Tuesday, November 26, 2013


A Christmas gift for your own when you won't receive any!

Posted by Poor Money Tai Tai

This year end marked my 5th jobless year in meow city, I learn to live more stingy than ever and learn like those majority poorer local residents live their simple lives.

   Hardly anything that I did here for the past few years could get any positive response.  To gain new friendships by doing charity? Never in my life I become so negative, why it makes me felt that it is a city that welcomes tourists but not a migrated resident from other smaller town? 

   The spending power of the people  here are not like the oil city, I only learn that they save their money to get out of meow city during school holidays, last Saturday night I witnessed meow airport was packed with people, queued up a more than a kilometer in both departure and arrival halls. 

First Christmas when I was in meow city, I  was so cheerful and full of positiveness, and the life here gradually pushed me to the bottleneck, now I wonder if this will be my last Christmas here! 

    I went to a pharmacy, there was no lip balm under RM5, but the cheapest was more than RM10. What's going on here? 

   I saw the rich ones become richer, poorer ones become poorer, unfortunately I become the later one. 

   Poor people become more resourceful and they really bargain hard. Usually a lip balm with RM10+ lasted me for 4 months, so I returned home prepared a whole year supply of lip balm that cost me less than RM10.

New Zealand bee wax, a piece of that cost $7 (RM19), but I just need 1/6 of it.

I bought lemon infused extra virgin oil during clearance sales, 50% off, cost me a bottle around RM11, you just need a quarter cup

Bought 10 plastic empty containers from pharmacy cost me RM2

Put  bee wax and olive oil together in a bowl, heat them in microwave at 90 degree until the bee wax barely melted, then stir the bee wax until melted.

Can buy this from Cosway, half teaspoon mixed and melted with little water.

Mix everything together, keep mixing and stirring under room temperature

Before it gets thicker, make sure you already transfer them to  containers.

There are 10 small cases and the big one sure lasts me to the year end. How about I sell you those small containers each for RM3? I GUARANTEE you won't get dry lip in England during winter!

It is not soft, edible. So why buy those lip balm made by petroleum gel and all those chemical?

Saturday, August 17, 2013


It was lectured by my ever mean mommy!

Listened by: Little Coins


We often made a lot of noises just like little coins that really could  irritate our mom who would always burrow in her work for more than 4 hours without making a move or noise,  that was usually the time she left us both taken care by the our best babysitter in this world, the computer. 

  Mommy has forgotten that our school break would last for two weeks so she sent us again by excellent MAS children delivery service to our maternal grandparents, and we returned a week earlier, she felt that her work schedule has interrupted by us, and she would especially got irritated when she was absorbing in her work, we would answer the telephone subconsciously and she would get mad when the telephone was looking for her. She would nag, ‘Where those stupid backward people who think they are still living in 19th century to get that idea that as a housewife I would be so idle? If I wasn’t fool by your dad to quit my hard earned career, now I would have earned at least two times of what your dad could give me every month! But why all those narrow-minded “Chinawomen” think that the best things in my life did was to get married and have two of you annoying noisy idiots! Oh yeah, they could only earn RM1500/month before getting married BUT after married they could receive RM3000 or 5000/month from their husbands besides those nice gifts, oh yeah that's why those women would say life is so good being married and have precious little cute kids!..?" Then she threw us a challenged glance. Aye we all know mommy prefer cats more than kids!

   Obviously mommy didn’t like being interrupted half way during her work, especially when someone had asked her ridiculous kind of request, she would nag and nag until  her friend would be convinced that mommy has “depression”! But actually it was her "bio-rhythm" of  more than three decades working ethic was disturbed!

  Also under this kind of interrupted situation, mommy would start to raise her voice and nag at us too, ‘Hey dubs, I don’t want you grow up without any sensitivity, when your parents work so hard from 7am until 7pm, and you are already 15 or 21, but you expect your mom or other people to prepare your dinner when they return late and tire? ... While you basically spent your day just studying, flirting around with opposite sex, playing your hp and computer?!’ Mom said if one day we grow up like this kind of hopeless useless insensitive senseless kids, she better goes jumping down from Kuching city council tower too!

