Monday, October 25, 2010


如果上帝真的是不公平, 但懲罰貧婦更不公平!



聽起來那麼好!很多人會同意他的意見。他說到, 他做到了!他的妻子,總是在中央醫院分娩, 我聽說那些醫生和護士们每个都出現,非常關注她的精心眾生。


舉一個例子,我曾有一位工作人員,她在北部地區的一家中央醫院一分娩她的第一個胎,無論在擴張或驅逐階段,沒有一個護士在場, 當嬰兒的頭部出現了,她的丈夫不得不离开產房去尋找可以幫忙分娩的護士!整個分娩事件沒有單一的醫生嗎?

在實際中,只有当護士玩不轉了的關鍵時候,才会勞動了醫生!我知道,這些護士在產房大多很傲慢,冷漠和自大,大部分時間這些婦女及其家庭得巴接護士们。這些分娩護士们在長期无醫生在他們身邊指示,促成他們獨立行動立場, 助長他們高度的不友好,他們大部分時間是他們自己的老闆,婦女在分娩时非常需要和依賴他們提供的協助。在某些情況下,這些婦女被粗暴地罵,“你為什麼這麼大聲尖叫?當你做那单事时你過得

但我仍然讚揚那些中央醫院里的極少數善良,耐心和微笑的產房護士。他們真正想幫助婦女, 不看一個人的背景,他們的奉獻是值得每一個人讚揚的。

在沙撈越州,這仍然在發生,貧窮背景的婦女,分娩时沒有任何家庭成員陪伴,短暫休息後,抱了他們自己的新生兒(服用缺乏分娩後適當的食物后),要步行了一大路程,搭乘巴士或乘船返回自己的甘榜 (鄉村).
Either God is unfair or God really punishes poorer women!

Written by Mrs. Money

There is a doctor in this city who would always advise his patients to deliver their babies in the general hospital, he convinced them over there the facilities are fully equipped and it is also the cheapest versus those private hospitals.

Sounded so good! Many people and I would agree his points too. He said it and he did it. His wife delivered all her babies in the general hospital, I heard that during labor all those nurses and doctors would really pay attention on her well-beings.
Was this doctor showing off to people that he and his wife are prestigious or they were really kind of nerds and insensitive persons?

How many women from lower and mediocre background who couldn’t afford deliver their babies in this city private hospitals went to general hospital delivering their babies, would they receive special attention like this doctor’s wife received all past while?

Just give an example, when my staff delivered her first baby in a general hospital somewhere in northern region of the state, there was no nurse on scene either during dilation or expulsion stage and when the baby’s head emerged, her husband had to rush out the labor ward searching for a nurse who could help! And for the whole laboring affair there was no single trace of a doctor? I learn that a doctor would be called in only during real critical condition when those nurses couldn’t handle anymore!

I learned that those nurses in the labor wards were mostly arrogant, aloof and cocky, most of the time those women and their families got to bride those nurses. Their position fostered their nasty unfriendly altitude as doctors were hardly around them, most of the time they were their own boss, women in labor depending badly on them to assist. In certain cases, those women were being scold rudely, “Why you scream so loud?When you did it yet you were so happy, weren’t you?”

But I still salute those
very few kind-hearted, patience and smiling nurses in labor ward over this city general hospital who genuinely wanting to help women without looking at one’s background, their dedications are worthy to be praised by everyone.

This is still happened in Sarawak state, women with poor background would deliver their own babies without any family member presented, after their short rest (With little suitable post labor foods taken), they would carry their new born babies home either by walking a distance to catch a bus or take a boat returning to their kampong.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010





就有這樣的一個大丈夫活在這世界上,他从沒有買過任何難忘的禮物贈送過他的妻子,他活的不赖,但他只是天生的对他的妻子吝嗇,(我很吃驚为何這種吝嗇的基因会由一代传下一代), 該名男子沒有購買任何訂婚或結婚戒指给他的妻子,他不會花費超過三百令吉(少於一百美元)的耐用禮物给他的妻子,他不會讓他的妻子住和用新的东西(老房子,老汽車,二手衣服,舊家具等。突然有一天,他的妻子闹離婚,他甚至不知道哪裡出了問題。他認為只要他沒有在外胡搞, 只要他給予妻子必要的每月開支(甚至沒有足夠给她買內衣,女士們都知道,在這世界上內衣是最昂貴的衣物)。

