Thursday, November 10, 2011


... ...如果女孩平胸(A或B杯),选拔去追求博士学位!







一般来说,所有世界各地的男人,热爱和珍惜妖娆的女子. 老一辈华人男子更珍爱罕见的妖娆女性,因为在老一辈的贫困社会,女孩们吃不饱, 同时保守的女孩从来没有像我们现代的女孩穿着暴露。所以昔日的男人,除非有X射线样的眼睛,让他们选择到'36DD“妻子, 困难例如想赢得一个乐透彩。在保守的中东国家,男性足够聪明,他们从自己的姐妹听到,他们的漂亮朋友或者姐妹的朋友的朋友哪里听到哪里有漂亮的女孩。无论如何,不只是男人喜欢谈论漂亮的女孩,但女孩也喜欢八卦那些漂亮的女孩。


超过三十几年来, 大胸部女性在我的鹰眼中评骘. 我认识到,除非这些大胸部妇女的丈夫是死性不改的花花公子,否则他们大多将有令人难以置信的“能力”来驯服那些顽皮的男人,使他们更改为良成顾家的好男人。这些男人如果出镇做生意或打高尔夫球,当他们遇到“令人兴奋的事情”,由于化学激增,他们的潜意识的头脑会首先出现了他们熟悉妻子的影子,“你永远是我心目中!” 因此,大多数的时候,他们会购买昂贵的礼物, 给足够的爱给他们的妻子和孩子;他们的妻,永远也不用担心没有足够的钱花,但只是担心如何去花自己的钱!

但我什至亲眼目睹坏命运下降平胸女性的婚姻生活,大多数有平胸的妻子的男人,总是独来独往在晚上或周末与朋友在Kopitiam聊天或打麻将。从家里临时缺席或许可以暂时消除在他们心目中丑陋平胸的妻子,他们很少带他们的妻子一起去旅行,他们宁愿拥有一段较长的时间忘记他们丑陋平胸的妻子,虽然他们从来没有寻找妓女, 但偶尔走在大街上会一时去享受眼睛吃冰淇淋以取代他们的丑恶赤裸裸平胸的妻子. 他们沉默沮丧愤怒的妻子通常只有有限的资金用于每月的开销,他们从来没有期待到自己的丈夫会给他们帮手!平胸的女性会每天祈祷说: “谢谢耶稣,只要她们的丈夫不往“更大的胸部”女性的床上跳!

十年前,有一天,我被老叔叔 Uncle Dunhill(家庭老朋友)邀请与他儿子及另一个商人吃午餐。这福州商人是一个傲慢的人,他谈声响亮,废话连篇,他只能对不比他富裕的人用这个专横的方式吹大炮!

然后,他甚至没有直接看我的胸口,只是用他的X射线的眼睛,他间接地说,“你是否注意到,无论多么漂亮的和受高教育的女孩,但如果她无大胸,她很难找到一个丈夫? ... ...通常,即使女孩丑陋的像猪八杰表妹,但如果她有大胸部,她可以轻易地找到一个丈夫!” 是的先生! 我默默的同意,你是该死的正确,我知所有的光棍男人当他们看着我的胸部时都生了X射线的眼睛!我什至有一个专业男性朋友直接暗示我,他只对拥有36DD的女孩有兴趣。


然后,他转身问uncle Dunhill的光棍儿子,'嗨... ...你怎么样,你喜欢大奶还是聪明的一个女朋友?“

让他感到意外的是我老叔叔的儿子告诉他,“我喜欢聪明的女孩!”答复明智也立即地停止 “不雅的论坛”!


我告诉老叔叔,“叔叔,如果满街都充满了有修养, 爱聪明头脑女孩的男人,那么我不会等待了三十多年没有任何满意的男朋友!”我永远感谢我叔叔的儿子在这样的场合站在我身边帮我说话,我多年以后,甚至间接帮助老叔叔设“陷阱”为他的儿子讨儿媳妇,虽然老叔叔从来没有意识到我理解他玩老狼的游戏,,我只是沿着tangoed陪他们玩!最后,我愉快地接受了他们有限的免费婚礼餐!

男女关系几乎就像一个钟摆,如果男人善良的对待他们的妻子,他们同样, 甚至更好的对待自己的丈夫。我们这一代人是处在旧的和现代的交叉路,那些老趋势妇女决不会同意另一个女人说丈夫的坏话因为她们需要依赖她们的丈夫提供社会地位,老时尚的中国妇女和姐妹会骂道她,“你知不知道你在你自己的脸上抹了粪便抹黑了自己?”

抱歉母亲或大姐姐,我真的不知道!我只知道,当我走出Kopitiam时,我也总是好奇心的回头看那些好奇的旁观者,我看到那些陌生人不好意思立即停止说话,因为他们在笑我的丈夫比我矮一个头, 我常觉得非常难堪, 但我的丈夫却感到非常自豪!


