Tuesday, June 15, 2010


She is no different from prehistoric cavemen, my house is just another Niah Caves but in Kuching!

Written by Mrs. Money

She is still in an age with highest subconscious; soon she will get kicked out from the Garden of Eden!

What a joke if I tell you that God could be a female figure when "et" converted to a physical being in order to live in Garden of Eden. Eve might listen to God’s word if "et" was a male figure and our religious believes would be entirely different. It's just a joke, actually God should be a male figure according to my bible research, but Eve even could disobey her "heavenly father" but rather chose to believe a snake possessed by a devil, Eve had not gained worldly wisdom before she got kicked out from Garden of Eden yet she already got that rebellious defected genes in her.

Eve rather listened to a snake than God, the girl chose to listen the big bad wolf rather than her mom and now my little five years girl never listens to me, when I cooked rice, she wanted noodles, when I gave her milk she wanted oat meal,, when I gave her coke she wanted Ribena and when I gave her sundae she wanted ice-cream cone. When I asked her to return her toys to the basket after she played but she would deliberately dump them under her bed and love to cut the papers and stuck them everywhere and I would clean the house for more than 5 times a day. When I bought her to shower, she would lock the door and I would scream angrily because she pour water into all the bottles of shampoo and body shampoo, anything with bubbles is her favorite. She only behaved if I told her, “Your daddy is coming back home today, so don’t mess up the house.” Either Odysseys behavior revealed on her or she simply got certain rebellious defected genes inherited from Eve!

Many friends asked me should they beat their daughters with a rattan, as laws in USA and Singapore, children shouldn’t be canned. Personally I think they should be canned but not abused. I am expecting lots of social problem in the coming twenty years with children not being canned when they were young.

In the highest subconscious age of 3 to 5, they are half stupid half smart, half conscious half no cognitive awareness and half devil half angel. When they turned into annoying monsters insisted an expensive toy from their poor mommies, due to the laws said “No canning”, so no matter how their mommies tried to cool down the monsters they insisted wanted their respective toys, in front of many onlookers soon their mommies gave way, little monsters won their wars.

After 20 years later, someone offering “yes” kids some drugs, they never learned conditionally of such word called “no” and “pains and rejections” in their subconscious realm, their wills cum wise brains struggling to control their bad actions, drugs and other compulsive bad habits easily become their adult toys!

In an adverse, if mommies said “no” to little monsters, and gave them some painful canning, mommies won their wars. Their little monsters adopted conditioned-learning into their subconscious realm. Twenty years later their friends ask them, “Happy hours. Let’s go looking for pros!” Suddenly their fierce mommies’ face emerged to give them some hesitations and thinking, they can easily let their wise brain and wills under controlled before their bad actions, as they were being taught since young days.

Divorced parents with kids of 3 to 5 will bring them silent hurts in their subconscious realm. I witnessed myself a rich couple who divorced with a daughter at 2 and another around 4. 10 years later the 14 years old girl told me, “I want to be a lesbian when I grow up.” Her behavior wise is really recluse and weird though I really think that she will turn into a very pretty girl yet she behaves with no confidence postures and acts. Their divorced rich dad and pretty mom s both found their respective partners and left the kids to their grandma. However, her younger sister acted very normal and wise. It’s very painful when I think of these two lovely girls, I just pray that nothing bad will happen to them of wherever they are now.


  1. Yeah right, during happy hour, men think with their dicks, there will be no hesitations and thinking.

  2. Haha, this is a good one by you: "Men think with their dicks duirng happy hours!!!!" Up there no conscious when half drunk, so down there got subconscious for ready action!
