Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What My Mom Should Have Taught and Told me?

Written by Mrs. Money

Continued from last publish

Eating Manners

Did your mother ever tell you, munch your foods with your lips closed tightly?

I went to a doctor’s surgery this morning saw a pretty friendly woman carried a nice LV handbag, unfortunately she has a bad manner that overwhelmingly spoiled her good outlook, she munched her chewing gum loudly with her opened mouth!

Yesterday I went to eat “Ray Cha” with my kids and my old aunt, after eating, she told my children, “Don’t smile with your teeth on after eating Ray Cha!” Immediately I took her advice, old ginger is hot, she is sensitive and experience in good manner.

After eating Ray Cha those minced vegetables would stick in between and on our teeth, now you know what I am talking, so next time please drink lots to rinse your teeth before you open your mouth after eating your Ray Cha.

Hoho .... Don’t bring your new girlfriend and boyfriend to eat Ray Cha, as they might just see the opponent’s dirty teeth!!

I recalled few years ago, I needed to interview a babysitter, when she showed up with her teeth smiling at me but with foods stuck in between her teeth, I immediately rejected her! So make sure you check your teeth from the mirror right before interview!

To be continued


  1. Do what your 四姑 did, pull out tooth brush and tooth paste from her handbag and start brushing her teeth at the dining table, after a meal in a Chinese restaurant. She even rinsed with Ooloong tea.

  2. My goodness sake, I think those prescribed tablets for her sickness "destroyed" her common sense and sensitivity. She even wanted to drink the lime water used to wash hands after eating seafoods in Chinese restaurant. Next in old days there was no such thing called tooth brush, so can't blame that her mom didn't teach her! As long as she didn't spit, rinse mouth or brush teeth on washing basin in her kitchen! I notice that many old days san ba men still doing it even though they could be millionaires in these days!
