Sunday, July 8, 2012


Written by Miss Yellow

Long time ago, my sister asked me to fetch her eldest son from a tuition center, I stopped my flashy coupe right in front of him but he didn’t see me, then I called him he still didn’t “detect” I was right in front of him, at last one of his classmate padded his shoulder to ask him looking at me with just two feet away from him!

When he got into my car, this famous tigress EE started to roar, ‘My goodness sake, is it your eyes can only detect your mom’s car but all other cars become invisible?’

‘How about if your mom was inside my car just now and we got robbed just right in front of your nose, would you be able to witness what happen, how the robbers look like, what ‘s car plate number?’

‘Next time if I come to fetch you, if I stop the car right in front of you for more than one minute without your notice, I will leave!’

‘Always look and be alert of what’s around you!’

He learned, from that day onwards, he immediately noticed me when my car entered the driveway to his tuition center.

Yesterday, my son asked me when we were standing in the garden, ‘Mommy, what’s this brown thing on the ground?’

‘Look around, figure out yourself!’

‘I don’t know!’

‘Why you looked just that brown thing spot? If you look sideways if you couldn’t figure out, then you should look up, if upwards you still couldn’t find out anything, you look in lateral angle!’

He looked at me in blank, he didn’t know what I was talking until I showed him, ‘Now look up, do you see the pencil pine leaves? So this brown thing is the dead pine leaves dropped to the ground.’

Again I told him, ‘When you want to solve a problem or a clue, you shouldn’t look at a spot only, you should figure out from all possible directions, this will also make you a very creative person!’

My daughter would bring back her art class homework, e.g. a landscape painting, I would tell her to give additional colors to the ground; instead of just brown or green, also the sky can be more than blue and white depending on the time of a day.

It is important to open children’s perception of “other possibilities” to make them creative, training their brain to solve and figure out things. It will be our Malaysian parents’ additional job to integrate creative education to our kids when our education system is based on memorizing and spoon-feeding knowledge.

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