Monday, April 25, 2011


Dog luck invisible creepy thief never got caught but the visible naughty student is frequently being condemned in school

Written by Mrs. Money

In 2040, the world technology becomes so advance that people can borrow “story books” from public library in an ultra thin “old age laptop” dubbed as A4.

Although the world has become so advance but people’s moral standard has become so corrupted. New- age people have to carry their A4s everywhere they go, if they leave it at home without alarm, this A4 always becomes the prime target for thieves.

As stealing becomes so frequent that library authority will not accept penalty fees but a replacement of any used A4 is required.

There is an absent minded scientist leaves his A4 at home got stolen, as he doesn’t own any cheap used A4, he offers to pay the library but his money has gotten rejected.

Soon policeman comes to his house, give him warning it is a compulsory to fix an alarm in his house, the reason is in this modern era thieves have become so smart that police can’t catch them, so their duty is not required to catch nasty creepy invisible thieves but merely to keep an eyes on civilians if they can’t take care of their own properties, belongings and public properties, they will be penalized! (In short, creepy thieves are encouraged to steal)

The police beat the famous scientist as he can’t produce any used A4 to the library. On the next day the police come asking for used A4 again, the man can’t produce it so he “eats the rattan” (beat) again. On the third day, the scientist’s annoyed old mom advised him to return the library an expensive version of A4 (4X more expensive version) to solve the problem.

In old days’ Chinese primary schools, if a student’s belonging was stolen, even if the teacher was not able to catch the thief, but all the students would be warned and lectured. But it is so disappointing that when my son borrowed the library book and left it in his drawer overnight, the reason he told me because he was worried if he took it home his sister might tear it accidentally. The next day he found the book was lost thus he couldn’t return the book to the teacher, he told me he paid RM5 to the teacher.
I thought the problem was solved, but next day his class monitor told me my son got canned by the teacher yesterday because his library book got lost. The same morning my kind friend who popped in my son’s class to ensure that he was alright, but who knew the class monitor was also complaining to her that how my son’s library book got missing, and she told her that my son has to pay RM5 penalty. So my friend called me, I replied her, “Ya, ya, ya, the monitor already told me this morning when I reached the class, but yesterday my son told me he paid the teacher RM5 already!”

Again, on the next morning, the monitor nagged the same thing on me again, I got so annoyed, I told her off, “Isn’t that he paid the money already? You should ask your teacher to catch the thief instead of keep asking for the money. As the book got stolen only within 18 hours, the thief could be the student who was the last one who left the class or the first one who reached the class in the morning! But how can your teacher never mention to catch the creepy invisible thief but instead of a visible naughty boy!”

I cursed while I left the class then a teacher overheard it, I told him exactly of what I told to the monitor. After school, first time my son told me he got canned by the teacher again. So I asked him, “Did teacher F try to catch the thief in your class?”

He replied, “No. But the teacher who canned me asked me must bring a used book from our home to replace the lost book.”

I got mad and nagged again, “Why? You have paid that RM5, and we don’t have that kind of cheap book at home! Why you have to pay money and replace a lost book at the same time?”

So I asked my boy to bring a very expensive Chinese encyclopedia about human body to replace the lost cheap book. The canning eventually stops, but everyday his classmate still tell me how naughty my boy is, I really got annoyed, so Mr. Money told me, if next time those nosy kids annoy me again, I should tell them, “Naughty boy still behaves a lot better than those running loose creepy thieves in your class!”

I did bring this matter to the discipline teacher, she told me, “No, it is impossible to catch the thieves in school, these days kids are so cunning. The other day, I let them used two cans of ink, but at the end of the class, both cans of ink were missing and nobody admitted stealing!” Obviously, the stealing case was taken lightly by the teacher, as two cans of ink don’t cost much!!!

Thefts are encouraged just because these teachers are not smart enough to catch them? Once students’ belongings got stolen, teachers only warned the victimized students to keep their own belongings properly, in my son case he got canned but never once any teacher mentions in his class, “Who steals his book?” The invisible thief never was condemned but instead the victimized student got canned, is this new kind of Chinese education practice and moral teaching in primary school right here in Sarawak state?

