Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Was it caused by parents’ fault or was is just another formed bad eating habit?
Written by Money Tai Tai

When you invited guests for your dinner, after you prepared, cooked and sweated for over an hour, the foods served on certain plates were hardly touched, immediately you would think either the foods that you cooked were not nice enough that’s why the little guests couldn’t "swallow" your foods or you would suspect that the foods you prepared were not as good as what their parents used to cook for them.

Either one of the suspicions was not good, because your guests were unaware they were indirectly teaching their kids a bad eating habit of wasting foods, or secretly they actually felt so glad that their children didn’t like other people’s cooked foods but only appreciate their own cooking.

My parents lived through the Second World War, when I saw my son hated egg, I would tell him, ‘Look son! Do you know that when your grandpa was around your age, he would have to lick the egg shell after his dad finished eating eggs?’ But my son merely looked at my eyes without any emotion; he couldn’t fathom how poor people lived without eye witnessing.

That’s why my dad said, ‘Once people who lived through Second World War have died, younger generations will soon forget the suffering of World War, that’s when the Third World War will begin.’ He also said that his pets are all so smart because they never shit inside the house compound; he said “smart” countries would not fight (would not shit) in their own countries (in own house) but in other third world countries (outside)!

My dad suffered so much during Second World War, his dad and his two siblings died, thus he never has the habit of wasting foods, Malaysians are lucky we have plentiful of meats available compared to mainland China, so whenever he saw his grandkids wasting foods he would give them a lecture, ‘You take whatever you can finish.’ And he didn’t like when they finished their foods yet with some meats still stick on the bones.

I would add, 'Poor kids not even have to lick the egg shells but also chew the bones!'

Once I ate out with an old rich uncle, after I finished my foods (I actually not realizing he was observing my eating habit), he told me that he hated the most when he had to pay money to invite guests and they would order the most expensive drinks and foods yet they didn’t finish the foods, even his pets at home couldn’t eat such salty foods! He added if they could finish eating the expensive meal that they ordered by themselves, then he would have nothing to complain, he said he could afford to buy expensive drinks and foods for his friends and their kids’, but he couldn’t tolerate to see those wasted foods on the table which could feed so many poor kids in poor countries.

In short, in a restaurant when you see excess and unfinished foods displaying on a table after those guests left, actually the situation wouldn’t convince many people that those just left guests were rich, but merely showed that they were extravagant, ignorant (not being well taught) and “show-off kind” of people.


  1. It depends. Today, certain individual may have a diet plan that he/she sticks to. So they may just get a taste or just enough. WE all have to watch what we eat.

  2. Aye! You are somebodies' jiu jiu already that's why needs special diet, kids have to be discipline or else all their teeth will be gone faster than you!