我没有这样的经验,也没有这样的一个男人出现在我的生活,使我感到觉得落户有安全感,让我有更好的生活水平,为我提供更舒适的生活,让我可以吹嘘他,让感到感觉良好, 为他自豪,或者可以给我比我自己赚更多钱的钱和财产。我只知道,自从我结婚后,我的职业生涯,声誉和名望成为了昨日的梦想,我10年婚姻的体会是婚姻是职业地狱,我拖地, 在花园除草,每天我从6时站起身来,只能午夜后睡觉,但我丈夫什至没有办法给我每月家庭津贴超过我昔日赚的每月专业服务费的一半,福利比一个印尼女佣更糟糕. 最坏的是在这种婚姻的墓地,逐渐恶化我的自尊,安全,尊重,我感没有任何鼓励, 尊严, 自豪,智力兴奋,甚至不断收到熟悉的朋友们势利与冷落!



年轻的女孩约4 -5岁每月为他们准备的牛肉精,当他们长大,他们将有妖娆的身体。在他们长大青春期每月也不断给他们的牛排和牛肉汤。
对于男孩,为他们准备花生或罗勒根,茎和肉汤,让他们长得更高。 (煮沸至少2至4小时)
牛肉价格是非常昂贵,并不多见,在我的整个童年时代的记忆, 我妈几乎不曾准备牛肉汤过!

Stir-Fried Angled Loofah (luffa acutangula) 炒丝瓜

Written by Money Tai Tai

Chinese Sarawakiens always over-cooked angled loofah, end up not many young generation Sarawakiens who have good teeth enjoy eating it. It is such an expensive dish in New Zealand Chinese restaurant yet we can't find a trace of it in any of our Sarawakiens' Chinese restaurant. We can find this angled loofah everywhere and cheap in our tamu (wet market) but it would cost NZ$9.00/kg in Auckland!

Kuching folks are lucky because now you can buy fresh "black wood ear" cultivated by farmers from main land China in outskirt Kuching, you can buy it from Stutong Tamu.
Slices of carrot and black wood ear (black fungus)

Note: If you want meat on this dish, then use slices of beef or pork marinated with fish sauce, soy sauce, garlic, pepper, vinegar and sesame oil, then fry together with carrot and black fungus

Must use very young angled loofah, cut into big pieces

Fry garlic with oil and salt

(Note: If you have meat, fry meat first before adding carrot and fungus)
Add carrot first then black fungus

After flavored with seasonings (can use fish sauce and black pepper) leave it aside

Now stir fry the loofa with sesame oil with high fire for less than 15 seconds

Within 15 seconds must add the ready cooked carrot and black fungus. Fry the combination for less than 30 seconds. 
Remember NEVER over-cook loofa!

Pumpkin Sugar Cane Flower Soup

East and West meet!

Created by Money Tai Tai

Steam your pumpkin

This is how sugar cane flower plant looks like

Once the top part becomes "pregnant" you must harvest it immediately

Sugar cane flower

Add milk/cream, steamed pumpkin, a few slice of garlic and sugar cane flower (other people prefer sweet corn) to the blender

Blend until fine

Add a spoon of olive oil, pinch of salt and black pepper
For thickened soup, add a spoon of corn starch

Boil and garnish with parsley

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Flat Chest Ladies Married at Your Own Risk!

….. if girls have flat chest (A or B cup), go for your PhDs!

Rare-species men use their brains instead of dicks to think, but they are almost in danger of extinction!

Life is too short to let other insensitive rich Chinawoman-tai tais insulted and hurt on us based on judgments they concluded on if a woman is married to a rich husband or not, or if let those sperm-filled men insulted us if we have flat chests to lower our self-esteem and confident, whereas in our own professional arena where people would look at us with different angle and full with respects.

Don’t waste time, to entertain and to listen to snobbish rich Chinawoman-tai tais without being paid or being acted as fake as them, as you don’t know when they snubbed and criticized behind you! You would be badly hurt once they accidentally leaked from their insensitive conversations!

Written by Mrs. Money

Generally all stereo-type men all over the world love and cherish voluptuous women, older generation Chinamen like voluptuous women even more because in olden days, poor Chinese girls were not well fed like these days; to ‘see’ a voluptuous woman amongst conservative poverty-infested societies was very hard because in olden days, girls never wore something revealing like our modern days. So unless those men in olden days got X-ray kind of eyes to enable them choosing a ‘36DD’ wife or else it was as hard as like winning a 4Ds. I read that in the conservative middle-east countries, men smart enough to learn where to look for beautiful girls from their own sisters’ circle of friends, or friends’ friends. Anyway, not just men love to talk about pretty girls, but girls also like to gossip those pretty girls too.

I have seemed those married women with big busts under my eagle eyes for at least more than three decades, I realize unless those women’s husbands were born as playboys, or else most of them would have such incredible ‘power’ to turn those naughty men to good homely men and I have a list of more than dozen pairs lovely couples under my blessings and admiring. If those men had to go out of town on business or playing golf, due to the chemical surged from ‘exciting things’ they encountered their familiar wives’ shadows would emerged on and off first on their subconscious minds, “YOU ARE ALWAYS IN MY MIND!” Thus most of the time they would return home showered their wives and children enough loves; lavished their wives with expensive gifts and their wives never need to worry about not enough money to spend but merely worry about how to spend their money!