   Tell you a secret, I found out our grandpa is acting exactly like mommy, he got irritated too when we made noise, he would get disturbed as easily too, especially when he was concentrated in his reading but our daddy only got irritated by us when he sang karaoke or watched TV, but he was noisy too, we don't understand why he would get bothered by us?


When mommy was in good mood, she would "give" us lectures, she said that every professional was trained differently, some have to be fostered since very young age like athletics and classical musicians, she said they are the two known groups of people that since young they have to immerse in long hours (at least 5 to 16 hours daily according to age) daily routine intensive training and diligent practise alone in a small room for more than three or four decades, and when they mix with new friends or even relatives who are “play-oriented or privilege –oriented” who didn’t know the situation, they would think such person is weird, loner and antisocial. They never learn to respect those hard-working people and they would instead think those hard working people are idiots as life is short. Mommy said this people is like those ancient Egyptians aristocrats, as during their parties, the servants would take out a mocked coffin and mummy walked around to show their guests, “enjoy yourself or else soon you will end up like this!”

   Mommy said if “work-oriented” person who married a “play-oriented” husband or wife, for sure he or she wouldn’t be able to cope such “play-oriented” spouse. Mom said the person who trained since young to get immerse in a long hour training or practise session is like someone in Chinese Kung Fu who could immerse quickly in his/her concentration quickly, and he/she won’t comprehend why other “play-oriented” people are wasting too much time in “playing” or “sitting in the kopitiam chatting with a group of friends who are never better than him so that he  never would get inspired to know what is really called “hard working” and when they worked slightly harder they would let the whole world knows that “they are working very hard today” and expecting “rewards” for themselves  like going to massage parlor or having a big feast with a group of as equally “play-oriented” friends. 

   Mommy said to live in this world, it is our duty to work hard, and if we are able and have such unbeatable talents then we have to work hard to bring some contributions to mankind instead of just for self-benefits. She said she would feel guilty whenever she was left idle by doing nothing, so she would always find something to do.

Mommy got very mad at our studying ethic, she said we are very lazy due to the atmosphere and influence, she said if we are surrounded by too many “play-oriented” and privileged people. She said their working ethics are very different from those who have no social status, no luck, no help and no privilege. But for those privileged people, their parents, grandparents, uncles were either the famous generals or politicians, and they would have scholarships, study or job opportunities and all sort of privileges waiting for them,  unless they really are stupid and hopeless idiots.

   Mommy said a citizen without much privilege from a country, he or she is not so eager to return working in his/her third world homeland after his/her studies in a western country, only those people who are privileged would be eager to return home where high ranking government positions or very good prospect kind of job opportunity opening or waiting for them, and their wives would similarly allocate to work as one of the head sections in a university.  

   Mommy said that in some third world countries in Indo-China that she heard of, some Chinese students were always considered as aliens even though they were born and raise in such a country, they even scored the highest A-level result in the whole country but such third world countries policies would only let those under-privileged “alien” students studying in their liberal arts college trained to become a teacher, because as a overseas Chinese, especially in older days most of them are rated as third class citizens in third world Asian nations, now most third world nations would think twice of how to dispose Chinese when they realize China has becoming rich and strong, mommy said, “Not only got snobbish people existed in this world but also snobbish government!”

   Mommy told us we are considered as an “alien- citizen” living in such a country without any privileged background, thus we have to work harder than anyone surrounded us,  they won’t understand us, they are like kids born with silver spoon, but we are just kids born without any spoon. Mommy also said that amongst those privileged group, it also separated into many different groups too, the most privileged would be the politicians’ kids, then down to lowest ranking on its own so called priority race.  We actually still don’t understand what mommy was talking but we just learned from her that we are the third class citizen in the country that she and dad were born in, she said that we should thank her that we were not born in this country, so we still have better fate than most third class citizens like her and dad. 


Then mommy poured cold water on us again, she told us to “get real” as we are not a genius like our cousin R, so don’t expect in the future we could receive a scholarship to study in our national university, she said if we are in western country if we work hard at least we would be offered a scholarship or even like our EE who could even win Singapore government scholarship, we would be treated there as a second class citizen. She said if we are genius living in a western country with less racial discrimination, we will be treated as first class citizen sooner or get accepted by people faster than the current country that we reside in, but as a genius we still have to work harder than any geniuses in western country so that we could stand out.