他從沒有送过他妻子任何一份值得難忘的礼物, 她也毫无遺憾的离開了,她告訴她的朋友门:“看看我,在我身上所有的一切, 名牌的手錶是我自己的收入買的,那些名牌的衣服,鞋 和手袋,是我的姐妹們送給我的。在十年的婚姻, 為了抗議我少有穿戴飾品,因為我的丈夫事實上從來沒有給我買过了什麼好東西! “ 在這一點上,很多人可能會認為這個女人是不可救藥的物質物主義者。

這個女人恨恨進一步補充:“家里也少有東西是我丈夫给予的,因為他只購買有少數的低價的東西,但它们總是只給了我麻煩。 我也很難找到了我的丈夫留在家裡,因為大部分時間,他要出差,即使他回到城里,他也是坐在Kopitiem那裡谈業務,他認為,如果他每天都坐在家裡,很快地他的生意就要關閉了!從我的身上我也沒有找到任何我丈夫的影子,,因為沒有一個他給的像样禮物掛在我的身上会讓其他婦女多看我一眼。名牌手提袋是姐姐給送我的但他给我開一辆二十年的老車,有人懷疑的問我, 是否它是個冒牌的名牌手袋!没任何他的影子,我怎麼能怀念他? “許多人在這一點上仍然認為這個女人是不可救藥的物質物主義者。



大男人唯一和他們妻子分享的他們的孩子! 他們總是強調,他們為家庭而努力!所以,無論未来就是他们將成為一个富裕和傑出的大丈夫,但他们現代化的專業妻子们總覺得有代沟,没有一个共享和連縶的歸屬的安全感。 反之,思想現代化專業男/商人们與保守的中國婦女们共舞,卻较少有這樣溝通的問題!


Monday, October 18, 2010


How much you worth reflected in the gifts given by your husband!

Yesterday I saw my 5 years girl playing with my thumb size black onyx pendent, this morning before I sat in front of the computer screen I suddenly remember certain articles I read yesterday of how certain natural stones can help in reflecting the positive ions, I located the stone, the minute I wore it on, I began to recall my deceased aunty.

Even the bible, I read a verse of it in encouraging people to give gifts in subduing one’s anger, so no matter how my aunty got my nerve before but when such a black onyx was on my neck, my positive memory of hers rolled on like a video.

There was such a husband in this world, who never bought any memorable gift to his wife, he was not poor but he was just born to be stingy to his wife (I am surprised that such stingy gene is carried on from a generation to the next), the man never bought any engagement or wedding ring to his wife; he would never spend more than RM300 (Less than US$100) lasting gifts for his wife and he would never let his wife lived on anything new (Old house, old car, used dress, old furniture etc.) Suddenly one day his wife wanted a divorce, he didn’t know what went wrong. He thought by giving his wife the necessary monthly expenses (not even enough for her to buy undergarments, all ladies know that undergarments are the most expensive ‘clothes’ in the world) and as long as he didn’t commit any affair. She walked off and never missed a single bit of him, she told her friends, “Look at me, everything on my body, my branded watch I bought it with my own earning, my branded dress, my branded shoe and my branded handbag, my sisters gave them to me. I wear no ornament as a protest that my husband in an actual fact has never bought me anything nice enough to wear in the 10 years marriage!” At this point, many people might think that this woman is hopelessly materialistic.

The woman further on added bitterly, “I don’t find any shadow of my husband in my house, as only few cheap things that bought by him but always only gave me troubles, also I hardly found my husband at home because most of the time he was either traveling and even if he was at home he would say it was important for him to sit in the Kopitiem where business got engaged, he argued that if he sat at home everyday, soon he would have closed down his business and worst still on my body I also don’t find any shadow of my husband, as there was not a single nice gift given by him hanging on my body daily that would let other women taking a quick glance of me. I drove a twenty years car, when I carried the branded handbag given by my sister; some people doubted and asked me if it was the genuine one!” Many people at this point still think the woman is hopelessly materialistic.

It happened to many desperate older aged yet less smart and lack established bachelor men, who was good in nothing but only knew how to use either a hook or a crook to fish a professional well established wife, once they got what they wanted, they wouldn’t continuously maintaining their lies and dishonesties, once they thought the old women would completely submitted to them, like old days China women, who would submit to the fate of life.

“Well, I work very hard for this family, when I don’t get rich it is because of our fate of life.” He would try to “comfort” her. Chinamen would never let their wives put a finger in their business.

“Ok, if you want to run my business, tomorrow I let you handle the whole company! Let’s see if you can maintain it for more than three months!”

