A family’s gourmet heirloom all the way from Johore Bahru
Taught by Mama Hung and Written by Mrs. Money
Additional moon-cakes making procedure that I witnessed in Mama Hung's Chinese restaurant; her moon-cakes was the only one that I ate with peace in mind during every Mid Autumn Festival as Mama Hung used no additives but only the best ingredients. She made them with her loves cum passion and normally only her relatives and friends got such luck to taste her mooncakes.
This exceptional year she made the moon-cakes commercially to sell in her Chinese restaurant, but the quality has not changed, in an actual fact she bought a machine to prepare the lotus paste, she said or else that's the most time comsuming job.
The lotus paste ball covered by a very thin layer of dough
Usually there is either one or two salted egg yolks hidden inside lotus paste ball
The wooden mould used to shape moon-cakes
Usually there is either one or two salted egg yolks hidden inside lotus paste ball
The wooden mould used to shape moon-cakes
After lotus paste ball covered by dough ball, pressed it down to the mould, then hit the mould twice on each side, the newly formed moon-cake will be released.
Moon-cakes ready to send baking in the oven
Procedure: Soak the coral grass for at least two hours
Boil water with blended ginger and pandan leaves to get rid of fishy smell, get rid of sendiments.
Add coral grass to boil with the 'perfumed' water, add sugar, gogi berries and longan, put it in a blender to blend until smooth, boil again, make sure it is sticky enough to form jelly.
Store in small containers and leave them in refrigerator.
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