 Mommy said she read an article about a Chinese-Australian brain surgeon working in USA but initially nobody in Australia would offer him any good position, thus he worked very hard to get famous in USA first before Australians medical institutions appreciate his achievements. She said such same theory like this hard working Chinese-Australian brain surgeon will apply to us exactly. (http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/australia-day-2012-address-full-speech-20120123-1qdh9.html)

   Mommy said most PhDs holders in USA are foreigners, thus foreigners would give another foreigners opportunities. Mommy said all American professors that she met were also having very big heart, they were always willing to help and impart knowledge to foreigners too, thus most foreign scholars would think that Americans are not as discriminated, mommy said just like Singapore government, the western countries are also as equally smart, they would keep the first class honor foreigners in their country by offering them PR, suddenly one day the PR application forms reaching such person mail box out of his surprise, that’s what our another smart cousin S experienced. 

   Mommy said only short vision stupid third world countries kicked off most talents by keeping a group of special privileged professionals  in their country, and nepotism is apparently the prevailing picture, so why the countries are not badly corrupted when ruling by this kind of leaders?

Thursday, August 15, 2013


In a small town if someone became rich, soon he would become famous too, soon every out-of-towns potato-relatives would want to claim their relations with him!

Written by Money Tai Tai

I have a friend who grew up in a very small town, eventually she ends up in meow city. She told me whenever she met someone especially from the bigger cities in our state, they would ask her, ‘Do you know so and so in your hometown? He is my uncle!’

    When my friend asked them for more details, she found out all of them are actually not that “close” to each others, they are merely “potato-relatives”, usually ended like this, ‘He is my mom’s cousin!.... Oh due to my mom and him have same surname, thus they recognize each other as cousins!’

   My friend of course kept quiet whenever  she saw her out-of-town friends declared proudly as a “potato-relative” of such rich businessman from her small hometown, but deep in my friend’s heart she sighed, ‘Snobbish and ignorant idiots! He is my “potato-relative” too but I don’t even dare to tell anyone about it, lest that I embarrass myself.’ 


Such businessman became rich due to he did smuggling business at first before he got into decent business, he was neither too decent of his character, in the dark closet such small town people knew that he attained to rape his sister-in-law and he had mistress but all his follies were all covered up by his “Chinawoman” wife, when someone informed her what her husband did behind her, she would tell them, ‘Oh no, that’s not my husband, my husband is a very good man he wouldn’t do such bad things and he wouldn’t do that to me!’

   And like most stereo-type “Chinawoman-wives”, his wife of course produced some highly educated professionals and successful bussinessman-sons to make small town folks zipped up their itchy mouths to reveal the truths,  instead they would keep quiet but admired his success without being caught red-handed by any authority. Diplomatically they would tell everyone, ‘He is a rare talent!’ thus whenever people from out-of-town heard such remark, indeed they would feel so proud that they are his children’s friends or as his “potato-relatives”!

   Any successful “Chinaman” must have a very forgiving and very “big heat” “Chinawoman” wife behind him, of course she admired him like a demigod, or else she wouldn’t tolerate and spoil such a pervert-husband. The “Chinawoman-wife” usually was the one who would boost and assure her husband’s confident, esteem and pride, so her husband would really think that he already had achieved his social status in the small town with his financial success, occasionally when a politician came to the small town for a social function, he would suddenly pop in the function hall sat next to the politician without approval from the organizer, actually that was the seat belonged to the organizing chairman and when there was a photo session, he would sit right next to the politician again, and actually that was the seat belonged to the organizing chairman too, this happened frequently that it became a very embarrassing joke amongst small town insighters!

So after you hear this story from me, when you want to inform your friends proudly of a rich man’s connection with you from her hometown, please think twice! Because you are an outsider and you are just a "potato-relative", you could truly embarrass yourself unknowingly to yourself even up the day to your coffin, because your friend would never tell you the truth of your “rich and famous small town potato-uncle” is actually “not that marvelous” in her and other insighters’ eyes …..  yet you felt “so proud” of him!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


(Foo Chow's Ang Chow Pickled Sour Vegetables )

Written by Money Tai Tai

 I learned how to make Foo Chow 's Ang Chow Chow Chai since primary school, eventually I had to take over the job when I got older, often in old days I would silently protest when dad asked me to do it alone all the times instead of asking any of the rest of my 7 sisters, but now I realize it whatever thing you learned since young days eventually one day you would become a "master"!!! For an example, when I was merely studying in primary school, dad would give me a puff whenever someone hanged him a cigarette in kopitiam.

