Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Their thoughts are obviously very different from those rare species good men in women eyes!

Written by Mrs. Money

One quiet morning a woman wanted to tell a true story in a Kuching kopitiam, and she wanted her friends to think …. Think hard!

Here began her story:

There was a businessman RRRR in Kuala Lumpur married a wife who was a primary school teacher. She was demure, conservative and like all traditional Chinese ladies, when reaching her mid 20s her family matched her with another family friend’s son who had just graduated from USA. During the time of dating they were already not getting along well, they both were neither handsome nor pretty, anyhow as they were reaching an age of maturity, when they were pure and innocent sex was always a hidden curiosity temporary blinded them.

They got married and she stayed with her mother-in-law. Like all traditional China businessmen, her husband worked very hard in his newly set up business, and he seldom helped his wife in family chores, his reasons were: His mother could help his wife; she was paid with a RM3000 monthly family allowance, (hmmmm ……. the whole group of old buddies would give their respective wives RM3,000.monthly!) his wife of course got to stay at home taking care of his kids and his mother (he never treated her as a friend after first baby born); he was busy for his expanding business.

He was seldom at home only when his conscience told him he was a father of his three handsome sons, he didn’t care if his wife’s well being of how she had to juggle between teaching in school and got up frequently after mid night taking of their young infants, he felt that as long as every month he gave her RM3000.00 he had fulfilled his duty a s a good responsible husband. Gradually they grew more and more distance years after years, he would never bring just the first wife alone for traveling, as he preferred to bring the whole family for traveling but that happened very rarely as financially he was not strong by then.

Years after years, RRRR got richer and busier, thus the first wife got less and less chance to talk to him as whenever he got back home it was always after 3:00a.m, and she had to get up early to go teaching in school, they hardly met face to face every monthly though they still sleeping on the same bed.

Acted like those stereotype Chinamen, whenever RRRR old university days buddy friend $$$$ came to visit him; that would be the time he brought his old buddy friend $$$$ home to meet his family. That’s the time RRRR’s wife would always got angrier because he never got time for her and their children yet he got time for his old buddy friend (and his new girl friend, she didn’t know by then). That remained her in old days when they were still dating, RRRR would bring her almost everywhere to meet his friends and he would tell her what’s going on around his world, but after signing the marriage certificate, through simmering of frustrations, disappointments and misunderstandings between a couple; he wouldn’t share his world of thoughts to her anymore. In short as a penalty secretly he implemented on her: He locked her in a coconut shell with those three baby frogs dragging her hind legs from jumping out of it!

Years after years, the man’s business was getting more and more successful, he began to drive Mercedes, learned how to play golf and wear branded accessories. Although financial he gained, his wife’s car was never renewed, her simple outlook never changed and the given RM3000.00 monthly allowance by him was never increased and gradually she felt that limited money never got enough to spend for a continuous expanding big city life, luckily she was working as a teacher, with her own income of RM1800.00 chipped to help overcome the monthly due. Her husband wouldn’t come an extra extend to give her more money because he felt that she couldn’t please him verbally and physically and whenever she asked, he would insult her instead or he would always give her excuses saying that he didn’t have that kind of extra money because the business was expanding.

In old days women were scared of their husbands’ beautiful secretaries to steal their wives, but in modern days there was another version of smarter husband’s stealer, who would prepare cheques instead of coffee for her boss and she has free access to check her boss’s financial situation ….that’s the company accountant. When Chinamen didn’t want to share their business operation with their wives, so usually when a business belonged to brothers, they would agree in between each others they wouldn’t let any of their wives to involve in their business, so they would rather spend high salary to hire a professional accountant.

When RRRR's kids reached their teen age years, he and his the unhappily married divorced company accountant’s affair finally revealed under the day light, he started to stay on his mistress’s home, as she knew how to please him, (also the theory of stealing apples was always sweeter) he would lavish her with RM10, 000.00 monthly allowance, bought her nice car, renovated her house and every monthly he would bring her all over the world just for sight seeing (not counting of business trips and other business courses they attended).

He gave all his old buddy friends a surprise when his mistress was the only lady amongst married men during a golf tour to Taiwan. He would tell his friend how happy by then he was as a man all because this mistress could please him and communicate with him and made him such a happy man, he complaint to his friends how his first wife used to give him hell kind of life that he hardly would like to return old home.

One of his friends BBBB would question himself silently, “If you don’t say your first wife is a bitch, how could you have face to surface your mistress amongst us?! If you said your first wife was bad, then how could you sleep with her for years and could produce three boys still?!”

But the other friends $$$$ would support him morally “I also don’t like your wife, when I went to your house she always pull her sour face on you and me, how could a man stand a grumbling wife in long term like tat lah!” They instantly felt they shared the same wavelength, since then they began to share their men talk!

RRRR would confide in $$$$, “You know my three boys are young now, I will sure divorce my first wife when those boys grow older; I want to treat my second wife more fairly!” His old buddy $$$$ also agreed with him as they both didn’t like the same woman.

So the old buddy $$$$ returned to Kuching city told his first wife of what had happened, “You know that RRRR told me he will divorce with his first wife when their sons get older, he felt that it’s fairer to his second one in such case!”

Mr. $$$$’s wife got so mad; she screamed out her hearts to her friends, “YOU KNOW WHAT? Are we ‘first wives’ the deadly enemies of our Chinamen husbands when they don’t love us anymore? Why after we got married those Chinamen wouldn’t allow us to gossip anymore on their friends with affairs yet they have forgotten they were the ones who gossiped to us of those affairs! When we were dating and before babies were born, that’s the time those bloody shitty Chinamen would share their gossips, thoughts, ideas, their business plans and family plans etc with their wives. After a decade of marriage, soon those Chinamen hardly would pay attention on their depreciated wives and children as they always used ‘busy traveling’, ‘busy with clients’ and ‘busy in office’ as the leading excuses. When more babies born those Chinamen would keep their mouths shutter, whenever their wives asked them if their friends so and so got a mistress? They would scold their wives to shut up saying those were other people’s family matters!”

Mrs. $$$$ further on added, “Look! The other day my husband already making remarks that I acted like his friend RRRR’s foul temper first wife who threw him sour face. Obviously he also dreams and craves for a second wife or a mistress so he will live as blissfully happy like his friend RRRR. I wonder why my husband couldn’t reason fairly like his friend BBBB, obviously my husband is also a potential dangerous man like RRRR who will likely seek a mistress in the nearer future if he strikes richer. Why my husband couldn’t reason and he never thought it was wrongfully unfair for his friend RRRR to use the first wife as a baby sitter for their sons until they grow older?! Why he only thought it was unfair for his mistress?! So after 10 years later if he divorces his first wife, he will have an instant wife, yet RRRR’s first wife will be old, ugly and single by then, and worst still by the time those sons will get older and leave the home to study overseas, and the first wife will be all by herself ALONE! So have RRRR ever thought that if he has a partner now, why don’t as well divorce his first wife now to let her have the new freedom looking for her future partner instead of treating her as his deadly enemy, using her as a cheapest kind of baby sitter in the world and I think he wishes it will be even better if his first wife being diagnosed as 4.5 stage terminal cancer, so he can claim her insurance and also save him from paying her any alimony!”