But I even witnessed more flat chest women who fell into bad fates marriage life, most men with flat chest wives always ended up alone by themselves without their wives, but rather drinking and chatting with friends in Kopitiam during the evenings or playing majong with their friends during weekends. The temporary absent from home perhaps could also temporary eliminate their ugly flat-chest naked wives in their minds, they would hardly bring their wives for travelling, as they prefer to forget their ugly flat-chest naked wives for a longer period, although they never looked for a voluptuous prostitute to replace their ugly naked flat chest wives they rather enjoyed those pretty young girls walking on the street with pretty faces on, or occasionally with “their eyes enjoying eating ice-cream. “ Their frustrated silent angry wives usually have to juggle the whole household duties worst with limited money provided to meet monthly due, and they never expected their husbands would give them a hand! Flat chest women would pray every day saying thank you Jesus as long as their husbands don’t jump onto a bed with ‘bigger boobs’ women!

A decade ago, one day I was invited for lunch by an old uncle (old family friend), with his overseas educated son and another businessman. This Foo Chow Chinaman is an arrogant man, he talked loud, bullshit loud, and he could only talked in this bossy manner with the people who were less wealthy than him!

“Once I sell off all these apartments, there will be more than 100 million ringgit in my account again, I can talk loud again!” All because he lost too much on late 90s stock market, that’s why he couldn’t talk loud!

He then took a look at me even without directly fallen on my chest, but just with his X-ray eyes he indirectly said, “Do you notice that no matter how pretty and educated the girl is, but if she is not voluptuous, it’s hard for her to find a husband? ….. Usually even if the girl is as ugly as the Choo Bar Chea’s Biu Mei (Pig’s cousin) but if she has large boobs, she can easily find a husband!” I agreed silently, yes sir you are damn right, I notice all bachelor men got X-ray eyes when they looked at my chest! I even got such experience of a male professional friend who directly hinted me he was only interested of a girl who has 36DD.

Wise enough, I wouldn’t argue with an old businessman who ate more salt than my rice, I saluted him as he was polite enough, gave me respect enough in his Chinaman’s standard to reveal his thought in such a good mannerism. Many years later, I heard that he has one of the first PhD daughters in an oil town. In another word, I could hear the silent conversation from him now, if girls have flat chest, go for your PhDs!

Then he turned to ask my old uncle’s bachelor son, ‘Hi … how about you, do you prefer a girlfriend with big boot more than big brainy one?’

My old uncle’s son surprised him by telling him, ‘I prefer brainy girl!’ That reply wisely stopped the ‘indecent forum’ immediately!

After we left the lunch table, the old uncle gave his remark in the car, “Gee, this man has no cultivation!”

I told the old uncle, “Uncle, if the streets are filled up with cultivated men who mind more on brainy girls, then I wouldn’t have waited 30ish years without any boyfriend!” I always thankful my uncle’s son who stood on my side on such an occasion, many years later I even indirect helped the old uncle to ‘trap’ a daughter-in-law for his son, although the old uncle never realized I understood the old wolf game that he was playing and I merely tangoed along with them! Eventually I happily accepted a limited free wedding meal!


Men and women relationship is almost like a pendulum, if the men treated their wives good and kind, they would treat their husbands as equally good or even better. Our generation is in the cross-road between old and modern, those women who depend on their husbands to provide them social status, money and respects, they would never agree a woman saying something bad about her husband, old fashion China-women would scold her daughter or sister, “Do you know that you are smearing own shits on your face!”

Well mom or big sister, I truly don’t know! I only know that in Kopitiam when I was always as curious enough to turn back my head looking at those curious onlookers, I could always see those strangers embarrassedly stopped talking immediately, because they were making remarks regarding how much taller I was to my husband. I felt it was very degrading and bitter for me.

I have no such experience yet with a man emerged in my life that could make me feel secure, give me more money than I could earn myself, make me feel settled, give me better standard of living, provide me more comfortable life, make me feel to brag about him, to make me feel good and proud to be with him. I only know that since I got married, my career, reputation and fame were a yesterday dreams, I have to work like hell as though an Indo-maid, from mopping the floor to weeding the garden, I got up every day from 6 and only could sleep after midnight, yet I couldn’t even earn my monthly household allowance from a husband more than half of my old days monthly professional fees, and worst still I am placed in such a marriage graveyard that gradually deteriorated my self-esteem, secure, respect, dignity and pride without any encouragement and intellectual excitement but constantly receiving snubs from even strangers!


