Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My metamorphosed son is now sitting next to the rubbish bin in class!

Written by Mrs. Money

      Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman; he supports Chinese education in this Malay speaking country Malaysia.

      This phenomenon hints me whether most of our Chinese race is not just another bully but damn smart bully, with the wisdom gained and accumulated from 5000 years history Chinese instinctively could detect the winds direction to move its sails?

Yet when those Chinese forefathers ended up in USA or Britain, under the thumbs of so call “superior” or “domineering” whites, their descendents wouldn’t have much chance to accept Chinese education, even Singapore where its street filled up with Chinese-Singaporeans yet they wouldn’t have a dog luck of setting up Chinese schools in their communities like Chinese-Malaysians.

Or was it another possibility that when particular "long sighted" Chinese forefather who could tell when a particular culture was much superior they would choose to dump their own inferior culture and education to accept a far superior one to prosper their offspring, but when they reached a country if they noticed that a particular culture was not that great as theirs, they would insist on setting their own Chinese institutions to maintain their own Chinese values and cultures over a new settlement?

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, in his wife’s eyes, she thinks he fell the same fate like her being born and educated with "short-sighted faithful Chinese" in lower Rejang Sarawak by Chinese elementary education, thus he can’t speak good English, neither perfect Mandarin (except perfect Foo Chow which is the mother tongue), he can’t write good English and neither perfect Chinese. He went to study in USA but he ended up being dubbed as the “president of Foo Chow association in OU, Norman”. Mr. Money is too proud as a Foo Chow, he tried to convince me his wife that she must let their Money kids to learn Foo Chow as the mother tongue, he told his wife the richest Chinese in Malaysia is a Foo Chow, but his wife told him off that the richest Chinese in the world is a  Cantonese!

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, but he has married a wrong wife who is not a 100% Chinawoman. She believes in accepting the essence of the best of every exposed cultures, educations and values to enhance our life in every aspect.

Once Mr. Money’s wife was a career woman, with sufficient money and rights on hand to overcome a Chinaman's rule, thus she could afford to let her kids both born in New Zealand which is the world best country in treating babies and children. She would send her son to attend the best and the most expensive kindergarten, in those days though her son was attention deficiency kid but he was a perfectionist, he would take out a sticker which didn’t fall exactly into a space perfectly and he would return home automatically taking out his books to study by himself.

Mr. Money is 100% Chinaman, because he didn’t like the idea having a wife running around to earn her own money, even if he couldn’t afford his wife the monthly allowance as much as she earned but he would use a crook and hook to give her an illusion that he has a lot of money like his sir name, so eventually she got rid of her hard earned career with cheap sales! And he convinced her to move to a complete strange city where she didn’t know where was the head, the nail and the whiskers of this cat city, only then she found one after another she falls in dead traps of financial freedom, marriage and family life!

Now Mr. Money is in control of his family, he sent his son to the Chinese primary school and his son couldn’t speak a single Chinese word on the first day, he blamed his wife of letting his son learning English as his mother tongue, but only God knows that it was not his wife’s fault because the Money son was just able to speak his English when he reached 5 years old! And Mr. Money thinks his son is very smart because his son was able to speak perfect English when he reached 5! He has a same dream that his son would be able to speak perfect Mandarin when reached 10! But he has forgotten that the Bahasa Malaysia (Malay language) is the compulsory subject for his son to master if he wants to survive in Malaysia since Mr. Money loves Malaysia more than USA, Australia or NZ. In short Mr. Money from an illiterate parents’ family thinks he knows education or special education better than his wife who is the third generation Malaysian educator.

If a kid is not born a language talent or photographic memory, it is never wise to let them take up so many languages to hinder his earlier development on his other talented/interested arena. Language for a non-language talented kid is just a tool for them to acquire information that they need for their specific purpose, language for them is not to write a poem or to express their feelings!


I remember after my son’s first year studying in a Chinese primary school, I chatted with his form teacher, she told me, “The number 1 in this class, he has a very good memory, anything you said once, he remembered!” I felt very sad, frustrated and bad about my son after hearing what his form teacher told me, as my son could only get 20+ position in his class and his countable Mandarin words were spoken like singing.

Soon on the first school day of second year, without any acknowledging from the school authority, the best students from all the four classes had moved to a best class, my son remained in his old class. Students and even students’ parents felt proud being selected to the best class. I was not happy when I was not being informed there was such a selection went on also with best teachers by then teaching the best class to foster outstanding students.

 for the school.

On my son’s second year primary school first half journey, he still spoke Mandarin like singing, soon I noticed if teachers and mothers couldn’t speak perfect Mandarin, how to perfect their children to speak good Mandarin? Again like what I trained on my son’s English speaking, I turned on TV for helps, with the help of Chinese TV programs through satellite; my son improved his Mandarin speaking within three months time. This might probably also help him to learn in simple arguments, so towards the end of year two time to time he would return home with tearing shirt or injured knees due to bullying cases, when he wouldn’t dare to do things on his bullies in school he would spit and bully his sister at home instead.

How much I wish that my son’s form teacher could tell Mr. Money to let him aware that his son is not a photographic genius, but merely an attention deficiency kid!

When in this third year, when my son was placed to sit next to the front entrance door, always facing the reflection from the blackboard, I complained to the form teacher that my son has developed short sighted due to the reflection that harmed his sight. Then the teacher kept moving him around the class, because all those classmates hated his annoyances when he sat with each of them. Eventually the teacher politely explained to me that if my son was placed to sit in front of the class, he would always annoy the whole class attention paid to the teacher. So eventually my son was moved to sit at the very corner end of the classroom isolated a distance far away from the rest of the classmate, where usually the dustbin sits, last month when my sister came to visit me she took a picture, she complained, “Students should not be isolated but should be paid special attention!”

I replied to her, “Hey! This is a public school, where got teacher trained in special education to teach your ‘special’ nephew without paying expensive school fees?"  When her Money brother-in-law doesn’t believe that his son has attention deficiency problems on his non-interested subjects, has “improved” extra naughtiness and developed immunity (defensive ability) to bullies!

Then this month my son moved his seat again, but to the opposite corner, again isolated far away from his classmates .... to the left corner, this time where the dustbin sits! It simply denotes to me that he is just the rubbish in the class where the teacher couldn’t put him into the rubbish bin yet, so he has to place next to it! But the worst habit my son has developed this third year round in the Chinese primary school is: He learned to retaliate, if the teacher give him a can, he would beat the teacher back with his fist. Similarly he would do that to me.

But Mr. Money still insists that Chinese education is better, and never one day he has helped me to teach his son nor he has ever involved in family life yet due to his job requires him to move like a nomad; he didn’t know Chinese education only pays attention on the best students, like scholarships only awarded to only the best students. For criminals they are subjected to isolations, move a distance away from normal people, confined to the jails. Naughty student begins to get isolated since early school days, nothing wrong right?!!

There was an argument like this on and off, “Now, if your son can’t become a somebody in the future, you are responsible for it?”

“Oh yeah! How about if you send him to Lodge ends up he gets kicked out? OK if you send him to study there if anything turns out bad you are responsible for it too!”

So I called my educator old dad to complain, so he said, “OK, you take the responsible then, so what?!”

I need a job, jobless Money Tai Tai needs a good job again, but "the job murderer" Mr. Money doesn't know it's so hard to start all over again when his wife's age reaches almost half of a century time!

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