   Two decades later it became my weapon, when I joined in civil defense, I would puff like "a cool smoker too" deliberately with those "compulsive smokers" in order to provoke a nasty "friend" (I treated her as my very good friend, but eventually I found out she would use me and consider me as her secret enemy instead!) and I was watching shows all along to witness how a jealous woman could bring along "sexual harassment" and many other problems to her  "secret enemy" when she couldn't control her bad mouthing!

I realized that dad has aged since the day I ate his Ang Chow pickles with sand, but none of his 8 daughters would dare to make a single noise, we would look into each other eyes smiling silently, next time make sure we wash those pickles ourselves before cooking instead of letting old mom to do it! 

   We treasure his vitality at this old 80+ age who would plant vegetables, harvest and pickle his ang chow chow chai. "Yummy!" That's what we would tell him.

 You can use bitter taste green vegetables like mustard or another mustard family Asian radish (daikon) leaves. 
Wash and clean the vegetables, cut into half, hanged them under the sun for a day.

You can use the sea salt to knead the vegetables first before kneading the vegetables with ang chow

Another secret I teach you here: 
Add in a spoonful of cooked rice, knead the whole thing again, OK this is not taught by my dad!

Preferable to store in a glass container, leave it in the refrigerator for three months before you want to use it to cook ang chow chai  fung ngang!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Failure of our religious teaching and education system causing excessive criminal cases and school disciplinary problems???

Written by Little Money’s Mommy

My neighbor got posted to work in the north, after two months of absence, upon her first returning night already attracted theft, we were simply amazed if it was coincident or it was due to an only informant who could see her front gate!  It was about 2:00am, there was a thief tried to break open her backyard bedroom window, and she ended up face to face to the thief talking to each others, the thief told her, ‘You owe me money!’
 My neighbor replied, ‘If I owe you money you don’t come at 2 in the morning!’

   As soon as alarm triggered, I peeked through the window I called out loud, ‘*^%$#, are you alright?’
   Immediately I saw a man with blue T-shirt ran and escaped to the front yard, soon my neighbor’s whole house blackout! I could sense something bad, then I saw a man with motorbike left the street, I called the police, and they finally arrived 10 minutes later before we both dared to come out our house. The police told us, ‘There was another break-in not too far from here just now!’
   We found the thief disconnected the electric circuit connection, and there was a very large queen-size rubber blanket left on the floor. We suspected there was not just a thief, but a group of thieves. Later my friend told me the rubber blanket was usually used by the thief to muffle the nose of broken grass-window or door. And the same morning in my neighborhood there was a hotel manager’s house got broke in at 7:30 and robbed him under armed.

After election, I noticed the increased crime rate from the daily newspapers and also my neighborhood has becoming increasing unsafe to live, since I fixed the laser beams and CCTV for the house compound, it had triggered alarm for few times already.
   Whenever I just walked across the street to visit one of my neighbors, I would bring along a bloom. I really pity the police spent a lot of time working very hard to catch the thieves and robbers with little salary paid, but soon those criminal after bailed were free on the streets, then when the judging day came, there was not a trace of the thief or robber appeared on the court house, hence case temporary postponed.
   This happened three years ago to my husband’s car when the thieves tried to steal his car about 10am in front of a busy shopping complex, some responsible citizens called the police to catch the car thieves. But let me tell you, with all these hassles: Public who reported police, CID efforts, car repairing money, times spent waiting, in and out of police stations and court house all gone to drain…. Because it has again become one of the many HANGING CRIMINAL CASES in Malaysia!
   Since then for three years has passed, but we never heard any news to ask us   attending the court house anymore! I support Malaysian government to change to criminal laws to as strict as Singapore, to seek Singapore as a role model in dealing civil criminals. 