When I worked in the Oil City, there was a category of tai tais whom I would avoid as though they were snakes: They were those conservative Chinawomen-rich tai tais, they have a sick stereo-type symptom, they would even avoid to mention even a name of a tai tai who was a lot richer than their husbands, whenever they see another tai tais are as equally rich as their own husbands, they wouldn’t be happy, bad mouthing soon began, worst I had witnessed how they bullied another poorer tai tais, they would stab from behind of those poor acquainted tai tais, rated them as no taste, no par and no class, in short they would judge a woman by how rich the husband she married to, the house she stays in, the car she drives, how generous the woman’s husband treats her, the accessories she wears and carries. In short, only women with filthy rich husbands, who were faithful and generous to them would earn the great admirations and respects and waive from harsh criticisms from this kind of snobbish tai tais. Rich tai tais consistently need someone to flatter them that they were rich, they were never happy to hear from another tai tai mentioning another unknown nova super rich figure (whose name hasn’t appear yet on the newspaper yet) and they love to hear insincere peoples’ flattered, paid special attention and respect.

For unexposed snobbish mean tai tais, good fashion sense means all branded brands shown on the surface. Good taste and good color combination mean everything has to fall into perfectly, Monday on brown branded shoes, baige branded handbag, brown St. Michael bra and panties, gold Rolex, brown dress and famous rich tai tai curls on head, gold car to attend a breakfast meet in an hotel. Tuesday on white shoes, Omega, white panties and bra, white handbag, white shirt, white cap, white convertible before embarking for golf game. Weekend moves to penthouses where partition wall was removed to become the one and only on the pinnacle of a posh condominium.

Even high income professional women with flat chests could never par up with these rich tai tais’ ‘voluptuous’ high life, neither they would talk the same socialized language because the rich tai tais although might help their husbands in their office but they never helped their husbands to get contracts from the dogs eat dogs business world. And usually the Chinawomen would sarcastically dub those successful professional women as “Female strong people” (Amazon or Virago). For most professional women, limited pairs of shoe, ear rings, sandals and handbags for them most probably would be used until torn before replacing a new one and even though those branded cheap-sales dresses might get changed frequently.


Most rich tai tais with caring and thoughtful rich husbands all have good bodies, and these tai tais would love to invite their as equally rich friends for a swim on their pools, that’s the time they could flaunt their boobs, good body and their branded swimming suits (most of the time they didn’t buy branded dresses because name-brands embroidered only behind the collars! Except swimming suits) In contrast to those flat chest, mostly poor, fat tai tais with poor mean husbands would struggle to fill their tummies with starch instead of expensive healthy foods! I think most hard-earn professional women who didn’t get married to a rich husband know my language very well!

Most career women in Asian countries without good background were mainly claimed authorities on their professional own rights and they were also mostly surviving spinster-business women amongst jungles of wild animals; they learned to do business with most kinds of women, what kind of women they should try to avoid or befriended. They could be friends with rich or poor tai tais, they would never get jealous of rich tai tais neither would they snubbed at poor tai tais. BUT life change now for those professional women when they didn’t choose a right husband, and thus became a nobody‘s no money tai tai, even though they still carry their friendly approached to all kind of tai tais, but there would be always a “cultural shock” for them, as rich tai tais are mostly very fake …. Most probably they learned it from their par-up rich husbands!

Everybody has a border line that someone shouldn’t cross to offense, when a tai tai rekindled old childhood friendship or with such a ‘long time no see’ newly acquainted tai tai from out of town, they have to learn respecting their individual’s past, present and future. One of them shouldn’t ignorantly without having any knowledge of the other opponent’s past profile and profession compared but judged merely just based on her current outlook. If an ignorant snobbish tai tai merely judged on another poor tai tai based on her past business and profession which never could earn as much as her husband’s successful half billion gross yearly business, snubbed on the poor tai tai’s current life styles and outfits, thus mindlessly crossed, snubbed and insulted the poor tai tai through accidental verbal leaks by making indirect remarks and hints that the poor tai tai no good taste, no good styles and not good in color coordination etc. Imagine if such poor tai tai before marrying her husband she was once a very well-known for her good taste, artistic, stylizing that also par with her artiste professional image in her arena, how this poor tai tai would get hurt badly?

The poor but sharp tai tai could even guess from such a simple mindset of Chinawoman that due to cheap-sales dresses she wore, and these old outfits usually would match with the one and the only unmatched floral handbag and brown shoes or sandals that she possessed, of course she wouldn’t be able to par up with rich friends of hers who live in new houses, drive beautiful new car, wear new dresses with matched shoes, ornaments, branded handbag, with thoughtful and caring rich husbands! Only God knows during the poor tai tai for the past 10 year marriage life, she never even has an extravagant RM1000 to buy dress or shoes to fill up my wardrobe which those rich tai tais would be able to do it frequently.


For young girl about 4 -5 years old prepare beef essence (cut beef into slices, steam to collect the essence) for them every monthly, they will have voluptuous body when they grow up. Also continuously give them steaks and beef soup every monthly during their grown up years.

