Friday, August 3, 2012


I often have once-a-month-migraine  since so long ago that I have forgotten!

Written by Miss Yellow

Like kids, I also love fried fish or french fries, I love something crunchy, and I become quite an expert now to fry real crunchy fried fish and ikan bilies, actually the little secret is using glutinous rice powder not the corn starch or the flour.
Fried foods? People who always have migraine will think twice before think of eating it!

If you experience migraine bad enough that every month you have to go see doctor, the doctor will give you yellow and blue mirgaine tablets. These few months however no doctor can earn my money, because when I felt a bit "bloating" over my head, I would immediately prepare my "Kacama" tea. (Leonurus heterophyllus tea)
'What Kacama? Is it "Hot" too heaty for your body and will sure make your headache gets worst!'
This is a very common warning given by Chinese old "China-women", kacama is not heaty if you don't use a kilogram of ginger to cook along with it dudes............*&^$#$**
'What? Kacama is bitter, how to make it into tea, using tea leaves?'
 Dudes.. kacama tea is not TEA leaves, chrysanthemum tea is made from chrysanthemun flowers, kacama tea is made from kacama leaves (either fresh or dried one).


I used my dad (prostate problem) as a guinea pig last month, initially I tried to prepare different version of kacama concoctions, eventually my dad said this version tasted the best! I mixed the kacama leaves with red dates (smashed the red dates), rinse the dried kacama leaves once, boil the handful of smashed red dates, a handful of kacama leaves and 2 litres of water for a while only, then simmer for 30 minutes, sieve before drink.
Do it at least three times in a month, recommended for old ladies who have migraine and insomnia, old women if you want nice complexion and old men who have prostrate problem.

Note: Always see doctors when your headache persists and please read the precautions from the website attached

Kuching people are very lucky, you can buy a package of dried kacama leaves less than RM5.00 (US$1.5)

This is one of the kacama seedlings in my garden.


  1. hi moneytai tai ...can i know where u find the herbs like dill,basil, rosemary etc plant at looking for it ...

  2. Dear Rose: All depend on what kind of dill, basil or rosemary you are looking for. In wet market you can buy thai basil with purple flower, good for preparing tonyang, use a strong basil branch to insert in soil put under shady place, with enough water, soon it will grow. With white flower, Genovese basil, you can buy from Choice but cost like RM7.50, you can get some seeds from me if you are serious enough to plant it, (pls write to my email, I will give you my hp)Genovese basil is the best flavor basil, good to prepare pesto and pasta sauce. dill officianalis seeds can get it from Singp, I run out of seeds last yr when I neglected it. If you want to plant rosemary, buy its seeds, but take long time to grow, it needs well drained soil. If you can get a strong (older) branch, get rid of the leaves before inserting it in the soil, keep it in cool shady place, if lucky enough new shoots will emerge.

  3. There is another good alternative for women who get migrain often. You can take Jeunesse AM PM, I am completely relief from migraine after taking it, but when you take PM you have to take great precaution, don't take it and go out for dinner and "happy hours", DON'T take beer or wine, as the melotonin in PM cause sleepiness when mix with alcohol. The person who sells you this PM will not inform you as they are not knowledgeble enough, also someone ran (who got robbed due to taking PM then drank beer) into trouble would not tell you too.

  4. hi ...i dun know how sent email from here ,but i leave my num here for u ...u can msg me ,i will call u... 014-6981783 ...tq hehe...