This is Mr. Money’s choice of new era Chinese education and moral teaching but definitely it is not my choice if I have strong financial power. I was a teacher too, when such case of theft occurred, students knew that I screamed and shouted so madly, thus never ever in their existing years stealing case happened again, until they were gone, a new batch appeared an invisible rascal conducted stealing again, I screamed and shouted so madly again, it ceased again until I quitted my job!

Note: Eventually after a week, my son classmate told me RM5 was returned to my son by his teacher but my son never told me about it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In contrast to masculine kind of women who have tougher kind of life on this earth!

Written by Mrs. Money

Living almost close to five decades on this earth, after chatting in kopitiam with an elderly lady, sudden enlightment revealed and awakened to me of the perfect women in ladies’ and gentlemen’ eyes.

(1) Have unchallenged demure introvert outlook, but beauty is a must to firstly attract people’s attention.

(2) Silence is golden, unless someone asks them questions they will answer sparingly and politely.

(3) Always keen and sensitive towards surrounding atmosphere, like a chameleon willing to succulent towards very “meekable”, humble, loyal and teachable approach, in short with very high EQ.

(4) They are always acting in COOL, they have “no temper” in short, their simply don’t show their temperament. As demure kind of women, they never reveal themselves like an open book. As curiosity kills the cat thus people love to make friend with “not talkative or not big mouth” persons. The more talk you conduct, perhaps you will reveal more of your secrets and faults, soon people lost interest in you as a friend and even as a partner.

The highest income group of men, in short they are usually the most aggressive male group on earth, they are usually temperament, short temper, witty and want everything they desired and wished reaching their hands quick too. The equal temperamental virago will definitely end up having fist fight or tongue fight with this kind of highest IQ men (unless only rare 5% highest EQ men live within highest IQ men). That’s why a man can go through 4 or 5 times divorce if he didn’t know his low EQ problem even if he has high IQ.

In contrast to those unwelcome masculine kind of ladies, women and men if not ignore them would detest them, usually these masculine kind of ladies even hard to find a boyfriend and a caring husband. All the faults could be perhaps caused by overwhelming male hormone in such female blood!

(1) Have extrovert outlook, outgoing, talking too much, express too much views, and very versatile and tomboy: they could get a staircase climb up the ceiling to change a burned light bulb, in short they can survive well without a present of men. (Most of the time both women and men would dub them as “bitches”)

(2) These masculine women are stubborn and have strong views, insisting on living their kind of carefree independent life. They are leaders in their own rights, whoever join in their activities have to follow their likes.

These kind of masculine women usually have very few good friends due to their character, behavior and nature. If they are more masculine, the tougher kind of life they would live. (In short, assisting from men will leave them further apart). As they are keen in expressing their independent views, doing more talking and giving weird ideas, thus these will provoke more controversies, gossips and disagreements from friends.

Real men never like any women challenged them; they merely need a “Catholic Father” kind of women to listen to their talking, confession and bragging. Thus strong views masculine women can never be men’s friends unless they seal their mouth temporary within the Chinamen male circle.

If the contrasting kind of good and bad women mixed: Masculine kind of women’s talks, behaviors and activities can easily aggravated the most demure women’s innermost mutated rebellious desire to challenge them to retaliate (making negative remarks, in short lost their “nice outlook”) masculine women will always be the loser, as they have protective sense towards the feminine kind of same species women!

It takes a very high EQ for masculine women to live with Chinamen husbands or boyfriends. Toleration is the only virtue to keep a relationship survived. In short, I have seen and witnessed the more masculine for a lady, the more bad fate she has (pai mia in Hock Kien dialect). What bad fate? She has to work her ass off to support her own living (but in-return nobody can boss her around!)