   I HATE to see Malaysian government spends the time to chase after political criminals but let loose those robbers, thieves and con-men. Because this kind of civil cases would never touch the nerves of Malaysian politicians who are surrounded by 24 hours body guards and security guards! I just hope these politicians can grow more sensitive towards this serious civil crime problem in Malaysia. 
   How many unsuccessful breaking cases were not reported to police but civilians still have to pay for the repairing? The truth is: There are many cases happened, once my friend got robbed in an oil company car park, she went to police to report, they asked her if she didn’t lose her IC and license then didn’t need to file the case because they didn’t want to get scolded by the politicians!

Now talking about school education, my son was an angel when he was young, and then he was still quite an angel in primary 1, but gradually I could see the devilish state shadow increased with his age.  At first few years he would often return home from school with bruised or bled arms, knees and back. I was told by a school teacher not to contact whoever did that to my son, because since it was happened in school I should not get involved.
   Fine, it sounded fair to me, but when this happened too frequently, I eventually decided to send my son for kung fu lessons, but he has no penchant for it, after two years his standard is still staying like a beginner. In short, my son is not a stereo-type bright boy. However when I sent my kids through excellent “MAS children delivery service” to my sister during school holiday to attend a church holiday children camp, the teachers there concluded he is a genius, but my sister complaint to me, ‘But your son doesn’t know what is called right and wrong! You didn’t teach him that!’
   I replied her, ‘If you said he was not behaving but why his younger sister whom I even spent less time to teach her would behave?’

   I believe if I have some hens in my house, I will not be surprised to see my son hatching the eggs for the hens! And nobody knew that I almost did that when I was young, except the hen was so fierce that its beak injured my hands to bar me from approaching its nest!

   But what’s the use of a genius if he is not educated under a right system, it is like a tiger appearing on a concrete forest where dogs reigned, all those dogs would think this tiger is a sick or sleepy little kitten!

My son is top student in class but counting from the populated class highest numerical number, but I still give him my praise because he could barely speak Chinese and write it when he attended primary 1, he never made a single noise of complaint that he didn’t want to study Chinese, he absorbed everything he learned subconsciously and even now he is still in strong subconscious realm whereas the rest of his male and female classmates would act almost like a little adult already, my friend would tell me after she talked to my 8 years old girl, ‘She doesn’t talk to me like a child but like an adult!’ 

   Hmmm….. no fun, I still prefer to talk to my son, he is coming to 11 but with still a cuddly 5 years old brain when he was in his “angelic state”! You know that’s why those elder female school teachers and I wouldn’t give him a cane whenever he was very naughty, and gradually a monster is being fostered, because everyone believes in “love education with no canning” and also if I give him a can if anyone in the family knew it I would be considered as a bipolar unfortunately!

My son is sure not a good old boy anymore, invisible and adjustable horns and tail have grown on his body after he attends primary school, when his “devil state” emerged he could turn into an animal  but luckily not a cunning and sly devil like some of his classmates yet. My son would turn into “angelic state” but like a 5 years old kid, he would walk to the front of the church when pastor was still preaching. My son is definitely abnormal because he is 10 already, and he still lives in a very strong sense world of subconscious realm!
   Last Friday, I received a call from my son’s discipline teacher informing me that my son bit his classmate until he bled. She wanted to see me, I turned down the meeting, I told her, ‘If the fight happened in school, I think the matter should be solved in school, as I was not on scene I was not a witness.’ The main reason I turned her down was few years ago when my son was often continuously bullied by a group of A class students or pushed by some big sizes classmates (my son is the second shortest boy in class), the matter was resolved in school. 
   Those classmates were my son’s “street-wise class” masters, my son learned to fight since then, however one of the worst one was “advised to transfer” to a private school (I overheard the classmates’ gossip). Now whenever my son met him in Kopitiam they are still “long time no see” kind of friends and at least I would be in talking term with his mother.
   I didn’t like the idea when system of rules and regulations were based on people’s mouth subjected to change whenever it faced a threat, it really confuses me. My son always returned home with blood bled knees and I was told the school would handle the cases, now when my son bit his classmate until bleeding, then when I called Sarawak Education Department for advice, they would tell me that parents should meet for reconciliation, the education officer would tell me that’s the good intention of the discipline teacher! 

