Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Traditional Chinese Wet Pickle

Written by Mrs. Money

I wanted to learn how to pickle the most popular oriental mustards since a while back, once I read its recipe from a local Chinese newspaper but I kind of doubted why it’s so easy to make, only after my aunty Alice confirmed to me that she knows how to make it, then I begin to dream of planting and harvesting oriental mustards aimed for such wet yellowish Chinese pickle.

So if you planted many organic oriental mustards in your garden but none of your friends would like to accept your bitter gift, then you should try to make this wet
pickle, I am quite sure they will happily accept your sour gift!

5 big oriental mustards
Rice water
5 tablespoons salt

Clean and hang out the oriental mustards under the hot sun for a day
Submerge the oriental mustards under the rice water and salt in a container
(Make sure using a heavy bowl or stone to avoid the vegetables from floating)
Soak 4 to 5 days


  1. How is the taste?? I want to try.. :)

  2. Hi Nobody, it's actually sour and salty, with not much taste. Chinese esp. like to add it to their soup or steamed fish, sometimes they add in sugar to make an appetz. Next round I will plant this oriental mustard, once I make it I will let you try. Actually most vegetables hawkers are selling it, but I wonder if it's free frm pesticide.
