as you can't find Ghormeh Sabzi in any restaurant of this city
Ghormeh Sabzi
Written by Mrs. Money
Sometimes ones preferred to forget about unpleasant people they once encountered, surprisingly only good foods introduced by them are much appreciated!
Soak your red kidney peas
Finely chop your fresh herbs available: Parsley, cilandro, chives, spring onion and fenugreek leaves (you can plant fenugreek or hulba by sowing the seeds that you bought from any Kuching downtown Indian store)
Beef cut into cubes
Use your big onion and garlic (o ouuop.. my big onion ran out)
We are very lucky to get this fresh round species of lemon right here in Kuching. You can dry this kind of round lemon inside your car. (You must use more dried lemon to prepare this dish)
Fry the onion, garlic with oil and salt until brownish
Add chopped herbs to fry until drying and releasing pleasing aroma
Just add a fresh round lemon, add beef saute a while before adding red kidney peas and boiled water. Leave it stew under low fire until beef and peas get softer.
Add a dash of black pepper powder before turn off the fire and serve with saffron basmati rice.
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