Thursday, May 21, 2015

Healthy School Days Recipe for Young Children

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Yes, but only those “Chinamen-professionals” are not aware of what it is!

By Miss Yellow

   Actually you can still find many of these “IT-illiterates” amongst older generation professionals in Malaysia, they are not entirely “illiterate” as they still learned how to use 3G mobile phone and text with Wechat just because they could interchange those X-rated pictures or short triple-X videos.
   And before they reached home, they also learned how to delete those pictures and videos immediately right after they stopped the car’s engine. But if there were such foxy fathers surely they inherited some foxy teenage kids as well, and these foxier kids would retreat those X-rated pictures and videos, hoohas began.
   And I admitted that’s not my desired lifestyle, I felt my karma being disintegrated by such hoohas of something that every normal person could perform except if you dare enough to sell or display the most primitive acts to public!
   The difference between good cultivated men and uncultivated men is although they both could be highly professional, but the later one obviously has not acquired any good hobby except traditional mahjong game.
   When their pockets are fully loaded, they wouldn’t acquire a good hobby of what they have missed out when they were young and poor, instead they would be more keen to spend money to exhibit their reproductive prowess by having extra wives, mistresses, China dolls, and they felt dam… proud about it, and if the first wife in limbo didn’t ask for a divorce, these “chinawomen” would spend hundreds of thousands for plastic surgery or also compete with their husbands, “Let’s see who can have more lovers!”
   Another significance of these IT-illiterates are they hardly read any books besides newspapers and their text books - but that was happened like 30 years ago, they only believe in experience and they  thought that knowledge could be gained by sitting in kopitiam three times a day listening to their friends’ talking.
   Or if some of them don’t like to go kopitiam, then they would go to Church, a little better – but they would ONLY love to read just a genre of book, i.e. religious associated books.
   Similarly, many female-professionals read only professional-related books and in additional either confined to religious or romance associated books, most female-professionals don’t have habit of sitting in kopitiam three times a day, so they would play computer games instead, why I thought so? All because they kept sending me games invitation over facebook, they thought that as a housewife, I must be very free!
   So, how to cultivate children to develop good hobbies? I should appreciate my parents’ education then, because I never got bored - no matter I was pretty rich and god dammm…. poor like now.
   When I saw many kids spending time to play their computer games in name of improving their dexterity, but soon I heard some of them develop CTS!  Why don’t they go write stories with broken English instead, actually this could help to develop their imagination or  learn piano properly, acquired an elite dexterity, then in life they could type millions over words but they would never develop CTS and still could play piano like 20 year-old when they reach 50s.
   Before kids learned any hard-acquiring hobbies but already learned something with easy ways to derive pleasure, like computer games and sex, sorry they would never like to acquire another skills and hobbies anymore that require high discipline, concentration and time management. That’s why please don’t simply teach your friends’  kids how to use computer or I-pad without their parents’ permission, as some parents are not “talented” mothers and their kids are not obedient kids. Your one hour kindness to teach such kids about computer games could forever develop such kids’ permanent damage in acquiring difficult hobbies that required painstaking years of learning to acquire skills!
   Let’s pull back the main topic, what happened was a Chinaman engineer while enjoying his massage by a China doll in a massage parlor called Red Dolls House, he bragged to his Chinaman friend, “Oh my new boss is so handsome, around my age, I think this is good because I am able to communicate better with someone about my age! Oh yeah! He is so kind-hearted - when I won the contract he also gave me two mobile phones and two laptops.”
   Soon after the Chinaman received another call from his new boss, “Oh hi Datuk, I am in China now, sorry I won’t be able to fly to meow city this week!”
   Stupid Chinaman didn’t know that immediately his Datuk-boss could tell he was in Red China Doll House somewhere actually not far from his residential area in the meow city, “Why the fuck this guy has to tell lies?”
   At the same time, whenever the given laptops by Datuk-boss were turned on, the information of such Chinaman’s financial and work progress situations would be periodically transferred to Datuk’s specially engaged computer technician, or in another word, a hacker called Ah Ho.
   Nobody greedy in this world loves to see any person who works for him earning money except he himself the Datuk boss could earn money, and through this kind of business intelligence espionage, many IT-illiterate Chinamen couldn’t receive money  fully in black and white from their contracted works when jobs were completed and yet they were so scared to make a noise as well, that’s typical Chinamen- they only dared to bully women and men that they thought they could “swallow”, when they face authority, they would tug their tails in between their hind legs!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


What do you expect from flying economic class or economical airlines?

By Miss Yellow

   I just finished reading a yesterday’s newspaper - a reviewer was giving a flight test review about the new route of Emirates A380 flying from Auckland via Sydney to Dubai. The heading was “Seats may be superior, but service is average”, I wonder which airlines would give first class service if you are flying economic class?  The more money you paid the better the service, why ask for more when you can’t afford it?

   Perhaps the most prestigious experience for economic class passengers would be happened only if they were being upgraded to business class and this was caused by the economic seats were fully booked – I only got such dog luck once, but I felt like I was a wolf followed after a tiger, and I knew who was the “tiger” who arranged my ticket. Perhaps my sister is much luckier than me?  She got upgraded at least for three times already during last two years, but she is the one who flies at least twelve times annually for either domestic or international route. 

