Saturday, April 17, 2010


Written by Mrs. Money

My Hong Konger friend told me a monkey’s story a decade ago while we both resided in Brunei: She said there were so many monkeys at her backyards during mangoes season, she noticed especially that there was a grey fat female monkey never wanted to eat any mango from it own family’s territory trees, instead it would always jump to other monkeys' trees to pluck and enjoy others' mangoes, eventually when all others’ mangoes "finished", only his family’s trees still got remaining mangoes!!! My friend told me this fat monkey’s fur is most grossy shinny comparing to the rest, she wondered if we should be nasty, unethical, greedy and immoral like this sly monkey so we can survive in this dog eats dog business world as a winner!

One of my friends like this story very much because he told me once there was such a monkey working in his IT office, when a barely 23 years old young man came for interview, he even brought along a church minister friend of his. He said that once he was working as a minister in a church and got a diploma in IT and also he got two years working experience in KL but he quitted his job when he didn’t get paid for several months by his KL ex-employer.

So my Christian friend employed him immediately, my friend asked him to bring the resume later, but he took my friend’s busyness as an advantage never submitted his resume. Then my friend soon got informed that this new employee was not loyal and reliable:

The new employee would always introduce his boss’s (my friend) potential customers to buy computers from his own relatives’ IT shops and also would always inform his boss’s (my friend) customers he could service their computers privately as well, "I also work part time at home!"

After two years, the new employee decided to resign, but he got such a thick face came asked my friend for permission if he could still work for my friend but only as part timer, his reason was as he just began to open his own new business, he didn't want his income became less, he could be so thoughtless, how about his boss's (my friend) income also became less due to his sem-resignation?! My friend even kindly gave him 30 over old clients for his newly opened business, so he probably thought that my friend must be a very stupid person. As there were another 30 over remaining clients serviced under him which his boss (my friend) kept. But he asked for part time job again from his boss (my friend) after he opens his own business, it was just an excuse for him to take his boss’s (my friend) remaining clients literally either using crook or hook to his new business. He came to an extend telling lies to his boss’s (my friend) clients, “My boss is not an IT technician, I am the only one in the company who can fix the computer and now I work here part time only, please come by my new office to visit!”

Then one after another to his boss (my friend) remaining clients, he distributed his new business name card, but very soon my friend’s wife came in the picture fired such a terrible part-time employee to prevent him for further defamation on her husband.

My friend actually got a degree in IT, but he was busy writing his program and designing software most of the time, servicing computer is a piece of cake for him eventhough he was not trained as a IT technician, since he hired a technician to repair computer for him thus he never need to reveal his “talents”. Soon my friend visited Bintulu found out from an old church friend that his hired employee never was a theological school graduated diploma holder, in an actual fact he didn’t even pass his form 5, yet he began to tell lies since old days, he explained to his church friends that his failure of form 5 was due to he forgot to enter his “written name” to his exam papers. Everyone knows that during exam we entered numbers not names!Think this matter in a lateral angle:

Why this compulsive liar cum smart monkey didn't want to work in his relatives’ computer shops instead of went to his relative's chief rival company? If he worked for his relative, would he be so daring enough to take his relatives' clients as he did literally to his boss's clients? And why he still has such a thick face asking to work for part time after he set up his own new business (under the situation when his ex-boss even kindly and thoughtfully gave him half of the old clients as a gift, he even twisted the fact by telling his relatives that his ex-boss's clients all wanted to follow him to his new business and now his ex-boss hardly have any remained clients and staff) when he was never being a loyal and honest staff for two years of his work!?
In an actual fact, right before he married he resigned his job, and his father-in-law helped him opened a new computer shop. He even told my friend that his father-in-law forced him to open a computer shop thus he had to resign, he even made a scene cried like a baby when my friend was out of town receiving his call,
“Hey, I never bully you, why you cry so loud… where are you now?”
“In the office.”
“Any client?”
“You better stop crying now!”

After that incident, my friend didn’t feel earning that kind of little profit margin business and often he heard maliciously gossips put out by his ex-staff and also nasty threats by his ex-staff’s father-in-law who is a triad member. My friend eventually closed down his business and moved out of such oil town.

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