Monday, September 17, 2012

My Childhood in Kuching IV

Mommy said training a little boy is just like training a little puppy!

Nagged by Little Money’s Mommy

This morning when we came out of our neighborhood on the way to school, mommy began to nag in the car as usual.
   She said, ‘Look at those short legged “panda” dogs on the street, everyone told me these dogs are annoying and ugly as it they owe our neighborhood street.’


My sister began to ask, ‘Mom, why they are on the street? Do they have home to return?

   ‘Sure! Well .... this is how when these dogs’ owners never chain them since young but let them ran free on the street when they went out to work, and these dogs eventually learned only to return home when they got hungry, and .... they also get so used to roam and kiss each others on street. I am quite sure these big dogs will yelp and annoy the whole neighborhood if we catch them now and chain in the house!’

   ‘Mom, why?’

   ‘Same like someone looking like you but already getting too old to change, since he was young whenever his parents went to work, he would be left on the neighborhood playing and growing up with the rest of the neighborhood kids, probably with street dogs too, thus they all behave like dogs exactly, home for all of them to return only when they are sick, tired and hungry. So imagine if mommy keeps someone like you, the older version … in the house for 24 hours, what will happen?’

   ‘He will also “yelp” and will climb ceiling!’ My 7 years old sister joked.

Mom was very happy of such reply, she continued nagging, ‘That’s why every kind of training have to start since young days, to train a little boy is just like training a little puppy. If a mother keeps her son at home adequately, he will grow up a good homely man, he will enjoy staying in the house taking care of his family, tending the garden and doing household works.'

   'Just like your grandpa’s dog Pei Pei, he was trained to stay in the cage since young, and he would go out of the house to pee and poo when necessary, he grows up now as a watch dog for the house, even if the gate let widely opened it would go out just for a while only, it know its duties, get accustom to those imposed rules since young puppy days.’

   'I wish you will grow up like good old Pei Pei instead like your dad!' Mom finally honestly revealed what was really on her mind. Oh mom, you really compare me to a dog? ... And you think a dog can behave better than a big human being  .... someone looking like me but an older version?!


  1. Your Jiew jiew also had a stay home dog ...but she turned into a 瘋狗 because your asshole jiew jiew did let her go out to unwind and enjoy here been the crazy dog that intimidate the neighborhood.

  2. Jiu Jiu: Luckily your neighbors didn't have fierce big fat cats!
