Thursday, April 5, 2012


I only realized my son acquired his animals’ kind of wisdoms from those
Disney cartoon animals and Youtube cats' defence shows!

Written by Money Tai Tai

Kids can be hilarious sometimes, early morning I took my kids for kolo mee, so I only tabao snacks for them, the snacks were cheese tortillas chips and cheese twister chips. I only realized kids really love chips very much, I have a good idea, next time I will give kids different kind of chips for their birthday!

When my kids came home this afternoon, they told me everyone in their class loved their foods, my son told me he ended up eating his chips under his desk. His classmates are entirely mature young boys and girls, when he acted like a cat or dog, nobody would want to “paw down” with him to share his chips. I called this as animal wisdom that he learned from Disney cartoon and Youtube cats’ shows!

My daughter however is a much more mature girl than her elder brother but instead most of her chips ended up on her classmates’ mouths, so one of the students’ mum saw what had happened, she advised her, “Why don’t you eat some of their foods too?!”

I only realized very recently that my son was acting like a cat, since a year ago I kept receiving complaints from his teachers that whenever they gave him canning, he would retaliate, until one of the older experienced teacher told me, “Even he touched me lightly than he was happy enough!”

Then I realized that since a year ago, he loved to watch those cats met snakes shows from Youtube, ended he would return his teacher a “paw” whoever canned him, a scratch for those he was not afraid of or when he couldn’t retaliate, he simply hid under a desk!

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