Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Her innocent teenager-kid will be the direct reflection!

Written by Miss Yellow

Once somebody very close to me asked me, ‘Have you ever experienced that if your parents got very angry with one of their friends, and it happened that you have overheard the reasons, ended you will not like that parents’ friend for a long time?’

I replied, ‘Yes.'

Thus, we must have discreet, as a woman we can’t tell EVERYTHING negative HAPPENED to our husband or children, especially don’t polluted the children’s half innocence minds when they are still immature and before they can make fair judgment of right and wrong!

In old days we would try to avoid that “enemy” of our parents but these days, teenagers would act differently, they are more daring and they would issue provocative or rude remarks to their parents' "enemy", so the best channel for these teenagers to out lash their angers is through facebook. By giving indirect hints to their parents’ “enemy” (but on the surface they are all friends) that they don’t like them, that’s why facebook doesn’t allow kids under 18 to use it, many teenagers’ parents probably never have realized but leave alone their teenagers writing freely on the facebook screen.

When parents brought their teenagers to see me, in front of their parents they would act like lambs as polite as always, as an experienced teacher, I just need to check if the girl has a facebook, by checking how many friends a teenager has, how she wrote remarks on screens, and how she reacted to their friends’ remarks, I could almost guess her character, general nature and true face.

When we adults having problems or having unpleasant arguments over some misunderstanding with friends or business associates, we have to make sure the process was not being witnessed and overheard by our half-grown up kids, or else if they said something mean or write something about our friends in a sarcastic way, we might not be in aware of what have happened. As teenagers most often are not mature enough to handle adults’ world of complicated human relationships, adults’ side problem might have been solved long ago diplomatically with big hearts, yet the innocence teenagers still carrying grudges with parents’ friend, as “big” forgiveness is not an easy virtue for immature teenagers to handle yet.

In old days, Chinawomen wouldn’t bring their husbands out to meet their friends, but in modern days, good couples are usually looking like a twin. Men are more straight forward, if one’s wife hold grudges behind her particular friend or sibling, he would watch out her particular friend or sister-in-law’s any wrong words, problem and doings, from there he would find a way to directly give her “a slap” out of the blue.

So, who would be more embarrassed after all, when the cat came out of the pocket, your friend or sister would be questioning herself, ‘Why someone she didn’t know so well would “hold grudges” on her yet the person who “slapped her” is your husband!’

We have to be very genuine to friends and siblings, if there is any misunderstanding, we must immediately confront and talk over the things, if you make mistakes, then you have to apologize. From my past experience to help people dealing with this kind of cases, I learned that in this Chinamen and Chinawomen infested society, for any of them to give an apology to someone seemingly like almost impossible; so when someone gave you an apology she must have a very Ang Mo character and mind, you should take it gladly with a big heart.

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