Sunday, April 10, 2011




我晚婚,又不幸掉入大男人的小圈圈,我變得很不平衡,因為丈夫給我的是一個固定的“工資”,沒有給予任何信用卡,也沒有額外給予醫療費,也沒有昂貴幼兒園的學費及偶爾的旅行費用。(在我心中,現在他看起來更像一個很好的流氓舌業務員引誘我投進一個椰子殼,然後用兩個小青蛙拖我的兩條後腿直到我不能跳。他把家建在那裡,然後他卻能隨時出入了椰殼)所以自從在兩年前我賣掉了我的生意我再沒有飛到父母旁。然後,我得到一輛屬於他哥哥不想要的20歲以上的汽車,我的血 幾乎咳出來, 憤怒的回顧我曾經開著的是一輛跑車。由於愚蠢的婚姻,邃了一些志同道合的客戶(嗨母狗可擔心死了,怕我偷了他們的hubbies ...,甚至截至目前我對你們的hubbies無慾望好不好?!)和家庭成員(感到羞愧)們的願望。

我的期望和生活水平,是非常高的,但從那天起我就退出了我每月5數字的收入。 由於甜蜜的許諾,他經常告訴我,我整年收入低於他的整個月收入。我的機械師曾提出困擾的質疑, “你們哦! 為什麼他開好車,但他卻給你這輛垃圾?”我只能無言的聳聳肩。

我結婚那一刻,他那些大男人朋友包圍住告訴我100個妻子不應該參與丈夫的生意的理由,他們會給我的例子在這貓城那些女士(他們暱稱那些女士為母狗)超從控制他們丈夫的業務。然而,許多年之後,我很驚訝聽到他們許多反駁自己, 抬舉一個成功承辦某某人的妻子,他們告訴我她每一天扮裝就像一個“新娘”。總之,她引起人們的注意,她奔馳那新的Mercedes和穿着華麗的服裝,所有這些古老或年輕的承建商都感到驕傲与她一起即使是在Kopitiam喝咖啡。然後,那些華人承包商總是問我,是否有兴趣幫助這個ICI夫人(他們形容她)賣掉她百多萬林吉吉的房子。

在錢先生的眼裡,她是一個非常好,善良和樂於助人的女士,我很高興,至少我知道他真實的面是什麼樣的,他其實喜欢或欽佩什麼類型的女士等。因此,大男人其實可以是“非常延展性”和“很勢利”,他們實際上都希望获得“Michelle Yeoh” 影星樣的妻子,她很著名,她有曝光力,她可以甜言蜜語,比那些大男人更順談,她可以瞬間吸引注意力,她有較好的資源(Kan tou),但這些 …… 那些大男人却缺乏。

很多年前,一位我認識的護士長了投訴我, “曾经一位醫生在他值夜班絕不會回答任何電話,絕不會出現在醫院,我聽說這個醫生Ang Mo 妻子不知道他和他的情婦說什麼話,直到他睡著了。包情婦二奶几十年后,他終於遇到了他年輕漂亮的妻子。現在,现在他帶了“Michelle Yeoh像妻子” 與他處處同行和竞选活动,誰膽敢說他曾经是一個花花公子或不負責任的人嗎?

所以花了60至80年大男人才學會如何去愛一個妻子嗎?對於大男人第一個妻子的婚姻是為了滿足華人傳統的期望,他們會每月帶回第一夫人固定的費用, 他們妻子的職責是照顧孩子,他們的妻子總是有數不清的問題和未解决的问题,她们的丈夫因為很少在家裡,从来没有出现帮助和解决事情。第一夫人的健康一直惡化,當她们生病时丈夫總是遠超過 500公里,婦女被認為沒人愛,他們覺得自己的生命,長壽是沒有意義。隨著女性的問題,生完孩子後,最壞的時候,他們咳嗽,他們却濕了褲子,但這些花花公子,却有大男人的花心尋找年輕版女人為樂。