   I am not an unreasonable kind of person, if my son beat his classmate until his bone was broken, sure I would be showed up the scene responsible for the medical fees and the parents sure would receive my sincere apology, but of course after the incident I warned my son if he bites people, anytime he will be under the risk of getting AIDS and HepB!

My old folks who are both veteran educators, they are well over 80s now, they told me whenever cousins or friends’ kids got together playing but got involved in fights, any adult or parent should not get involved unless serious injuries happened. Usually at the end kids befriended with each other soon but the parents were still quarrelling and carried grudges until they went to coffin! Wise parents who invited a group of kids in the house playing would first issue and state very clear of their “precaution, safety and YES and NO rules and regulations” of the house until all kids understood that if they violated the peace and happy hours then next time he or she won’t be welcome to for the gathering and party anymore.
   In school, when kids could involve in beating and biting under the nose of teachers, so whose mistake was that? I received a facebook on Friday, it was from the boy’s day care center’s teacher, she wrote to me this way:

   ‘hi.. mdm,sorry 2 say yah... just now i saw $$$$ (my son) biten at students hand... quit serious oso... small but look so painful hehe’

Then on Monday, I saw the message I replied her this way:
   ‘What had happened? He (my son) told his dad that the boy punched his eye, true?’

   ‘I mean what had happened before $$$$ (my son) gave the boy a bad bite? The parents asked the discipline teacher why we never apologize. I didn't even know who was the student and the parents and I neither have their hp no. I asked the discipline teacher to punish $$$$ (my son), as it was happened in school.  When AAAA beat up $$$$ few years ago they told me that parents shouldn't involve in school matter when kids fought in school.’

On Tuesday, the day care teacher replied me:

   ‘actualy like this...bfore that boy go n box his eye...$$$$ (my son) go n bite that boy..that boy named TTTT, $$$$ go n take TTTT Marker...so TTTT Ask 4 it...ask $$$$ 2 gave back but $$$$ don't want....so...That TTTT take back his marker...Suddenly...$$$$ go n bite TTTT..Then...TTTT Box his eye..that is the story... until 2day still got the wound..’

Then this tiger-mother became defensive towards the day-care center teacher’s obvious favor towards her student:

   ‘I got the news from the discipline teacher it was $$$$ (my son) got beaten first on the eye by the boy (TTTT) before he bit the boy, who is this student and who told you twisted this? Who is this TTTT, who is the parents? Who was the person who twisted the whole thing and told you differently? And if anyone asked you who am I, please don't reveal (Please don’t disclose my information without my concern) I don't like this thing happened, he is the monitor and obviously everyone sided him now I could tell from the incident, and everyone just pointed fingers at $$$$ (my son) said he was wrong, I wonder why he bit the boy so hard if he was not being irritated.’
   ‘Hmm... Obviously this boy is in your day care after school. Were you there on scene during the fight? And your version of story was NOT the same according what the discipline teacher reported back to me and my husband.’

   ‘Obviously you only listened to one side of the story, I know $$$$ (my son) is not good in study which gives most Kuching people/teachers/classmates a view that he would perhaps end up as a nobody in the future, but the other boy who is much more mature, with leadership quality, (I heard discipline teacher said he is a monitor) brighter and very good in study, most people would choose to befriend him and believe his information was fully correct also as his biting injury (done by $$$$) was quite severe.

   'Besides from the discipline teacher, I also heard from few resources of what had happened. There was a competition in class, and there were two groups, the monitor's group was winning, and $$$$ started to snap the marker pen from him, and the fist fights began from there, (obviously it was one person against a group) I heard two person shirts were tainted by the marker done by $$$$ during the fight, and also one of their spectacle was out of shape, then the fist fight proceeded to outside the class, it happened that a teacher passed by, separated them from fighting, $$$$ was still not happy, so he suddenly gave a DOG bite on the monitor. About if the monitor only punched $$$$’s eyes  after $$$$ bit him, then the teacher could have seemed it with the rest of the classmates who witnessed the fight and they could have tell me that, but I was told $$$$'s eye was punch (from my point of view, most likely they punched my son’s eye due to the fists fight amongst boys caused one of their spectacle bent) and he was very painful, that's why he gave a bite on the boy ... imagine the teacher had already separated them, but $$$$ still bit the monitor in front of the teacher, this was from another resource.

