Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Make your own organic juice and jam!

Written by Money Tai Tai

Almost 11 months ago, my secondary school classmate Au Au 'ordered' by his Tai Tai to bring along two Roselle seedlings from Sarikei for me. Roselle bloomed fully on last year end, but I was out of Kuching for the whole month and endless family activities lasted until only after Chinese new year, Roselle fruits became a hiding gound for ants and I didn't know it tastes as nice as its look.

Special thanks here to George and Angela.

How to prepare Roselle Jam:

Soak your roselle with hot water if there are ants hidden inside the petals

Wash petals carefully one after another, after that soak in the water, make sure there is no ant at all.

Roselle light green haw or hip

Roselle red petals

Separate the red petals from the green haw

Roselle hip, inside the brown haw got seeds ready for sowing

Put roselle petals inside a blender, water should cover just a quarter (the most 1/3)

After blending, sieve the juice for drinking but the sendiment will be used for making jam (In resulted in producing thick jam)

Prepare bottles, make sure get rid of any paper logo sticked on it

Use this cream cleanser to wash off the sticky glue

Bake bottles in the oven for five to fifteen minutes

Cook both the sieved roselle juice and sendiment with honey rock sugar or brown sugar

Cook the sendiment until the white bubbles gone

Getting thicker and less bubbles

Roselle jam is done

Transfer to the bottle while it is still warm

Fill it up

Tighten with cover and store in the refrigerator, good to use as jam or topping for cheese cake

1 comment:

  1. Please don't heat up the covers of those bottles in the oven!