怎麼能彌補婦女犧牲在惡劣的婚姻里,沒有愛心的丈夫只利用了第一個妻子生孩子是理所當然的?這些大男人日常生活, 工作从来没有或很少将他们的第一夫人带出见他們的客戶,短短的藉口是他們的妻子要照顧自己的孩子,甚至他們的老父母。因此,只有當第一個妻子,孩子漸漸長大,如果第一個妻子要求離婚或他們死了,最後一個妻子通常是在地球上最幸運的女士,因為這是當這些大男人終於學會了如何去珍惜他們之間的關係,真正的浪漫和給一位女士的尊重。當大男人通常是老,殘廢在床上或輪椅的時候,這時候他們開始安靜下來思考,学会欣赏自己同样老的妻子,但有多少優秀女子能被濫用五,六十年在壓力下,不被愛,無人值守的情況呢活這麼長的壽命?

我心裡特別難過于我去世多年姑姑, 她没有机会长寿到足以目睹兒子和女兒從大學畢業到結婚。當我收到了婚禮請柬沒有我姑姑的名字印在上面,我無語, 我一直在想,真的死者的名字出現在婚禮當天可以給他們帶來壞運氣?或者,他們只是想,既然她去世了, 她的名字,沒有必要得到提及。那麼,誰是我表弟的母親呢?他沒有母親?那麼在這種情況下有什麼價值,如果我該死的努力工作,有一天當我死的早,在我兒子的婚禮,他佬爸爸認為這是不吉利死的我, 把我的名字在他兒子的婚禮請柬废除,但他的第二任妻子或父親方姑姑的名字被提到呢?!

在本地結婚最好三思而行, 對於一個受過教育的婦女,是否值得去结婚? 由於出生在一個保守的家庭,却生活在現代世界,又捏在傳統種大男人的拇指。你的年齡失去的那種活力, 必须迅速采取行动, 需要非常非常勇敢,願意放棄現在你的好工作,採取行動之前, 心理准备在海外... ...能劃破工作可能在第一次作為一個女服務員。移居海外,以防止你的父母嘮叨你,免得你的妹妹們侮辱了你說你像個小妹妹只是因為你沒有結婚。不要同我一樣走錯一步路。 (其實有些討厭我的人在那裡很開心,因為我結婚一個无錢的丈夫!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So it took 60 to 80 years for Chinamen to learn how to love and respect a wife?

Written by Mrs. Money

I married late but unfortunately jumping into a hopeless Chinaman’s circle, a thing that I can’t get even with my Chinaman husband is he gives me a fixed “salary” without any credit card at all and also excluding extra medical, expensive kindergarten fees and occasional traveling expenses.(In my mind now he was merely a very good rogue tongue salesman to lure me dropping into a coconut shell, then with two baby frogs dragging on my two hind legs unable me to jump. Having his home builds in there, then he jumps in and out the shell up to his wish) So I have not flown to see my parents since I sold off my business two years ago. Then I was given an unwanted 20 over years old car belonged to elder brother, coughing out my blood when I thought angrily I was driving a coupe. Due to the stupid marriage that some narrowed minded clients (worried sick that I stole their hubbies … hi bitches, I never got a lust on your hubbies even up to these days OK?!) and family members (felt ashamed) presssured so nastily. My expectation and living standard was and is very high, yet I quitted my monthly 5 figures businesses due to the sweet promises as he often told me my whole year income was less than his whole month income. Oh ye, he drives a nice car and my mechanic once pondered at my frequent troubled car, “Why he drives a nice car, but gives you this junk?” I shrugged my shoulder in wordless.

The minute I got married, I was framed by his Chinaman-friends who told me 100 reasons and the disadvantages of a wife who shouldn’t involve in her husband’s business; they would give me examples of those ladies (bitches to them) in this cat city who step in their hubby’s businesses. Yet many years later I was so surprised to hear many of them contradicted themselves by flattering a successful contractor’s wife, I was told she puts the “bride’s made up” everyday. In short, she attracts attention whenever she shows up with her flashy new Mercedes and flamboyance outfits, all those old and young contractors all felt so proud to “minum” kopiO with her even in a Kopitiam. And then I was always asked by those Chinamen contractors if I wanted to help this unknown ICI lady (they described her) to sell her over million ringgit houses.

