Monday, January 25, 2010

Labyrinth of the Borneo Jungle

Written by C. Rawen

An YB asked me to write a musical for a city and he asked me to follow up with the mayor, but the mayor replied me he knew nothing about it. So my lyrical poems written turned into worst than any rubbish .... these poems emerged from my retreated boxes reminding me of bad memories and impressions of how little I should trust ones' words and promises. I learned most professionals wanted their free services from other "secondary professionals" like me, they think they are the only true professionals who are entitiled to earn money, live their good life, sent their prettiest and handsomost kids to study in Harvard and work later for wallstreets. This incident reminded me that I am just a nobody in others' fathers' eyes but only become a somebody in my own dad's eyes.

The harder we try to find a way out
The deeper obviously we creep in
Everybody says his way is the surest way out
When benighted we silently all give in

We thought it’s just a jungle with monkeys
Everywhere seems to look so lush and greenly
The longer we penetrate ourselves under canopy
The more we get confused honestly

It’s 10th wonder of world that adventurers have missed
The jungle of Borneo in this far exotic east
Labyrinth of ancient Thebes is still a myth
Labyrinth of Borneo’s jungles is not a myth

1999, Miri, Malaysia

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the suggeston, my broken English is just an evident showing that 80s Malaysian education system was not successful, especially for those kids who grew up in the small towns and villages (we can't fight with cities dwellers, those who were educated in overseas, born with educated parents, or went to English medium school) I came frm Chinese medium, in an era I didn't need to pass my BM, no Cambridge English and Studied Chinese in An English based secondary school. Our BM, English and Chinese all were and are still arang-arang! It is important for ones to solidify languages before 10 yrs old. One of the purpose I set up this blog is to try improving my English through "keep writing!"
