Sunday, May 13, 2012


I-pad “mothered” your kids!

Written by Money Tai Tai

Doom’s era kids will only think their mums are the greatest mothers of the whole universe when they are given I-pad and be allowed playing at their own time disposal and free-wills.

When they play I-pad, they have forgotten what is called breakfast, lunch and dinner, family gathering and children party, they will act so thoughtful to their mums, “You go ahead enjoy your meal with your friends, please take your time. We promise you we will be good at home!” The mothers for sure don’t need to worry if their kids will go play with fire over the gas stove or go catching king-cobra in the garden.


Most mothers live in the prayers world expecting grace and mercies from their respective Gods, they pray over almost everything; when someone paid money and sweated to cook a meal inviting them over for mother’s day celebration, the atheist-host was never being “thanked” but the guests “thanked” their respective Gods for such a wonderful foods on table. I think God-believers really need read their holy books well enough to have good witness to those none believers in this doom’s era.

Sunday for I-pads ‘ kids means a handful time kind of day for them to play handful kind of games, Church for them is for their old grandmas, mums, old fashion grandpa and China-man dad who believe if they go to Church, their business will be running smooth, God won’t punish them, God will bless them with all wealth, health and prosperities.

I-pad kids would tell their old folks, “Look, the Church service is really very boring!” It is as quiet as a graveyard when I couldn't hear that click, click, g, g, g, g, b, b, b, b, pa, pa pa, you win, you win sounds.

“Hey I-pad kids, how dare you say the service is boring? Now in Methodist Church you are allowed to play rock n rolls music and have a group of dancers sing and dance on stage, not in my old 70s and 80s, we were not even allowed to even clap hands on those excellent sermons and singings! We were only allowed to say Amen!“

“Hey mum, don’t you think the Church always is moving a beat behind?’

“A beat behind of what?”

“I can have the Sunday school in the I-pad lah!”

“What are you talking?” The old fashioned mum growled.

“Nothing!” Aye, this stupid ‘Amen’ mum never will understand, she lives in the coconut lah, if ‘clapping kids’ are allowed now to rock and rap on church stage, we ultra far vision I-pad kids will be only allowed to have Church service on screen legally may be some 30 years  by these 'dead' parents by then?

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