Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carnivore Cooks Italians Meal for Herbivores

Replica Tuscany Trito on Top of Spaghetti
Created and Written by Mrs. Money

For My Son’s Vegetarian Kanma (Godmother)

Few years ago I met my sons’s Taiwanese godmother who taught me vegetarians strictly won’t take onion, spring onions and garlic. They eat vegetarian cheese only (without rennet) and the wok got to be out of touch from any meat (like Muslims’ wok ward off pork)

I recalled during a Christmas party some vegetarians were invited, I specially made a trip to Brunei to buy Australian imported vegetables like button mushroom, capsicum, celery, carrots, parsley, Roma tomatoes, but there was no such stock called vegetarian cheese, so I made a very thick yogurt to replace it.

Serves a big family of 6 to 8

Ingredient 1
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stalks celery
  • A handful of parsley (herb 1)
  • A handful of cilandro (herb 2)
  • A handful of sweet basils (herb 3)
  • 10 Olives (black or green smash flatly before chopping)
  • A big Potato
Ingredient 2
  • A chive of 300g Mushroom (cut into slices, don’t wash the mushroom but clean it with napkins)
  • A big capsicum (cut into cutes)
  • A long eggplant (cut into cutes)
  • 12 super big ripe Roma tomatoes or 30 smaller ripe Roma tomatoes (toss in hot water then quickly dump into cold water to peel off skins)
  • 3 tablespoons of capers

Ingredient 3
  • Black pepper, salt and vegetarian cheese (or very thick yogurt)
  • Truffles
  • Pine nuts
  • Dill sprigs

Ingredient 4
  • A pack of 500g spaghetti or homemade potato gnocchi

While boiling the ingredient 4 in the water (for 15 minutes), finely chop the above ingredient 1 and then prepare the ingredient 2.

Sauté all 3 herbs in 10 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and with half tablespoon of salt until aroma released, add the rest of ingredient 1 until soft, then add in ingredient 2. Sauté and sweat in low fire (chop the whole tomatoes with spatula)

Add a dash of black pepper, truffles and cheese or yogurt to thicken the sauce

Transfer the spaghetti into a plate, pour the trito sauce over the top and garnish it generously with pine nuts and a sprig of dill.

Serve immediately

Bon Appetite!


  1. Truffle? no wonder, Money Tai Tai has all the money to spend

  2. Go visit ur rich cousin Ah Chai, pretend you look for something to munch in her kitchen but try to figure out where they store truffles --- from there you use your wits to get it!!!

  3. Vegetarians don't take meat, so can you imagine how an Italian meal would taste like without any onion or garlic? So I add in truffle to enrich the meal.