For boys to let them grow taller, prepare them peanut roots and stems meat soup. And also basil roots meat soup. (Boil for at least two to 4 hours)

Beef is expensive and was very expensive and rare, in my memory of my entire childhood days, not even up to 5 times my mom preparing beef soup!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Don’t unnecessary shop on weekends!

Written by Money Tai Tai

It was a rainy Saturday morning, the "cleverly" designed roads system in Cat city proven their "efficiencies" when there were "traffic jams" almost everywhere. Just give few examples of the road in front of Stutong market, drivers shouldn’t take a U-turn when they came out of Stutong market returning to their homes towards Jalan Song or Green Heights, so every drivers had to turn in the little already jammed street where Choice Daily and Kuching Specialist Center located.

My new experience yesterday was: I already made three rounds over Choice Daily loop but unsuccessfully found any parking space, so I decided to try another last round to turn into Choice Daily street again, but this time round I couldn’t enter it, due to there was a flashy bright blue BMW convertible and a Toyota Ninja King blocked my entry, I waited for someone kind to give me a space to enter, but soon there was a 40 – 50ish heavy made up modern look woman in her convertible, she shouted to me, “GO GO GO! DON’T YOU SEE THERE IS A LONG QUEUE BEHIND YOU?!” After hearing her teeth gritting irritated voice; I could hear she was cursing me from her facial expression, “You stupid woman!” and her snobbish face, “no wonder you are stupid … look at your old ugly smashed car!” I drove off immediately as I lost my “appetite” to shop.

Then I took my neighbor in the afternoon to a bank along Jalan Arwi, as I have a good friend whose shop is located along the street, suddenly I saw my good friend’s husband who happened standing by the gate, I pulled my car next to him greeting him, but immediately I discovered that I had unawarely created a traffic jam behind, I was afraid to meet another woman in a Porsche or Mercedes convertible who might give me an eye on my next lane. However, when I stopped at the red traffic light, this time round, I saw a man in a car next lane parking and waiting parallel to me kept throwing me his disapproving glance; you know how he finally stopped giving me his nasty glances? Only after I pointed a middle finger to the sky so he stopped looking at me! From this experience, I finally learned some of this Cat City civilians’ psychology!

My friend asked me the other day, “Do you know why Jalan Arwi and along the way to Simpang Tiga got traffic police to regulate jam on weekday but no other places? She pointed a tall building towards the big roundabout, “You see that tall massive building? All government big bosses’ offices are there! Their office building is right between these two junctions. Then when we turned into the back of Kenyalang, immediately there was a long jam that queue up for at least a kilometer long, my friend told me, “Now, you see there is no government big bosses' office building in this area, can you find any traffic police to regulate the jam?”

Only reason for me to go Batu Kawa is I like the Big Mouth Ley Chai. I never like to go visiting MJC in Batu Kawa, because always there was bad jam happened there, if I fetch a very sick patient, I can’t be so sure if he would die inside my car due to the long waiting on queue!

I always joked about the whole 7 or 8 kilometers road without any exit towards the opposite side Kang Kok streets housing estates or other residential estates: It was like a river being blocked into halve, no matter big fish, small fish on one side have to swim until reaching the estuary before they have a chance of making a U-turn to return their respective “feeding place” (house) over the other opposite halve of the river!

I think folks who stay in Batu Kawa have to spend at least RM2/day for unnecessary extra mileage for such a long queue, waiting and waste of time. As there is no exit to the other opposite lane, it is a freeway can be used for Ferrari car racing between father and son during late night!

Betcha there is not a single prominent politician (or not enough fierce civilians) staying in this area!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Burmese Tomatoes Fish Curry

If you get tired of Malaysians’ way of fish preparations, this is something exotic that you can try out for your dinner

Written by Money Tai Tai


Fry generous amount of onion and healthy oil (can use olive oil) and salt until softened, then add fish paste (or shrimp paste) and turmeric powder.

Add fish fillets on the oily onion, half fry the fish skin until crunchy, add chopped generous amount of ripe tomatoes, fish sauce but no water, then turn down fire, simmer until cook.

Garnish with cilantro


I used assorted nuts for its crust


I appreciate friends, Karen Ting who gave me the best species mango seedling and Angela who always baked me yummy assorted kind of yummy cheesecakes as I don't have an oven

Written by Mrs. Money

I lose my passion of baking cakes and cookies when I quitted playing dolls at the same time when I lose my sweet tooth, these days I am more interested to eat and create new dishes or eating exotic foods rather than preparing foods from recipe books.

Recently, first harvest of fragrant golden yellow mangoes tasted so sweet and smooth, it gave me an inspiration to prepare innovated cheesecake, as I am a very lazy person when talk about preparing sweet treats, this will only take less than 10 minutes an express way of preparing an extravagant dessert.

I would advise my friends to plant mango tree near the road side, and plant lemon grass to surround its patch. Only choose the best species mango to grow, my mango would turn to golden yellow but the fresh wouldn't turn soft like tofu and its fragrant ones thought that it's artificial mango essence!

