Thursday, August 2, 2012


Somehow my mommy could dig out my subconscious fright!

Nagged by Little Money’s Mom


Mom wants to be a writer since I was born, recently she begins to read those thick astronomy books, and she loves to tell me her version of science fiction stories, sometimes when I got quite confused she would said I was stupid, hmmm ..... in that case I felt glad that EEs (Aunties) called her bipolar! When she told me those terms like supernova, big bang, time lapse etc. but I only learned those new vocabularies without actually knowing their real meaning.
   She said good books will make people half-believing what the writer wrote, like a conman cheating someone to believe what he had said! May be she is quite right, look at JK Rowling wrote the magic book, most kids really believe what she wrote in her book. Mom said a good book can “cheat” readers “temporary” during the time when they read it, that’s considered a successful book.
   One day suddenly she told me doom day may happen on Dec 21st or Dec 23th, she said if we still survive peacefully she will celebrate grandly for my 10th birthday on the Boxing Day! That's something nicest she said to me in recent months!

Recently my mom loves to caution me of what will those tragic things possibly happen during doom day. She warned me that I must be prepared psychologically when everyone in the family dies except me alone alive but I can be  ended up being radiated.
   She said I shouldn’t be surprised that there won’t be any mirror existed, if I woke up I could be laying inside deepest part of a  big drain, so if I see spiky hair reflected from the poisoned water she said I should be glad that I have survived and still have a pair of eyes to see things!
   She said bible mentioned that a life dog is better than a dead person! So she said I must continue to live bravely.
   She told me I should learn how use stones to spark a fire, how to learn to cook using woods and charcoal, she has another theory that I may get sucked by a space worm to end up somewhere in the Amazon, either ended up alone or a native girl will want married me!
   She said in some culture married at 10 years old is so normal! She said OR I could be ended up in another younger universe, where I will be hanging out with some old universe coolies, after fifty years later, a civilized white Ang Mo (Red hair) race in the younger universe discovered our existence in the jungle wearing big fig leaves, we will then instantly become famous, these white people use a kind of handphone like in mommy’s story book that can be folded up like a Chinese fan, but when unfolded it will turn into a computer or TV screen. My mom said the headline will read, 'We have found a group of called themselves as La Kian (Uncilivized people in Foo Chow dialect) in a jungle, they said they were once from far away land.'
   My mom said because we were all illiterate and too young when we all got sucked into such younger universe, so when the civilized people asked me where I am originated from but I will not be able to give correct answer, as I don’t know anything what is called “another older universe”, “space worm” and worst she said I also don’t know how to calculate complex mathematics and understand advance science. She said that’s why I must study hard.
   She also said that I shouldn’t laugh at people in the jungle that they are Sakai (Uncivilized natives) like somebody stays next door once nicked name my mom, she said everyone can turn into Sakai if there is really such an existing space worm, mom said she suspect there will be something bigger than worm, called “space blanket”, it will fold part of our universe including our earth to another younger universe, many people will die in this case, especially those who have asthmas.
   I asked mom why? She said people who have asthma always begin to experience breathing difficulties and it usually happened when they are on airplane due to lack of oxygen thus when they can’t breathe they could easily get nervous, so if something unknown happens in such a flash, she said surely my sister will die under such circumstance. So she told me be in aware of such "space blanket" or "space worm" happens in a flash, we will feel weightless, gravity free, like floating, just treat that as a Disney tour newly invented game called “Gravity free converting belt.”

She said hopefully it will happen just a less serious kind of "doom day" of three days darkness without sun, we just need to wear winter coat and hide in the blanket for three days, as she said the heated ground at least can still release some convectional heat after a day, she said the worst if the weather hit more 50 degree Celsius for three days, then the heat will  “slowly cooking” us like she used to simmer those gherkin pickles! I think I understand what she said!
   Then she said if we all die, if I find myself floating in the air but can’t find her and my sister, she told me just asked other people where Jesus stays, she said if she can’t get into the door of heaven, she will wait outside the door just to make sure I enter the gate. She said she is quite sure all my holly grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunties will be there and they can take a good care of me!
   I usually would ask mom to shut up as my head would get bloated after she dug out my deepest subconscious frights, I am actually so scared if she dies!


  1. Too bad, your Jiu Jiu wont be there

  2. Also Mommy won't be there, Mommy will be with jiu jiu partying in the hell! *&%$#
