Saturday, January 14, 2012

Burmese’s Pe –Pyote

After I heard of its story, I was so eager to taste it!

Written by Money Tai Tai

I was told the pe pyote was prepared by pea sprouts, and the peas used were the dried garden peas.

For me the peas looked more like smaller version chick peas. Once I was very curious of how pe pyote tasted, now I get more curious if I will be able to plant the peas right in my garden. 

I think I will start my "pe pyote" peas planting project after Chinese New Year.

Special thank to Dr. Khin Khin who prepared this pe pyote to enable me taking the following photos; many foo chow in Sarawak would love to hear that she is a Foo Chow-Burmese now teaching in  Kuching Swinburn University campus.

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