Saturday, December 26, 2009

When was Jesus Born?

Written by Mrs. Money

Few years ago, when I went to a M Church, a pastor there preached a Christmas sermon, “I don’t know who were those three wise men, where they were from ….” And he gave the congregation unsolved information and mystery that I think that preacher who didn’t do much homework needed to go work as a music teacher like his son. Even a bad Christian like me I think I have more confirmed answers. I heard his previous preaching bragged, "You know my son earned so much money by working as a music teacher..... " I opened my mouth so big and was in awe.

Christmas on December 25th on solar calendar is to commemorate Jesus’s birthday, but how many people realised that it was not the exact day that Jesus was born. So when Jesus was born? I am not an astrology or expert in different races’ calendars but from my knowledge of study through my senior philosophy course, I was exposed to different religions even Zoroastrinism and mixing with Persians during my senior years of study.

The three wise men were the Persian Zoroastrians. Then if you mixed around with Persians, you hardly not to notice that during their new year, there was such Persian Troubadour and Amu Nocus all wore in red to give good tidings and gifts to children.

According to the bible, there were 3 wise men and Santa Claus appeared on scene. The scenario and the period marked a Persians’ affair except Jesus and his parents were not Persians.

Zoroastrianism is the world oldest religion, they worshipped the sun and were great astrologists but surprisingly the three Persian wise men were involved in searching for unusual phenomenon on the sky, based on its trail to lead them to the manger. Is it a myth? If you believe in devil, there will be a God; if you believe in Feng Shui there will be such star shined in brightest on the sky during Jesus birth. Depend on what angle ones look at Feng Shui and also it depend on what angle ones looks at a religion, there are so many people learning kung fu but how many are doing it correctly and they are many Christians go to Church fervently but how many of them were behaving?

So Jesus must be born on Persian New Year based on Persian calendar, I don’t believe Jesus was born on the eve of spring equinox as he was such a great historic figure even for non-Christians. Imagine how many people even such Christian medical specialists that I know of would choose to have their babies born on 01.01.2000 or 09.09.2009 to hope that their kids would become a dragon or phoenix!

I am neither a religious historian nor a preacher, but I think if someone is in such research they should study Persians’ culture, history, astrology, their earliest religion Zoroastrianism custom and their calendar. From there they might be able to trace and gather confirmation evident of the exact date of Jesus's birth.

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