even if they returned home a few days after Gawai New Year, due to they were partying late deprived of sleep, so when they returned home readily to get sick but instead they would blame their wives of “overwhelming” them, indirectly wanted their wives to feel guilty to avoid their wives from “interrogating” them!

If you have senseless unwise married male friends with any of the above symptoms, please email this article to show them …. But I know 99% of these men’s hobby is not reading!!!!

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