In Mr. Money’s eyes, she is a very nice, kind and helpful lady, I am glad at least I know his real face of what kind and what type of lady he actually admires. So Chinamen actually can be “very flexible” and “very snobbish”, they actually all wanted “Michelle Yeo” kind of wives, she is famous, she has greater exposure, she can sweet talk, smooth talk better than those Chinamen, she can attract instant attention and she has better kind of resources (kantou) that those Chinamen lacked.

Many years ago, I met a head nurse who complaint to me, she told me how a doctor who would never answer any call and would never show up in hospital to attend his patients during his night duty, then I heard that this doctor would talk to the HP to his mistress until he went to sleep why his Ang Mo wife didn’t know what he was talking. Mistresses after mistresses, finally he met his young pretty wife many decades later. Now he brings “Michelle Yeo kind of wife” everywhere with him, who dares to say he was a playboy or irresponsible man?

So it took 60 to 80 years for Chinamen to learn how to love a wife? For the first wife Chinamen married is to meet the traditional expectation, they would bring back the fixed monthly expenses to their first wives and their first wives duty is to take care of children, usually during these yesteryears the Chinamen were not as successful, their wives always got problem to meet untold monthly due that were always unknown to their Chinaman-hubbies as they were seldom at home, the first wives have to please his family members and friends, after many children, the first wives’ health always deteriorated, when they got sick their hubbies were always more than 500KM away, women being felt unloved, bounded and unattended, they felt their lives are meaningless to live longer. With women’s problem after giving birth, worst when they coughed, they got wet pant, yet those playboys and Chinamen got hearts to look for younger version of ladies for pleasure. For Mr. Money's case, he is so humorous, (satire) when his friend asked him if there is any unmarried men available to match a 30 oldish female friend, he would tell him that he needs a second wife. It sounded very humourous to them but when women overheard what Mr. Money said behind me, those ladies wonder if they should give me any respect, since my hubby didn't give me any verbal respect. Men's mindless humours could turn into deadly bloody words to ladies' ears that could bring hurt to their own wives directly.

How could compensate women who sacrificed in bad marriage with unloving husbands who only used and took the first wives for granted to bear children? These kind of Chinamen would hardly bring their first wives to meet their clients, social functions and daily routines, in short the excuses is their wives have to take care of their children or sometimes even their old parents. So only when the first wives kids got older, if first wives asked for divorced or they died, the Chinamen last wives usually are the luckiest ladies on earth, because that’s the time these Chinamen finally learned how to treasure their relationship, true romance and respect to a lady. When Chinamen usually old and crippled on bed or wheelchair, that’s the time they began to quiet down thinking to give some respects to their as equally first old wives, but how many super women could live such a long life being abused for five or six decades under stress, unloved and unattended situations?

I was so sad in one point with one of my cousin: my aunt died many years ago before seeing her son married and daughters graduated from colleges. I was speechless when I received the wedding invitation card without my aunty’s name printed on it, I always wonder, really the deceased person’s name appeared on wedding day can bring bad luck to them? Or they simply thought that since she passed away her name was not necessary to get mentioned. So who was his mother? He didn’t have a mother? So what is the value in this case for me, if I work damn hard, one day when I die earlier, during my son’s wedding, his Chinamen dad thinks that it is inauspicious to put my name in his wedding invitation card but the second wife’s name or his paternal side aunt’s name was mentioned instead?!

Is it worth really for a very exposed and educated woman to get married due to born into a conservative family, living in modern world but pinching under traditional kind of Chinamen’s thumbs. Think twice before you got married locally, be very very brave, willing to give up your good job now, able to sacrify to work as might be at first a waitress in overseas ……. Act before your older age lost that kind of momentum, think of getting an overseas PR, migrated overseas to prevent your parents nagging at you, lest your younger sisters insulted you as not being a role model that you merely acting like her little sister just because you were not married earlier than her. Don’t step the same wrong path like me. (Actually some nasty people out there very happy that I don’t get married to a rich husband!)