Step 1:
Cut 4 slices of butter placed in a small Pyrex rectangular container, melt in microwave oven
Grounded assorted nuts (almond, walnuts, pine nuts and macadamia nuts will taste nice) and assorted dried fruits (I prefer big size raisins and cranberries); mixed the grounded nuts powder and mixed dried fruits with butter, press them into the bottom to form a thin layer crust, store in freeze.


Step 2:
250g cream cheese (leave in room temperature earlier on)
2 sachets of tasteless gelatin, heat up with 1 ½ grass of milk or cream (just a quick boil)
2 sweet fragrant mangoes – cut into pieces (or two cups of durian meat)
Honey (At one’s discretion)
Pour everything into a glass blender; give a quick blend until well-mixed.

Step 3:
Pour this mixture to the top of the ready crust.
Store at least for 4 hours in refrigerator before serving.
Enough for 8 slices

Mango Cheesecake in a rectangular pyrex container

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My metamorphosed son is now sitting next to the rubbish bin in class!

Written by Mrs. Money

      Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman; he supports Chinese education in this Malay speaking country Malaysia.

      This phenomenon hints me whether most of our Chinese race is not just another bully but damn smart bully, with the wisdom gained and accumulated from 5000 years history Chinese instinctively could detect the winds direction to move its sails?

Yet when those Chinese forefathers ended up in USA or Britain, under the thumbs of so call “superior” or “domineering” whites, their descendents wouldn’t have much chance to accept Chinese education, even Singapore where its street filled up with Chinese-Singaporeans yet they wouldn’t have a dog luck of setting up Chinese schools in their communities like Chinese-Malaysians.

Or was it another possibility that when particular "long sighted" Chinese forefather who could tell when a particular culture was much superior they would choose to dump their own inferior culture and education to accept a far superior one to prosper their offspring, but when they reached a country if they noticed that a particular culture was not that great as theirs, they would insist on setting their own Chinese institutions to maintain their own Chinese values and cultures over a new settlement?

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, in his wife’s eyes, she thinks he fell the same fate like her being born and educated with "short-sighted faithful Chinese" in lower Rejang Sarawak by Chinese elementary education, thus he can’t speak good English, neither perfect Mandarin (except perfect Foo Chow which is the mother tongue), he can’t write good English and neither perfect Chinese. He went to study in USA but he ended up being dubbed as the “president of Foo Chow association in OU, Norman”. Mr. Money is too proud as a Foo Chow, he tried to convince me his wife that she must let their Money kids to learn Foo Chow as the mother tongue, he told his wife the richest Chinese in Malaysia is a Foo Chow, but his wife told him off that the richest Chinese in the world is a  Cantonese!

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, but he has married a wrong wife who is not a 100% Chinawoman. She believes in accepting the essence of the best of every exposed cultures, educations and values to enhance our life in every aspect.

Once Mr. Money’s wife was a career woman, with sufficient money and rights on hand to overcome a Chinaman's rule, thus she could afford to let her kids both born in New Zealand which is the world best country in treating babies and children. She would send her son to attend the best and the most expensive kindergarten, in those days though her son was attention deficiency kid but he was a perfectionist, he would take out a sticker which didn’t fall exactly into a space perfectly and he would return home automatically taking out his books to study by himself.

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, because he didn’t like the idea having a wife running around to earn her own money, even if he couldn’t afford his wife the monthly allowance as much as she earned but he would use a crook and hook to give her an illusion that he has a lot of money like his sir name, so eventually she got rid of her hard earned career with cheap sales! And he convinced her to move to a complete strange city where she didn’t know where was the head, the nail and the whiskers of this cat city, only then she found one after another she falls in dead traps of financial freedom, marriage and family life!

Now Mr. Money is in control of his family, he sent his son to the Chinese primary school and his son couldn’t speak a single Chinese word on the first day, he blamed his wife of letting his son learning English as his mother tongue, but only God knows that it was not his wife’s fault because the Money son was just able to speak his English when he reached 5 years old! And Mr. Money thinks his son is very smart because his son was able to speak perfect English when he reached 5! He has a same dream that his son would be able to speak perfect Mandarin when reached 10! But he has forgotten that the Bahasa Malaysia (Malay language) is the compulsory subject for his son to master if he wants to survive in Malaysia since Mr. Money loves Malaysia more than USA, Australia or NZ. In short Mr. Money from an illiterate parents’ family thinks he knows education or special education better than his wife who is the third generation Malaysian educator.

If a kid is not born a language talent or photographic memory, it is never wise to let them take up so many languages to hinder his earlier development on his other talented/interested arena. Language for a non-language talented kid is just a tool for them to acquire information that they need for their specific purpose, language for them is not to write a poem or to express their feelings!


I remember after my son’s first year studying in a Chinese primary school, I chatted with his form teacher, she told me, “The number 1 in this class, he has a very good memory, anything you said once, he remembered!” I felt very sad, frustrated and bad about my son after hearing what his form teacher told me, as my son could only get 20+ position in his class and his countable Mandarin words were spoken like singing.