The Chinamen would share nothing with their wives, except their kids! So whatever their Chinamen hubbies did or no matter how rich and prominent they would become, their Chinamen altitudes would let their modern professional wives felt that there was no sense of belonging, sharing and connecting of whatever their hubbies did, they would always emphasize that they worked hard for the family!

In reverse, modern professional men/businessmen tangoed with China women seldom have such compatible connectivity problem!

Imagine how many professional women would be submitted to “marry down” status to a Chinamen kind of brought up husband; especially those girls who were once top in their respective professions before they got fooled and married to the wrong husbands.

Sunday, October 17, 2010




古晉有一家新開張的餐廳,出售有聞名与全市的好麵包,但是當我朋友打電話通知它红毛主人,告知他的麵食總是太鹹,他反问:“你對於了解食品有多少?” 我來到這家餐廳一次,我的堂妹指訂了意大利麵食,吃了數口稍後她才告訴我它好咸,所以我亦嚐了它一口,我的堂妹和我吃意大利麵食從美國,歐洲吃到回古晉市,這是我們吃過最咸的意大利麵食!或者你認為太糟糕了,主人頑固不採取他客戶的意見, 我瞎猜想因為他不做飯给客戶,或者他從來沒吃過他自己所僱用的本地廚師煮的麵食,不然就是他只是喜歡吃咸的食物。但告訴你一件令人驚訝的事,這餐廳仍然有許多顧客是因為他們都喜歡吃咸的食物!


那些另類專题的博客文章,例如欺侮,虐待(毆打),強姦,心理,哲學或技術科目, 所謂物以類聚, 通常那只吸引少數受害者,學者和書呆子。大多數被欺負者,是性格內向的人,往往這樣的悲劇使他們退出的人群,他們會突然改變自己的人生觀或畸變了逆向的性格。所以,想像一下,如果一個無辜受害者發布了一篇文章見證她如何經歷痛苦和容忍困擾多年的欺凌和不同欺負,但她從未收到任何評論。這表明,實際上是如何少數人興趣於閱讀受害者的遭遇,在這個世界時大多數人只關心自己的事,他們認為,如果只採取謹慎,不好的事情不會發生在自己身上,此類受害者專题的文章它不吸引了他們。


實際上這讀者的潛意識正辛辛相惜可憐筆下的惡霸,卻不同情可怜的受害者,她们下意識地同意惡霸對受害者欺侮的做为(那些惡霸自我內心原始的眼睛定義受害者為一個劣勢的存在),這樣的特質實際上反映了陌生讀者潛在的肖像,某些相似的特徵,特性和及顯鑑的惡霸象徵, 因此惡霸做为吸引了他們打包不平,這樣的陌生提意見讀者不會與作家有同類的“共鳴”,其實這篇文章引起他們同感仿佛与惡霸同处在一條船上,他們非常生氣,因而失去了冷靜的頭腦,他們來 “搶救” 他們自己的相知,沒了冷卻的頭及无任何憐憫反卻轟擊在作家的頭上, 为自己的倫理版本解釋。





(3)研究使用特詞,如這例子:“butt 屁股”而不是“ass 屁股”或類似更殘酷特詞。 “Holy 聖”人傾向於“禮貌”的話。

(4)特殊的打字習慣:例如大多數人會用A,而不是a,但是這樣的評論者會用一連續使用 a, 這種特點將持續進行到嫌疑人的博客页内。

(5)姓名或提意等見也不會被趕得遠離其原來的名稱或特定 “啟發”他們的名稱。

當狼吼,其餘的狼將加入即將號啕大哭起來。物以類聚,吸引了同類,因此要非常小心, 什麼樣的博客文章里的角色吸引到你,並留下您對受害作家的轟炸,並加以譴責言論。它是一面明鏡,反映您深處未知的惡魔還是天使的一面,情緒傷殘或平衡的生活,幼稚或成熟的存在。只有當你知道你自己的特有的特徵,你可以幫助自己,不自覺譴責你潛意識中“低人一等” 的受害者,是非常不友善,但具有惡霸的積極性是好的,加以善用, 適於追求者的學业或業務。

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The danger of commenters in exposing their primitive sub consciousness!

Written by Mrs. Money

Opening a business, you are exposed to public, but if you putting out a blog you are exposed to the whole world. Like an opened book, you will be subjected for flattering or despising.

There is a newly opened restaurant in Kuching city famous for its nice breads but when my friend called informing the Mat Salleh’s owner that his pasta was always too salty, instead she was questioned by him, “How much do you know about foods?” I went to this restaurant once, my cousin ordered the pasta, she told me it was so salty, so I took a bite, my cousin and I ate pasta from USA, Europe back to Kuching city, it was the saltiest pasta we ever tasted!

