Friday, July 20, 2012


As a poor but "versatile mom", I would cook anything that reached my hands!

Written by Little Money's Mom

I am scared to walk in the pork or fish monger’s stall, “Come buy my fish (pork)! When I approached nearer, “Take all, I will give you discount!” Sometimes I would carry home white pomfret fish that could last me a month, like this morning I carried home a big pork leg and a RM50 big Ma Giu Fish.

My son's classmate mom gave me a bag of durian flowers, I accepted with great appreciation. The fresh flowers smelt a bit like chrysanthemum. Soak the flower in cold water for a while before cooking it or you can boil it quickly before frying it. It would be nice to stir fry with marinated meat (always marinated with black vinegar, wine, minced garlic, ginger and onion), with minced dried prawn with garlic (chili will be optional) or with sea foods. Garnish with pasley and chives will be nice.

 Second harvest of lima beans, the seeds were given by Money Tai Tai blogspot friend Jerry a year ago, then on Jan  ... took me with quite a surprise, his daughter now is my daughter's classmate.

 Only my west Malaysian friend likes this lima bean young pot, the rest of my Kuching friend asked me, "How to eat it?"

 "How to eat it?" I also didn't know, I planted it again all because the white flowers on the fence looked gorgous! Very often I let the beans dropped to the ground, only this morning, a great idea came to my mind when I was cooking the pork.

 I bought this pork leg from Country Village Unaco, you have to walk toward the back inside the Unaco store. The pig was slaughtered only during early morning, so it wouldn't carry a pecular bad odour that deterred people from approaching the stall. The lady who sells the pork is quite nice, if she was free she would even chat with me, she told me these slaughtered pigs from her stall were rearing by her brother-in-law. She started to sell the pork as early as 6:30am and would usually finished before 10:00am.

I don't really like pork that much, but if the lady twisted my arm to buy pork leg, I would sometimes entertain her. She told me her pork legs were all very well cleaned and chopped into pieces ready to cook.

Note: I notice that Chinese from mainland China would usually cook the meat in the water first (use it to prepare soup later) before it was used for braising. Our Chinese-Malaysians are so lucky, we have plentiful of porks available, we used "first hand" fresh pork for every dish, thus our pork dishes always tasted "sweeter" compared to mainland-Chinese operated restaurants, that's one of the reasons why their business are not as good as local Chinese operated restaurants.

The following was how this lazy little money's mom cooked her pork:

(1) Wash the pork with vinegar, salt and water
(2) Put the pork in a big pot
(3) Two big garlic, get rid of garlic skin, dump in the pot
(4) Pluck two fresh basil shoots wash and dump in the pot
(5) Four cardamom seeds, wash and dump in the pot
(6) Sprinkle in some good Ang Mo wine vinegar or Chinese black vinegar
(6) Sprinkle in Chinese soy sauce
(7) Sprinkle in Foo Chow wine (if you can produce sweet one is even better)
(8) Sprinkle in hawthorn vinegar
(9) Sprinkle in extra virgin black sesame oil
(10) Sprinkle in oyster sauce
(11) Sprinkle in some black pepper corns

Let it cooks for two hours, only add in hot water when the sauce begins to dry up. Then with hot water together add the fresh LIMA BEANS from your garden. Simmer for another 30 minutes before serving.

Note: I share with you this recipe, all because my son's tuition teacher Ms. Chai said the smell released from the pot was really good!

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