Soon on the first school day of second year, without any acknowledging from the school authority, the best students from all the four classes had moved to a best class, my son remained in his old class. Students and even students’ parents felt proud being selected to the best class. I was not happy when I was not being informed there was such a selection went on also with best teachers by then teaching the best class to foster outstanding students.

 for the school.

On my son’s second year primary school first half journey, he still spoke Mandarin like singing, soon I noticed if teachers and mothers couldn’t speak perfect Mandarin, how to perfect their children to speak good Mandarin? Again like what I trained on my son’s English speaking, I turned on TV for helps, with the help of Chinese TV programs through satellite; my son improved his Mandarin speaking within three months time. This might probably also help him to learn in simple arguments, so towards the end of year two time to time he would return home with tearing shirt or injured knees due to bullying cases, when he wouldn’t dare to do things on his bullies in school he would spit and bully his sister at home instead.

How much I wish that my son’s form teacher could tell Mr. Money to let him aware that his son is not a photographic genius, but merely an attention deficiency kid!

When in this third year, when my son was placed to sit next to the front entrance door, always facing the reflection from the blackboard, I complained to the form teacher that my son has developed short sighted due to the reflection that harmed his sight. Then the teacher kept moving him around the class, because all those classmates hated his annoyances when he sat with each of them. Eventually the teacher politely explained to me that if my son was placed to sit in front of the class, he would always annoy the whole class attention paid to the teacher. So eventually my son was moved to sit at the very corner end of the classroom isolated a distance far away from the rest of the classmate, where usually the dustbin sits, last month when my sister came to visit me she took a picture, she complained, “Students should not be isolated but should be paid special attention!”

I replied to her, “Hey! This is a public school, where got teacher trained in special education to teach your ‘special’ nephew without paying expensive school fees?"  When her Money brother-in-law doesn’t believe that his son has attention deficiency problems on his non-interested subjects, has “improved” extra naughtiness and developed immunity (defensive ability) to bullies!

Then this month my son moved his seat again, but to the opposite corner, again isolated far away from his classmates .... to the left corner, this time where the dustbin sits! It simply denotes to me that he is just the rubbish in the class where the teacher couldn’t put him into the rubbish bin yet, so he has to place next to it! But the worst habit my son has developed this third year round in the Chinese primary school is: He learned to retaliate, if the teacher give him a can, he would beat the teacher back with his fist. Similarly he would do that to me.

But Mr. Money still insists that Chinese education is better, and never one day he has helped me to teach his son nor he has ever involved in family life yet due to his job requires him to move like a nomad; he didn’t know Chinese education only pays attention on the best students, like scholarships only awarded to only the best students. For criminals they are subjected to isolations, move a distance away from normal people, confined to the jails. Naughty student begins to get isolated since early school days, nothing wrong right?!!

There was an argument like this on and off, “Now, if your son can’t become a somebody in the future, you are responsible for it?”

“Oh yeah! How about if you send him to Lodge ends up he gets kicked out? OK if you send him to study there if anything turns out bad you are responsible for it too!”

So I called my educator old dad to complain, so he said, “OK, you take the responsible then, so what?!”

I need a job, jobless Money Tai Tai needs a good job again, but "the job murderer" Mr. Money doesn't know it's so hard to start all over again when his wife's age reaches almost half of a century time!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Growing Pains

Endured bondage of unspeakable agonies




When your infants suddenly became so sick …… later became mentally or physically handicapped or invalid

When your daughter or son got raped … Emotionally invalid

When you got diagnosed with 4th stage cancer …. May leave this physical world soon

When you or your closest kindred ran into deadly accident …. Visit coffin shop?

When facing sudden crises, everyone drops their EQ and IQ to zero and soon faces depression, some simply fallen fainted and unconscious, but how to keep cool head and accept the facts instead of lament?

Two months ago when I visited my old folks, I told my son that was probably the last time to see her grand aunty and the family pet coli cot staying alive. When I saw my old aunt I gave her a piece of lightly sweeten carrot cake baked by my old classmate’s wife and my san ku was so happy because she was a diabetic patient, normally my parents wouldn’t give her such sweet treat.

She finally passed away yesterday with the faded sunset; I planned returning my hometown to attend her funeral but I was asked by someone who knows my darker side of face, “Don’t you hate her?”

“NO! I don’t hate her.” I never hated her; because I "rather think" that she was merely an unlucky “cursed” victim as well as me.

I could sense the moment she passed away even though it was only four hours later I found out the news; I was weeping right during the time she left this physical world. Suddenly I would cry over almost 40 years bondage of unspeakable pains, bad childhood memories and bad experience of being wrongfully accused as forever black sheep in relatives’ eyes (even up to these days some distance cousins still acted so hostile and threw condemning glances to me). My aunt in her middle age years was a rogue tongue story-maker and liar, although mentally handicapped she could trigger first family war to prolong later into consistently wars between my grandma and my mom through me as a medium.