Too bad that the owner stubbornly didn’t take his customer’s comment, as he didn’t do the cooking I just make a guess that either he never tasted those pasta cooked by his employed local chefs or he simply eats saltier foods than the rest of the populations, but tell you surprisingly the restaurant still got many patrons for salty foods!

Like attracts like (物以类聚) happened all over the world, actually if all like only mix with like and don’t get bothered with others, then our world will be in a total peace, unfortunately Nazis never reigned the world, communists never reigned the world and capitalists also never reigned the world, whenever like wants to brain wash another unlike, chaos and war started.

Your blog written articles would be considered as a success when many visitors browsed and left their good comments on your standing. They either could benefit from or share your similar hobbies, interests, ideas, philosophies of life, religious or ethical views. Most of the time these commenters would leave positive, encouraging and pleasant (sometimes pulling each others leg) remarks, like a group of cats licking each others furs. Similar to those entertainment karaoke, topless bars or massage parlors, often “gossips, sexual and scandals” written blogging articles would lure the most audience all over the world.

Those written blogging articles specialized in cases e.g. like bullying, abusing (battered), raping, psychological, philosophical or technical subjects usually would only attract specifically to only minorities of victims, scholars and nerds. Most bullied, abused and raped victims are mostly introvert person, often such tragic caused them to withdraw from crowds or they would change abruptly their outlook of life or to a driven personality.

So imagine if a victim of bullied posted a written article witnessed painfully how she experienced and tolerated bullying and haunting for years by different bullies and yet she never received any comment. It shows that how few people actually were interested to even read on what had happened to such a bullied victim, most people minded their own business in this world when it was not attracted to them, so called like attracts like.

Suddenly one day the poor victim’s article received a “blasting” condemning commentary by a stranger with a pinky nail size blurred photo to indicate she’s a girl, but blocked her profile from the victimized writer’s excess.

Why the negative commenter or some readers didn’t put out any noise of what bullies did but merely condemned on the writer?

The actual fact was such readers/commenters subconsciously actually pitied those bullies instead of the bullied victim, the readers subconsciously agreed with what the bullies did to the victim (Those bullies ego primitive inner eyes would define a victim as an inferior being), such traits actually reflected the readers’ potential likeness, certain similar characteristic traits and promptness to bully, thus they got attracted to the bullies, such readers/commenters wouldn’t have the same kind of “resonance” with the writer, actually the article provoked them, made them felt they were on the same boat with the bullies, they got extremely angry and lose their cool heads thus they came to “rescue” the bullies by bombarding the writer right on her head without any mercy and cooling head in their own version of ethical explanations.

For an example, there would be two different kinds of person drew to a explicit porno blogging article, the sex manic who got attracted to it positively and the other would be the religious fanatics who got extremely mad. In contrast, when a very holy religious person wrote a blogging article against prostitutions, night life or pre maritual sex, agreed ones would leave positive remarks but angry ones would condemn and tell the blogger off very angrily!

Also it’s so easy to track such readers who left negative comments but barred the writer to reach them. Thanks to one of my ex-students who’s now doing his PhDs program specialized on IT security, he gave me some of the following information:

(1) The older the commenter, the cooler head and more reserved he/she would have, usually they would leave very subtle comments, the most unreasonable and most angry ones usually were younger innocent girls, still not exposed to the real dog eats dog world yet.
(2) Due to the wonders of technology, anonymous profile page would be able to get a hold of.
(3) Study the usage of the word of such commenters, "butts" instead of "ass" or something crueler. "Holy" people tend to use more "polite" words such as this.
(4) The peculiar typing habits: e.g. most people would use I instead of l, such commenters would use l to stand for I or most people would use A instead of a, but such commenters would use a throughoutly. Such trait would be consistently carried to the suspects’ blogs.
(5) Name of such commenters wouldn’t be driven too far from their original name or certain name that “inspired” by them.

When the wolves howled, the rest of the wolves would join in soon to howl together. Like attract like, very careful of what kind of blogging articles you got attracted and to leave your bombarding and condemning remarks, it is a mirror there to reflect your unknown devilish or angelic side, emotional handicapped or balanced life, childish or mature presence. Only when you know your own characteristic traits you are able to help yourself, be a mean bully to “inferiors” is very unkind, but the bully’s aggressiveness is good to apply in pursuing ones’ study and business.