   'You can ask JJJJ who goes the same day care center of yours, I know may be you are pitying the boy now and probably close to his mom,  $$$$ (my son) is not decent either, and he becomes naughty too, but the truth is the truth, he is bad, but should not be further on blackened by the untruth.’

Then the day care teacher replied:

   ‘hai mdm...that boy is qdees day care...i also not realy sure after heard your story..well..we also know that children is all the same...that is how they grow up,full with memories...’

Finally I wrote again to her:

   ‘He (TTTT) is obviously telling lies to you, I didn't trust my son, when incident happened I asked everyone including you, but never asked my son, but only your version is so different from what I heard, obviously being twisted by whoever told you, that person let me tell you he was not telling you the truth, if the boy who got injured by the bite, he is so young and bright, but very obviously not honest, sly and cunning, and yet if any teacher chose to believe the boy's lies, that's why in our society smart kids are prompt to commit outlaw offense (when they grow up), as they were trained since young by adults to become a compulsive liar to get their ways (To show adult they are the innocent and good ones).

Things happened on Friday, my husband and I thought the matter has already solved in school. But the discipline teacher called on Monday during siesta hour to my husband again, she told us the parents of the boy (whom my son bit) wondered why we never called and apologized to them. Apologize to them? My husband got angry, he told her, ‘He punched on my son’s eye first before my son bit him, my son said he was very painful that’s why he bit the classmate. The classmate was the one who “moved his fist first”,according to law, who showed the fist first who was wrong!’ Then the discipline teacher wanted to give the classmate’s parent hp to him, he refused to take, ‘You give my hp to them, you can ask them to call me if they want.’

Then the discipline teacher called me again on next day:

   ‘Hey, have you call the boy’s parents, have you solve the problem?’

   I was quite annoyed when I heard this, so I replied her, ‘I don’t even have my son’s monitor parent hp, I neither know who is the classmate nor knowing  who is his parents, how could I contact them? (I am not interested to get involved) I told you already this thing happened in school right under teacher’s nose, it has to be solved in school, if this thing happened in my house, I sure will apologize due to my failure as a hostess to cause such incident!’

   ‘Okay Okay…. I will tell the monitor’s mother, she also doesn’t like the incident drag on; she thinks this was kids matter.’ I could tell who was the smarter person within these two persons and I could tell who wanted to see the apologize show and manipulated the apologize scene.

   To play an old dog like me? I taught students since barely 15, there was not a single history of a student fought under my nose but even up to these days I have students still telling me how much they missed their times under my teaching and I am truly from a third generation educator’s family, my husband and I could smell snobbishness in the whole affair, and I think she chose a wrong person to dally!  In short what kind of school discipline teacher would produce what kind of school!

By the way, this will be the last semester for my son to train under this kind of Chinese education system, my husband and I decide to let the “sick or sleepy kitten” putting back to his original forest!

   Lastly, tell you honestly, that was me who taught my son to retaliate when his classmates bullied him all because I told him, ‘I don’t want to hear any complain from you being bullied in school and returned home with those injuries and cries, things happened in school, you solved it yourself, don’t bring home, even better if you don’t bring homework back! That’s why I send you for kung fu lessons so that you learn to defense yourself!’

   But started from last few days, my version of lecture changes to the sleepy kitten, ‘Try to avoid and involve in any fighting in school, you are the last in class, nobody wants to be your friend, so please get real, nobody would trust your word (negative teaching now) when they gave a pinch to create a bruise at your butt but people would only see your fist and bite in front of your classmate’s face and arm! You go to school is to study not fighting and playing politics, since your tuition teacher has just left to further her study, so please finish your homework in school during recess, the best don’t bring homework home,  don’t act funny to create attention!’

   It is not easy to handle my weird son, he would take off his shirt under the hot sun right after school, most classmates would yell at him:

   ‘ EEEE變態 (abnormal)’
   ‘EEEE….. $#%^&(( (some 4 letter words) swore on him.
   Anyhow he didn’t care, but his sister would tell me everything what she heard.

   But there was an only very smart English teacher, she just said one word and he would put back his shirt immediately:

 ‘Boy, the sunlight could burn your skin if you take off your shirt!’