Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We Can Pull a Cat’s Tail from Time to Time but never to its’ Whisker!

Written by Mrs. Money

What is called friendships?

A decade ago before Money tai tai got married, she got bitten many times by an oil town some most notorious tai tais, after that she developed herself a “taitaiproof” shell and she only began to lose a bit since she got married and “migrated” to C city.

Money tai tai started dubbing herself such a very secular title when she turned jobless, since then she needed to readjust her new tai tais’ life style, very soon she realized that she was a real loser in dabbling amongst tai tais, she ends up rather sweating and tanning under the hot intense equatorial sun amongst plants.

Perhaps imitating their counterpart businessman-husbands, many tai tais would barter-trade friendships with mutual benefits; to elevate their confidents and status they would only befriend truly with other richer and more powerful tai tais.

So if a tai tai with fading prestigious status but she could still tango amongst the meanest elite tai tais club at ease, she should have extra ordinary abilities, PR skills and talents, either in bad way or good way or simply act as a chameleon who would come up to an extend for her own benefits but deliberately or indirectly hurting other simple minded young tai tais.

Watch out for such chameleon who initially would approach and probe an approachable tai tai’s life in a very friendly and helpful ways to acquire such strangers’ private and confidential information, the chameleon would then feed back to her elite tai tai friends “to gossip until qualifying” to join their elite tai tais group, or else such loser would end up abused like a toy rat by them. Nobody enjoys their private life becomes an open book to strangers, but such chameleon is a great entertaining broadcaster, and to her benefactors the chameleon could still act like a pity victim who got bullied by their toy rat!

Another similar characteristic of these mean rich tai tais: They would never say a single bad word or remark of their superior richer tai tais but would say only mean things to those as equally rich and less rich ones.

Good friend Or Secret Enemy?

Juicy story began when the ever friendly and helpful BB tai tai opened her ears to listen her new friend tai tai A’s problems, but BB tai tai was not able to discrete the private and confidential matters, neither she chose to help genuinely nor “store P & C in her closet”, instead she went on “broadcasting” tai tai A’s private matters to her best friend tai tai B. Tai Tai B got another best friend tai tai C and at the end everyone knew tai tai A's in and out.

Actually BB Tai Tai’s friends from A to Z hardly met and knew each others, but thanks to her “broadcast” seemingly friends A to Z all knew each others’ private businesses here and there and in and out. Life went on peacefully for a dormant volcano when its' lava didn’t leak.

Tai tai A usually listened to BB Tai Tai’s “gossips” from B to Z but dumped those “rubbish” at once because she was always busy her minds to restart her second career in her mid life.

Tai tai B is an older woman who married a very rich established husband, she never needs to worry her slippery tongue or tongue-in-cheek which might one day resulting a slap on her cheek. She is in nature a very helpful and kind tai tai, a great entertainer and humorous in tongue-in-cheek ways, she loves to pull those BB Tai Tai friends’ tails time to time “if she thought” they treated BB Tai Tai meanly, but this time story went on a bit differently …. Tai tai B went on pulling tai tai A’s whisker! Tai tai A somehow reserved her educated, polite and quiet composure without retaliating on scene when her whisker got pull with no reason.

What had happened was recently tai tai A sold her business and BB Tai Tai was the only good friend who knew A’s transactions in and out. Tai tai A discovered BB Tai Tai betrayal as a trusted friend during a breakfast meet when she and tai tai Z exchanged their pleasantry, then tai tai A mentioned to tai tai Z that she already sold her business but was making a lost in her investing assets and renovation, unexpected tai tai B interrupted promptly, rudely and meanly in a very hostile way to tai tai A, “You stayed there, ate there and used the venue for ten over years, you shouldn’t say …. !!!” Tai Tai A's minds was not ready for fighting with a bitch yet when there were people owed her debts which she tried to twist her brain looking for money needed to settle her outstanding credit cards. Tai Tai A “hibernated” such unexpected insult for 3 nights, upon woke up, she got wiser when she recalled those rude remarks tai tai B tried to mock her, actually she thought she should forgive those tai tais as she was not that kind of small hearted tai tai, but she felt if her tail was being pull she could still say meow a bit louder to them, but this time actually someone whom she didn’t know well came along to pull her whisker, she thought that was quite close to her mouth, thus she thought of given a hiss if not a bite.

Tai tai A then questioned herself, “I encountered or ate with tai tai B merely less than 10 times, I didn’t even have her phone contact (Simple: that mean I am not her friend or even associate) why tai tai B got so angry, told me off and acted so hostile towards me upon hearing my conversations related to my sold business, I am very curious why she could retaliate me without losing a single beat?” “I was talking to tai tai Z and actually my business transaction was none of tai tai B business, why she eavesdropped, responded and interrupted heatedly immediately?” “How tai tai B knew how many years I stayed in an O city before I move to C city?” “How tai tai B even knew where I stayed in O city which I kept P & C for 10 over years from most people?” and finally, “Who told tai tai B all about my private business?”

Then tai tai A further on analyzed and speculated why and what BB tai tai and tai tai B could have been gossiping behind her, tai tai A suspected that BB Tai Tai went on asking her main benefactor tai tai B’s opinion, “Hey! Tai tai A sold her business recently for 5K, do you think her business worth that much?” Then the details of tai tai A was given to tai tai B by BB Tai Tai for “evaluation” and at the end they made their conclusions that tai tai A business actually worth a lot less than it deserved. Then BB tai tai complained to tai tai B, “Huh, now she acted proudly like a millionaire and hardly called me out!”
Tai tai B replied, “Big deal?” Let me told her off one of these days if I got chance, she silently decided.

After this incident, tai tai A got so depressed, disappointed and mad, she consulted her wise buddy and spitted out her angers, her wise buddy told her, “Hi, you eating ang mo shits girl, you are too blunt and innocent, you are just not subtle and hypocrite enough to tango with local tai tais. I think you probably were talking too much about yourselves to that BB bitch, so she went on gossiped to those as equally bitchy snobbish friends of hers. They all think now that you are nobody thus they dared to create and make all sorts of bad remarks behind you and dared to challenge in front of you. If you are a Datin or Puan Seri now or your hubby is richer than that tai tai B’s, I bet none of those busy bodies would dare to bully or talk to you in disrespect manner, especially you don’t know that tai tai B so well.”

Tai tai A’s cousin who is though 10 years younger than her, but she is much streetwise, she advised, “If I met a person and she keep telling me other's people stuff, I'll watch out of her because I'll think with other people she might talk about me too. So, I share minimum information about me with her.. I can still hang out, just that my topic will not be about me...”


Friendships need mutual respect amongst each others, I would treat no matter poor and rich in such manner with genuine hearts if they don't do me harms, those who hurt me before I will take a step away from them, as a toy rat soon I will be treated as a passing fancy for mean tai tais!

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