Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Easy HomemadeYogurt

How to Make Yogurt Most Economically
Written by Mrs. Money

If you buy a yogurt maker in Malaysia it will cost you a fortune, few years ago I bought one in Auckland at NZ$18. So I advised my Malaysian friends who are interested to make yogurt to go buy a small cooler box, which can be used either for their kids’ picnic or making successful yogurt.

  • Milk Powder (Fresh milk can be used but need to be boiled long time to thicken and to cool down)
  • Warm water
  • A plastic container

In the plastic container mixed warm water with milk powder (skim or full-cream) to make very thick milk (to produce very thick yogurt; watery milk will end up watery yogurt)

Make sure the result has to be biting warm, store the container into the cooler box, insert towels to occupy empty space.

Cover the cooler box and store in a warm place.

After 5 hours (if besides a warm stove) or else 8 hours, open the container to see the transformation of milk to yogurt.

Immediately refrigerated your freshly make yogurt; the longer you keep your yogurt outside the sourer it will become.

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