Written by Mrs. Money

This blog unveiled jobless Money Tai Tai's how she copes and jokes at her new life after moving into a small town called Kuching in Borneo island. Driven from her independent financial past, how she can still rant her current confined "country life" and share her secret tips in gardening, creative cooking, economical and stylistic home decoration.
There was a case happened in a Northern Borneo, a decade ago my friend’s boyfriend went to study in a university. Soon during his birthday, a girl from a gas town who studied with him knew that he already got a girlfriend but she still dared to approach him telling him during his birthday, “I love you!”
My friend got very angry, due to she was very young, she simply dumped him to grant the bitchy girl’s wish.
What kind of man would allow “other girl” to express to him vocally that “she loves him” right in front of his girlfriend?
What kind of girl would be so daring to tell the man she fancied right in front of his girlfriend told him, “I love you!”
However, once the bitchy girl stole my friend’s boyfriend, she would never leave my friend in peace, even the bitchy girl’s sister who worked for me (actually I think she was spying for her sister thus she worked for me) also never left my friend alone, I remember such incidents:
The bitchy girl sister would take a photo of her sister’s boyfriend ex-girlfriend during a wedding to show her sister, soon during a Chinese new year the bitchy girl would wear exactly the same dress, my friend got annoyed so she went to perm her hair, who knew that the bitchy girl also went to perm her hair!
I was simply in awe of the acts of the two equally bitchy sisters, once my friend came to visit me, the bitchy girl’s sister was the only one who worked in the office during lunch time, no matter how many times my friend rang the door bell, no one would came open the door for her, at the end my friend called me to come upstairs opening the office door for her.
Then one day the bitchy girl’s sister dared enough to tell me this, “Your friend is still interested in my sister’s boyfriend!” She didn’t know that actually my friend got a new boyfriend since she broke off with her ex-beau, but I wouldn’t reveal that to her as I wanted to see how ugly girls could turn into when they got jealous and agressive!
I told her flat off that there was no such thing, as I could see that that’s another way round, I could see that the young man was still interested in his talented ex-girlfriend. I waited for her to tell me the same thing for the second time but it never happened, or else I would really tell her off this way, “If a girl dares enough to steal other’s boyfriend, she should be confident enough to keep him instead of kept bothering and giving troubles to his ex-girlfriend!”
A few years later, finally the bitchy got married with her dreamed man, my friend finally found herself another new boy friend who is much more mature man, I think he is a perfect match for her, yet my friend’s ex-boyfriends’ ex-girlfriends all got “excited” and turned into busy bodies, they “kindly” probed into background of my friend’s new boyfriend through the church he attended and they sent someone to tell my friend that the man is not good enough for her!
My last warning to my friend during my last met with her was: Please keep an eye over your boyfriend, let no other bitchy mean girl steals him anymore!”
Where got a mature authorized man who would allow another lady approaching him flirting and tangoing with him when she knew already he got a girlfriend or a wife? If the man would entertain the approaching aggressive girl, he is not a worthy man to keep for the rest of a woman’s life. Set him free then may be a better one would come along her way too, so my friend did a correct way but only regret is she couldn’t get rid of those haunting bitches, I suggested only her new boyfriend’s menacing growls could hush those haunting barks!
It is important for a couple to keep some common reliable good friends who could help them during any crisis.
The surfaced problems regularly complained by one of the couple should be noted instead of being ignored, or else once the better one comes along could steal either one; it takes a very high moral standing to keep a faithful but problematic relationship.
If a couple’s relationship doesn’t work it is better to divorce first before thinking of finding “a better one comes along!” A fragile relationship of a couple is easily broken and intensified by "a better one comes along!"
Many men would think that because of their kids are still young thus they didn’t want to divorce their imperfect wives, in short these men are terribly selfish, they used their wives to take care of the children until they grow older, they ignored their imperfect wives’ emotional well being, but selfishly they invest their emotional well being in another “perfect soul partners”, enjoying their life by bringing the "mistresses" all over the world but left their respective poor wives in the coconut shell taking care of naughty kids. These men thought of the best solution waiting for their kids to grow older before asking for divorce, these men only thought for their kids but not their wives (their wives are their prime enemies!) by the time their wives would be old and ugly, they would never find their new partners in this conservative society, I only foresee a lonely life for the poor divorced women thoroughly used by their heartless hubbies to take care of the offspring only …. I see a picture of some selfish tom cats who only knew “how to propagate” but let alone the parenting job to the mother cats but I admired those necking swans on a stream that got more wisdoms than some human beings!
Chinese-Malaysia called this herb as 'Fake Cilandro', it smells like cilandro.
Bitter herb: Ku Lik Sim