Friday, December 11, 2009

Wonderful Onion and Garlic

Written by Mrs. Money

Chinese long believed that garlic could ward off evil spirits, even up to these days some educated Chinese with unsaturated harder than coconut brains still believing of whatever their illiterate moms had once taught them, such imparted unconditional old days opinions were imprinted like tattoos in their minds.

In short, those evil spirits' terminology have changed to the virus and bacteria in modern days’ science.

A month ago, my sister sent me a chain mail of those wonder deeds of onions' testimonials, how the onion was sliced and put in socks to wear on to get rid of H1N1 high fever or how onion was placed in an office to make everyone there healthy.

My daughter got a serious croup when she was just two years old, a long story made it short when my daughter got barking coughs, the doctor I brought her to didn’t give her correct diagnose and thus prescripted her an antibiotic that couldn't supress her high fever, so I kept looking for my family doctor from early Sunday morning to early evening, just because I was waiting for my family doctor's returning call and I let my daughter’s high fever dragged on for the whole day, then my eldest sister popped in to visit.

She just carried my daughter hurried to her car and barked at me, “Come on! Go to the specialist centre immediately.” My eldest sister saved my daughter a life but not a doctor who gave wrong diagnose and a doctor with his wife who just ignored my call, can you believe it?

But from that day onwards my daughter has became so sensitive to any changes in temperature, if I turned air-condition just a degree down, within the next few days I sure had to bring her visiting a doctor.

Until one of my younger sister who sent me an email on November, the onion wonder article sounded quite sensible to me. So for a month, my unhealthy daughter became my experimenting guinea pig, I cut an onion into half and left it inside her bedroom.

Most parents got such experience that their kids like to cough after midnight, so when she coughed, I would immediately place the onion next to her, to my surprise, her cough wouldn't continue or persist on and off through the rest of the night.

So far, my both kids have not been sick since the day sleeping with onion as their companion or else in the past at least once a month I got to bring my daughter either to see a Chinese doctor or a child specialist. I remember just a week ago, they both played under the rain, and I heard their sneezing and running nose, however after a night sleep in an onion infiltrated room. Second morning, they were still as healthy and pink.

I just started to add in garlic few nights ago to their bedroom, soon I will add in lemon grass and lemon peels.

Goodbye .... To all kind of devils!


  1. Recently I read from sin chew newspaper it got one article mentioned that garlic provide sort of advantages but only 1 withdraw - "Not good for eyes"

  2. It's really breaking a record that my kids haven't get any flu or fever since Nov last year when sleeping with onions. Except one of them got food poisoning once, a child specialist told me if she continued to vomit and poo poo, if got dehydrated, the only way would be admitted her to hospital. "Oh dear, hospital? I am drop dead tire, may be both mother and daughter would end up in hospital if her situation dnt stop!" So once I emerged from western doctor's clinic, I zoomed my daughter to see a Chinese doctor's clinic, the Chinese doctor told me if my daughter continued to vomit and poo poo for three days without stopping, there should some infections, so she gave me Chinese herbal antibiotic, and things really got better after second dose. There is always an alternative in life if one's thinking is not that rigid!!!