I never ask a mentally handicapped aunty what and why the reason she dragged in a 7 years kid to provoke arrays of family fights? I witnessed my grandma and my aunt were always the winner but my parents were the only ones who always apologized even they were never wrong.

These days I learned to forgive my unreasonable deceased grandma. How many people knew my growing pains and agonies while they kept barking behind me to get me married off when I was reluctantly conformed just for their own respective selfish sake?

How many people know why I swore at 13 years old that I never wanted to get married to get into this kind of mother-in-law, aunty and daughter-in-law family problems? Do they know that even if I have married the painful past may still on and off returning to haunt me?

Even if my own parents died I think I would not cry, (I didn’t cry when both my maternal and paternal side grandmas died) but when my aunt died I could cry over my accumulated hidden pains brought by her. People mistakenly might think her decease could give me a relief, what they didn’t know was she was mentally handicapped as a curse passed to me; WHY ME? The true fact is I am now an emotionally handicapped person. I don’t miss much over my parents, sisters, husband and children, if I expressed to a person that I missed her /him that could be only when I was in emotionally healthy condition ot I was simply telling white lies.

My aunt was mentally handicapped since young; she only didn’t know what she was doing to me and to the rest of the people she had inflicted pains directly and indirectly on them. Before she died she was lucky enough to have my sensitive kind eldest sister staying by her side, the only one who would clean her dirty body and shits while even other relation or nurses would stay away from her.

Imagine in the early 1930s in lower Rejang, when people got sick there was no western medicine available; most people without knowledge of how to use the medical weeds and herbs and worst still they were mostly very poor immigrants from China - country pumpkins from China. Many weak and fragile ones died but my aunt survived after a high fever attack, the most painful experience would be my grandma who saw her daughter who was healthy, cute and pink but in overnight time her daughter could become a mentally handicapped girl for the rest of her life and that also brought the burden and depression to my grandma, she endured on the unspeakable suffer until her last breath and she passed her "only worry" to my parents (and my eldest sister) until my mentally handicapped aunt quitted her last breath yesterday.

No lucky mothers in this modern world would have the feel of my grandma razor pains in her hearts when she had to face a fact and fate to bring up a mentally handicapped girl, what grandma didn’t know was despite in this modern world of modern medicine but delay treatment due to a doctor’s wrong diagnostic for such high fever infants could also give unlucky mothers a similar tragic.

I vividly recalled when my two years old daughter had a croup, only God knew why my family doctor’s wife never picked up or replied my SOS call, and another doctor I brought her to see would give her a wrong diagnose, while I kept waiting for my family doctor’s reply, my eldest sister came in the rescue, she said, “If you don’t want to bring her to see a child specialist now, she may die tonight due to short of breath!” Or I think now she might face the similar fate like my poor aunty!

For the past few years I was worried or even I might have suffer a minor depression due to worry if my daughter’s croup has resulted her any minor mental handicap until my old parents and sister who take care of her now could proof to me that she could score 14 100% in a roll for her last semester kindergarten exams. I was lucky enough but I can always feel the razor pains of those mothers who have their kids suffered from physically handicapping unable them to live like normal kids. Wrong diagnostic and delayed treatment usually have brought such life-time suffering causing lots of resentments and regrets to handicapped victims’ parents and family members.

For more than 70 years my mentally handicapped aunt also suffered poverty, rude and robust treatments in this physical world, my grandma could leave this world peacefully it was because my dad promised her to take good care of his sister. I would have loved and cherished her differently if the adults in the family knew how to handle their own EQs and a mentally handicapped relation, if my aunt was exposed in American system of handicapped education, perhaps she wouldn’t have been so “stupid” as people described and thought of. I remember when I was merely 6 years old, she could bring me to visit nearby neighbors to pass through jungle paths, she never once mistakenly showed me the wrong red wild berries that could be eaten raw, she would teach me how to identify the another same red berry which was inedible and poison. So who said she was stupid? I merely think that she had bad memory and slightly lower IQ . Just because most of her sibling was smart, in comparison unfortunately she became a “stupid” one!

If your infant’s high fever continuously maintain or over 38 degrees for prolong hours even after taking the prescribed antibiotic and Panado (like more than 4 hours without any dropping or only with slight dropping); IMMEDIATELY you must send your infant to another child specialist for the second opinion. Use a cold wet tower to cover the head of the infant and don’t let him wear thick cloth.

Don't leave your very sick infant to your so called "experienced" mother-in-law or baby-sitter because you have to work.

If you are first time mommy, you are always inexperienced, you must always ask your elder sister or experienced "mommy" friends to come visit you if your infant's high fever persists, someone experience can make good decision for you when you are helpless and nervous.

Don't make your babies and infants sleep with aircond 8 hours/day. My children's health only improved after I fixed the whole house with ceiling fans. Use the air-cond to dehumidify bedroom only just before sleeping, after two hours you must switch off the air-cond, this will help you to save both your medical and SESCO bills.