   But from my experience – commercial jets are the world most snobbish and smallest little cabin that segregated classes into the most defined manners - No social status, no money = No talk! But when the whole aircraft like MH17 tragic happened, an honored man, a rich man or a poor man, everyone has to die physically sooner or later. Tragic only would simmer forever in those deceased’s beholders but it would soon forget by non-related gossipers.

   Someone like me is a typical good example who would fly economic all the time when I have to “plough” money from my own hard savings to fly, I am not as lucky as such reviewer, as she was sponsored by a touring company or like many executives whose business class air tickets were generally settled by their companies.

   About ten years ago, I remember I was three months pregnant, but nobody could see that I was pregnant, I was flying SIA economic class. SIA is known as one of the best airlines in the world, as I was traveling alone, they would arrange my seat at a particular corner’s “most secluded seat” in the flight - where my meal would be last served, and when there was no more refreshment remained, I wouldn’t be served! I believe the above mentioned kiwi reviewer was probably sitting at a certain “hinterseat”!

   Most airlines would love to arrange ladies and gentlemen who traveled alone in such “hinter seat” rolls  where their meals would be served at the last batch, and this was the main cause of my bad experience of flying SIA and also it was due to I was pregnant, thus I was hungry all the times. I was hardly served for such route from Auckland to Singapore, I recalled I was only served twice during the whole journey, which were always came late – I remember there was only a   serving of refreshment sandwich came with drinks,  and a meal with no choice, a vegetarian meal. 

   When I really got hungry, I finally asked one of the air stewardesses if I could have some light food, she turned me down immediately, “Sorry there was no food remained on board.” And this could happen to SIA? Why do you think I believe that was an SIA air stewardess’s white lie?

   I didn’t understand why I was ignored by those SIA stewardesses up to these days - as I didn’t bother them during the whole journey except asking once for the extra light food after the vegetarian meal. Now I thought perhaps the air hostess thought that a “fat” single lady likes me better don’t eat too much, and that’s I was only served twice and that’s why I was the last one on board to be served?”! Do I have to announce to those air stewardesses, “Look, I am pregnant; I want a meal with meat not vegetables!” So obviously from my bad experience, you need to tell the airline that you are pregnant, so that they won’t arrange you to a “hinterseat”!

   After the flight, I ended up wolfing up McDonald burger right after baggage claim! I planned to take the seat and flight record to make a protest to SIA, but I decided how about if these stewardesses were my nieces or daughters who would get fired, warning or demoted due to my complain, they received enough punishment by wearing such high heel and retained that professional smiles to serve more than hundred of passengers, I wouldn’t be able to stand and walk with such high heel for even 4 hours, and they had to work for more than 9 hours although they could rest a bit in between.

   I could find a right time to tell SIA what’s its loophole as one of the world best airlines!

   After flying economic for so long, I grew wiser, these days I only booked cheapest air tickets, as long as I think the airline is quite reliable. I would choose to fly Jetstar with no meal provided.

   Ten years ago, such fetus couldn’t talk when it was hungry when I flew SIA, but now my daughter and her older brother have grow older enough to nag for foods when they saw other passengers were eating, “Sorry, Jetstar won’t accept cash like Airasia, mommy can’t use the credit card, as I won’t be able to settle the credit card if we don’t return Malaysia, also you don’t have a daddy who ever settles his wife’s credit card once!”

   Being traveling poor has its fun as well,  I think most poor mothers with chauvinist husbands who have to fly international route know what I am talking – they would be busily packing, running errant and settling everything before leaving their home, most mothers were drop-dead tire by the time they finally sat on the airplane. I would make sure to bring extra fully charged batteries for the laptops to settle kids for sometimes, that’s the time they could play Mario or whatever forbidden games they could play normally, that would suppress their hunger at least for a few hours. I also made sure to bring along headphones as well, so those Glick zip zi chop, xi shit annoying noises won’t disturb you and other passengers. “Leave me alone, I need a good rest after last three restless days!” 

   Meal-less cheapest airline is the best airline for me as a poor tai tai, I don’t need to suffer sitting over the first class or business class where I was an anonymous called as Ms. Yellow but being judged if I was someone mistress, who was my husband or if I was rich enough - under some scrutiny eyes on what handbag I carried and what shoes I wore? In short I know and accept my class and my fate, and I am just the overwork poor tai tai who is realistic – get real but not hypocrite or snobbish.

   As a jobless tai tai, Jetstar is one of my best choice to fly Asian-pacific routes, they would offer ticket upgrading, but I would never upgrade it, even with the minimum amount of just a hundred dollar, I think my kids and I could enjoy a reasonable good meal during the transit stop over Melbourne airport.

   Often there were surprises by flying Jetstar even it was meal-less long distance flight- when the children were behaving reasonably adorable enough, some nice and sensitive Asian chief air-stewardess or stewardesses from business class would even end up giving them some complimentary tidbits during the flight or before departing the cabin!