Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Don’t unnecessary shop on weekends!

Written by Money Tai Tai

It was a rainy Saturday morning, the "cleverly" designed roads system in Cat city proven their "efficiencies" when there were "traffic jams" almost everywhere. Just give few examples of the road in front of Stutong market, drivers shouldn’t take a U-turn when they came out of Stutong market returning to their homes towards Jalan Song or Green Heights, so every drivers had to turn in the little already jammed street where Choice Daily and Kuching Specialist Center located.

My new experience yesterday was: I already made three rounds over Choice Daily loop but unsuccessfully found any parking space, so I decided to try another last round to turn into Choice Daily street again, but this time round I couldn’t enter it, due to there was a flashy bright blue BMW convertible and a Toyota Ninja King blocked my entry, I waited for someone kind to give me a space to enter, but soon there was a 40 – 50ish heavy made up modern look woman in her convertible, she shouted to me, “GO GO GO! DON’T YOU SEE THERE IS A LONG QUEUE BEHIND YOU?!” After hearing her teeth gritting irritated voice; I could hear she was cursing me from her facial expression, “You stupid woman!” and her snobbish face, “no wonder you are stupid … look at your old ugly smashed car!” I drove off immediately as I lost my “appetite” to shop.

Then I took my neighbor in the afternoon to a bank along Jalan Arwi, as I have a good friend whose shop is located along the street, suddenly I saw my good friend’s husband who happened standing by the gate, I pulled my car next to him greeting him, but immediately I discovered that I had unawarely created a traffic jam behind, I was afraid to meet another woman in a Porsche or Mercedes convertible who might give me an eye on my next lane. However, when I stopped at the red traffic light, this time round, I saw a man in a car next lane parking and waiting parallel to me kept throwing me his disapproving glance; you know how he finally stopped giving me his nasty glances? Only after I pointed a middle finger to the sky so he stopped looking at me! From this experience, I finally learned some of this Cat City civilians’ psychology!

My friend asked me the other day, “Do you know why Jalan Arwi and along the way to Simpang Tiga got traffic police to regulate jam on weekday but no other places? She pointed a tall building towards the big roundabout, “You see that tall massive building? All government big bosses’ offices are there! Their office building is right between these two junctions. Then when we turned into the back of Kenyalang, immediately there was a long jam that queue up for at least a kilometer long, my friend told me, “Now, you see there is no government big bosses' office building in this area, can you find any traffic police to regulate the jam?”

Only reason for me to go Batu Kawa is I like the Big Mouth Ley Chai. I never like to go visiting MJC in Batu Kawa, because always there was bad jam happened there, if I fetch a very sick patient, I can’t be so sure if he would die inside my car due to the long waiting on queue!

I always joked about the whole 7 or 8 kilometers road without any exit towards the opposite side Kang Kok streets housing estates or other residential estates: It was like a river being blocked into halve, no matter big fish, small fish on one side have to swim until reaching the estuary before they have a chance of making a U-turn to return their respective “feeding place” (house) over the other opposite halve of the river!

I think folks who stay in Batu Kawa have to spend at least RM2/day for unnecessary extra mileage for such a long queue, waiting and waste of time. As there is no exit to the other opposite lane, it is a freeway can be used for Ferrari car racing between father and son during late night!

Betcha there is not a single prominent politician (or not enough fierce civilians) staying in this area!

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