Saturday, January 23, 2010


Written by Mrs. Money

In a jungle of Borneo, Mr. Tiger Forest and Mr. Star Fish were very close friends. One day Mr. Star Fish wanted to build the biggest castle in the jungle, Mr. Tiger Forest immediately kindly offered his help, “I will send my most experience engineer Mr. Fox to your site to help you to build it!”

“Roughly how much I have to pay your engineer Mr. Fox?” Mr. Star Fish enquired.
“Aye! No need lah, ka ki lang lah!” Mr. Tiger Forest replied.

Once Mr. Fox reached the site, chicken flew and dog hopped off the construction site. The project thus dragged and seemingly never could get a completion.

Mr. Tiger Forest by then laughing cunningly, “My good Fox, everyone informed me that you always stole 10% of my hunting but I still kept you under my wings because I knew it one day you would be a useful fox for me!”


(1) In the business world, friendships are never real if without mutual benefits
(2) If the “smaller fish” wanted to build a “bigger castle” than the “bigger tiger”, the “bigger tiger” sure won’t be kind hearted enough to help, so when “the bigger tiger” “kindly” offered any assistance, be careful!
(3) Some employers kept bad employees in their business, in this case used a bad employee to jeopardize a rival's new project.

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