Friday, November 13, 2009

Always a Surprise!
Organic Gardening

Written by Mrs. Money

Vegetables, fruits and herbs
Every morning you greet me
Small and green, red and glossy
You look happy to meet me
Pouring of rain may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bless my little garden forever

Sowed with seeds from a purple passion fruit, but I see not a dot of purplish yet, friends who seem it said it's the biggest passion fruit they ever seem.

A surprise giant roma tomatoes harvest, but I didn't pay much attention to this rojak patch, otherwise I believe these giants could grow a lot bigger. In this picture, I put an egg in a center to compare the giants

Perfect and Big: When water hens didn't come steal a bite on my egg plants again

For the first passion fruit. It took 40 days from flowering to a pre-mature dropping fruit caused by either drought or touched by on of my naughty kids. It was really sour and you can see from its palish yellow pulp.

This is the size of the first pre-mature passion fruit on RM100 bill with an egg to compare

Many passion fruit flowers emerged, I did hand pollination for them

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