Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Written by Mrs. Money

One day I gave a brainstorming session to my friend’s daughter about “love in the eyes of a beholder.”

She told me her friends were all crazy about marching band, even those boys in the marching band also had become dream boys to young girls. And those students who involved in the marching band were very proud of themselves too, she didn’t like their proud and arrogant altitudes.

I asked her, “Why you get bothered?” I tried to broaden her lateral side of mind, so I gave her an example. I told her that when I was studying in American universities, football players were the dream-men for college girls. Girls normally would scream hysterically when they saw football stars approaching them.

I told her I didn’t know anything about football and I didn’t like sport, so even if there was a most famous football star went after me, I wouldn’t even entertain him. Worst still if he was a proud man, I would even dare to give him my longest finger if he continuously bothered me. I didn’t fancy him, he would be a nobody to me, his arrogant ness, his bad altitude or fame would be nothing to my general concern and slight interest.

But I like smart men, so if there was an IQ 200 pursuing after me, I could be quite flattered!

Similarly there are many girls like rock-stars, I don’t like them, so they should look out for girls and fames that would adore and admire them.

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